My name is Rickimaru and I am the savior of the lost world. I was only nine when I began training in the temple. After ten years, I had grown so much. I was a very strong student, but still had so much to learn.
And on my nineteen birthday the world outside the temple came to a ruin. The warrior's of the Darksun village betrayed their brother villages and became apart of the Rah sun Jun. A infamous rebel hiarchy that stodd against the villages main alliances.
The entire temple knew this was the ending of all peace of the jurisdiction of the government.
It wasn't until our temple leaders were sent passed the trees to Yun ShiJun in a order to protect the villages from attack.
But it was too late.
Before they could return, Rah sun Jun attacked the villages and caused great ruin. And the village Darksun disappeared.