Chereads / The Wandering Calamity / Chapter 236 - Chapter 236: Happy Ending With Blo Blo

Chapter 236 - Chapter 236: Happy Ending With Blo Blo

"... Uh, you're beautiful?"

"Why do you not sound sure?!"


Bellona let up with chokehold and stared expectantly at Ares who was making doubly sure his next words were chosen particularly carefully. This was supposed to be fun... Why was it a hostage situation?! Ares wished he just let Bellona wash him and be done with it... "Although I don't really appreciate this specific situation, like REALLY don't, I enjoy the time I spend with you... Is that acceptable?" Ares asked as he winced and closed his eyes. Thankfully it seemed to be at least passable as Bellona's hand slowly got to work. It was pretty lazy thus far so evidently Ares was going to have to do better if he wanted better. Ares wasn't sure if he had an inner Eagerton but, if he did, he was going to have to channel it here and be poetic. If his compliments weren't well crafted, he would be shafted... And not in the pleasant way.

Bellona hmmm-ed to herself for a short while before deciding on which question she wanted an answer out of Ares about. "What's your favourite part of me?"

"Does your hand count right nowwwwwwwAHHHOUCH EASY EASY EASY. OK OK. I GET IT."

Bellona was honestly a little surprised Ares had the gumption to mess with her in this situation. He clearly knew what was at stake and yet he really couldn't hold himself back even now? Revenants really were a different breed of nuisance altogether and the lengths they were willing to go to was maybe even respect worthy. "Try again dumb mutt! I am at least a little serious and want to know your favourite part of me."

"Well it has to be your eyes."


"Mhm, I could happily stare into your eyes all day long. They're such a pretty colour and it reminds me of my magic. Ah but that's not the sole reason I love them, they only really work because it's you they're attached to. They suit you perfectly. Sometimes, when you look at me with upturned eyes, I get incredibly turned on. I can't get enough. If I had to pick one reason I'm so attracted to you it would be your eyes, definitely. They're special. Just the right shade to be pleasing to look at. They can be subtle and soothing or bright and energising. I don't know if you know this but, sometimes, throughout the day, when you're busy doing your own thing, I'll just watch you from the side so I can catch a glimpse of your eyes. There's nothing I enjoy more than pestering you when you're sleepy, and part of that is because you're cute when you're tired, but the main draw for me is when you struggle to open your eyes and that brilliant amber is slowly unveiled to me. That deep and dark yellow that becomes a refreshing yellow with a hint of shine is the perfect way to get the day started. It's mostly why I turn to you and bully you with kisses in the morning instead of Enyo if I can avoid her, you're just so gorgeous I can't help myself."

Blo Blo's grip tightened again but this time it wasn't overbearing, rather just the right amount to satisfy Ares' urges. She was feeling shy, and her blushed face spoke volumes, which was probably why she was struggling to maintain direct eye contact with Ares right now as he kept talking. "There's no winning you know? No matter what you do I'm going to find you extremely cute right now. Even if you powered through the shame and looked me dead in the eye I would just find it adorable. That's another thing I love about you. You can act aggressive and throw around all the insults and clever remarks you want but, really, you're just a sweet little embarrassed girl beneath it all. I can't put into words how much I'm looking forward to being inside you as you lay underneath me with flushed cheeks. I'll hold you by the chin and stare into your bashful eyes all I want. And the best part? You'll power through and try to give me a defiant glare, maybe even bite your lip to hide your moans. I can't wait to toy with you because I want to break that stubbornness. So I'll let you look away from me now but, later, when I've got your mouth between my legs, I'm going to have you look up at me with those radiant eyes of yours. You can try and maintain that tough façade all you want but it'll just make me want to stroke your head and push deeper into your mouth. Your bark is worse than your bite and I can't wait to drill that into you, all the while enjoying every second I get to treat your precious eyes like refined gems and observe them to my heart's content.

Those are my favourite parts of you. You call yourself rough and ready but you were jealous of Enyo for getting compliments. I think you can be really girly sometimes and I like that side of you too. I like all of you, actually. Brash or bashful, you'll always be cute to me and there's nothing you can do about it. You're too cute for your own good and it makes me want to mess with you. I'm only holding back because of your wish to take things a bit slower otherwise I would have pounced on you a long time ago and shown you exactly what I think of that snarky, soft mouth of yours. I want to do a lot more than just kiss it and I know you want it too. You've headbutt me plenty of times but, soon enough, I'll give you something else to rub your head and face up against."

Ares had evidently abandoned the idea of waxing poetic. There were hints of it at the start but he saw a greater reaction in Bellona when he started being bluntly honest and rolled with that instead. Clearly, if the sublime feeling in his lower half was anything to go by, it had worked a charm. Bellona's pace and wrist twisting had both gone up multiple notches now and that could very well either be because she was feeling sufficiently delighted by the honeyed words or because she was starting to get a bit lustful herself. She'd definitely upped her game towards the end when mentioning her head and mouth so it was probably the latter and also a result of Ares' declaration of intent. The best pat of it all came right at the end as she stubbornly refused to back down from Ares' provocations, as he knew she would, and stared him deep in the eyes as she pleasured him. She must have felt emboldened by Ares inability to move as she leant over him and shuffled closer to let him gaze into her eyes from close up. When he whispered to her that he was nearly there, she kindly lowered her tiny mouth to his because she remembered his preferences like the back of her hand.

Enyo had told Bellona that being able to rile up Ares felt like a superpower and right now, as his warmth throbbed strongly in her hands and he sunk his tongue behind her lips with inflamed passion, she could understand why. There were no thoughts in this man's head other than her and he was practically clamouring to get as much of her as he could. The ability to flip his switch and turn him into this sex-driven beast with a one-track mind tingled Bellona's nether region, and she was tempted to see how far she could take Ares on this wild ride, but she soon realised that a certain someone was leaning around the corner with a smug smile and just about poking her head into the bathroom. Enyo's sharp eyes were trained precisely on Bellona's stained hand and now Bellona was understanding that with great power comes great responsibility because she'd accidentally used this specific superpower on two people at once! Bellona made short of work of the stains by washing it off in the bath before Enyo got any funny ideas of which she undoubtedly had many right about now.

"Oh no, don't mind me. I don't want to interrupt you, I just want to watch." Enyo coyly waved her limp hand with a grin on her face.

"Oh yeah sure, and pigs can fly too now can they?"

"Some actually can you know? And not just the monster variants either, the regular ones can actually cultivate sometimes if they're born with above average IQ. Hundreds of years ago the C.O heard about a cultivating pig and, out of curiosity, fed it a bunch of cultivation resources. It reached transition and genuinely learnt to fly! Neat story, huh?"

"First of all, where did you even hear that from. And second of all, what even happened to that pig? If it reached transition it should be able to live for more than a couple hundred years no sweat. Or rather, shouldn't it have gone up to Vraizon and kept cultivating? That seems like the kind of thing we would have heard about back home no?"

Enyo shook her head side to side. "I learnt about it from Bea. As for why we never heard about it growing up, that's because the pig never made it to Vraizon. It was killed and eaten because people were curious as to how it would taste. It had just started to learn how to talk so it was a bit weird murdering it while it whined like a child... It's actually a really cruel story... But pigs can in fact fly!"

"I feel like we've gotten side-tracked... What are you doing here again? I get the whole voyeurism thing but the shows over, creep, there's nothing left for you to get off on. I ain't giving an encore."

"Shame. I wished I could have arrived sooner and watched from the start but I was busy. My lewd radar was on full alert but I was speaking with Calla outside. She said she's bringing Ya Ye and Asha around alter for dinner, if that's ok with you Ares?"

Bellona turned around and watched Ares walk past her to head towards his pile of clothes. "That's fine, I've got more than enough to feed everyone. I still need to thank them properly for helping me out earlier."




Bellona finally caught up with what she was looking at and asked the question to end all questions. "... Why are you able to walk now?"

"Now?" Ares tilted his head before realising he accidentally let the cat slip out of the bag with his response. "Oh yeah, no, I could definitely only walk now. Mhm, just now actually. Right this very instant and no sooner. Couldn't walk this whole time no-sir-ee. A real miracle this is."




She'd been fooled again! First Ares had pretended to be asleep, and now he pretended to be unable to move! Betrayed! Bamboozled! Baffled! Befuddled By Bastard! Bellona slowly craned her neck towards Ares with a smile that did not reach her eyes, not even close. The shine in her eyes had been replaced by the spark of evil and her hands were twitching. "... You." 


Ares backed away from the snarling animal and tried to play dumb by tilting his head, knocking on his brain with his knuckle, and sticking his tongue out in a cutesy fashion. "Whoopsie! My bad. My mistake. How about we talk about this like fully grown, mature adults! That would be swell, yeah? Violence is never the answer, right?... Right Blo Blo?"

"Talk? Talk? Oh I'll have a little chat alright. I'll have a nice long conversation with your junk! Gimme it and let me punish you!" Bellona chased Ares around the bathroom, attempting to catch within her vice grip Ares' dangling white camel.


Enyo shrugged "It'll regrow."


"What? Don't look at me with those puppy eyes. This is your fault to begin with! Wasn't it you who wanted to be taken care of by Bellona instead of me? Don't come crying to me now that you've realised that was a mistake! Also, what was that you were saying earlier? I might have misheard you but I think you were saying something about how you kept choosing Bellona over me in the mornings because of her beautiful eyes? Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise mine weren't good enough for you!"

"Enyo ENYO! Don't be like this! You can't be more beautiful than Bellona in every single way!"

"EXCUSE ME?!" And now, as Ares had opened his big fat mouth and unintentionally said the wrong thing, he'd successfully pissed off Blo Blo! "Are you saying my eyes are the only thing I have going for me over my sister?! That's it! Come here you jerk!"

"Ha, well, technically, you were the one jerking..."

"I will throttle your manhood until it cries for mercy!" Bellona used her magic to speed up and jump on Ares' back like a monkey. She wrestled him around the room while Enyo watched on and this little charade continued for a couple of minutes before Ares collapsed to the floor.

"Uh oh..." Ares was really worried now! "Uh, so I can't move again... My revenant regeneration improved a bit after transforming into Garmr, which was why I was able to move so soon after returning to my human form, but all this running around has strained my tired muscles so I've kinda run out of steam again... Blo Blo? You know I love you, right Blo Blo? I would do literally anything for you my Blo Blo dearest."

"Anything?" Bellona's hand was curling around Ares' waist, and slowly finding its mark, as he was visibly sweating.

"Anything! Name it and it shall be done!"

"Ok. While my sis' and I are both here together. Why don't you tell us which one of us is more beautiful?" Bellona's hand was now, once again, wrapped around Ares although for an entirely different reason this time.

"... Come on Blo Blo, that's silly! There's no need for EASY WITH THE GRIP."

"Do it! Do it or the camel gets it!"

"If... If I'm honest, will you let me go even if you don't like the answer?"

"We'll just have to find out the hard way, won't we husband."


Stuck between a rock and a hard hand, Ares was doomed! If he lied Bellona would be annoyed and so would Enyo. If he told the truth, Bellona might still be annoyed anyway! Ares' brain wracked itself at a million thoughts per second in a desperate bid to search for an answer that would save him from this mess. "I... Think... That..."

"Spill it!"

"Okokokokok. I think, objectively speaking, Enyo is more beautiful than you are. By normal beauty standards she comes out on top... And sometimes on the bottom depending on her mood... Ahem. BUT I think you are a more unique woman than your sister is. Enyo can never have a flat chest nor can she change the colour of her eyes or facial structure to match yours. You possess qualities she does not and I'm not simply saying that to try and worm my way out of the situation. There have been multiple occasions when I was more attracted to you than Enyo. I've said it many times today already but you can be very cute. Enyo can too but it's a lot rarer nowadays because she's become way more confident in herself. That's not to say you aren't, it's just that your confidence manifests itself as arrogance and I like that feistiness. Enyo is more beautiful, you are cuter. Neither of you are, in any way shape or form, inferior to the other. I know it sounds like the cop out 'you're both equally as good looking' answer but I swear this is different! I won't compare apples and oranges because I like both and they're two different things!... If anything, mixing them together in a fruit salad makes them even more enjoyable..."

"Ok, shut up perv." Bellona turned to judge and jury Enyo. "Alright sis' what do we think about his final plea?"

Enyo stroked her chin with a contemplative stare. "Hmmm, I say not guilty. I'm fine with his response. What say you, executioner Bellona?"

Bellona glared around Ares' waist at his manhood, poked the head, and scolded it with a warning. "You live to see another day, punk. And you!" Bellona flipped Ares, lay on his back, and put her head over his shoulder to look him in the eyes. "Stop fooling me into giving you a handjob!... You could have just asked normally..." Bellona mumbled that last part with a sigh.

Ares moved his head and pecked Bellona's lips. "I know but I wanted to be spoiled by you a little. We had fun, right?"

Bellona nuzzled against Ares neck and lay comfortably atop him, resting in peace with her dumb husband. "Mhm, we did."

Enyo always enjoyed watching Ares and Bellona get along so, rather than interrupt, she simply picked them both up with a barrier and escorted them into the bedroom where they could take a nap on the bed while hugging each other. She was tempted to join them but she knew when to leave well enough alone and let the happy lovebirds have their special moment together. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, while leaving the bedroom and taking one last glance at them huddled together, Ares and Bellona really did make a cute couple. Still, she viewed it as a good thing. Enyo wanted nothing more for Bellona than to find a meaningful spot in Ares life. If she could give him nothing that Enyo couldn't then she might feel left out. This was perfect and Enyo could not be any more convinced she made the right call to let Bellona into their lives. Besides, the reason Enyo was jealous right now wasn't actually because of Bellona, it was because of Ares! Yeah sure lying in the bed hugging her husband would be great and all, but she could do that whenever! What she really wanted was to be the one holding Bellona! Ares was right about her, Bellona was way too cute for her own good. Enyo was very much looking forward to the Grecian Lands where she would finally get her own chance to bully her little sister with kisses and much, much more. Enyo had to admit, Ares had good taste. Bellona's eyes really were the standout feature and now Enyo was concocting all manner of ways to enjoy them while she enjoyed the rest of Blo Blo's body.

A few hours later.


Peck peck



Ares chuckled to himself as Bellona made funny noises while he kept kissing her awake. Her stunning eyes fluttered open and when she realised Ares was staring into them, and remembered why, shy got flustered and buried her head in his chest like an ostrich. Ares ran his hand through her hair and held her close, enjoying the quiet life for a while before Enyo entered the room and threw his clothes onto the bed. She informed him the guests were arriving so Ares begrudgingly had to get up. As much as he wanted to continue playing with the sleepy Blo Blo, it was time to finish up dinner and start handing it out. Though he made one large dish for everyone, he'd specially made Bellona her favourite, some burgers and a milkshake. No doubt she'd be overjoyed to find out later when she stumbled into the living room. Ares had also made the two visiting season's favourite dishes as well as Calla had gotten that information out of them and passed it on to Ares via Enyo's mental connection. She sent him a quick note before leaving the room earlier so he got to work on it in the Blade and didn't actually get much sleep. Not that that was really important to him, he just wanted to be close to his wife for a while. He was a bit tired but it's not like he had anything strenuous to do today so that was fine. He could get a good night's rest later on as, apparently, Enyo had come up with some new fangled art that could help him sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed; she mentioned it when passing on the favourite dishes of the seasons so that Ares could stay awake with peace of mind that later he'd get to relax properly. Ares made sure to thank her for that by making her a ton of honeycomb for after dinner as that would no doubt be all the payment she needed to be happy. That and maybe pampering her for a bit tomorrow morning in bed. He had picked Bellona today so it was only fair to give her some attention as well before retreating to the cultivation room for God only knows how long.

Ares entered the living room and spied the two seasons sitting around, being lectured by Calla on how to use Echoes. Apparently Calla had also learnt the art and gotten really good with it. She had excellent pressure mastery so it wasn't too big a surprise her proficiency with the art was good enough that she could teach others. At times, Echoes could feel like pressure bursts anyway so anyone with a high affinity would get it down pat quick, especially the pressure mixing part that came after further down the line. As for how Ye was both here and in the coliseum at the same time, he'd used a talisman to create a clone. It was a higher grade talisman than the type Ares used for Appa's sake a while back, however, so it could even fight a bit if needed. Regardless, Ye did not need to waste his time on such trivialities in person and a clone was more than capable of doing everything he promised before vanishing when the clock struck twelve.

Ares gave greetings. "Hey. Welcome to my humble abode. Hopefully you can get comfortable here and enjoy some good food as thanks for helping me out earlier. I never did get a chance to thank you properly so allow me to return the favour with whatever hospitality I can provide you. If you have any questions or wants, I'll be happy to answer or provide them to the best of my ability."

Ya ye clapped his hands together and gestured towards a seat. "Well I think I speak on behalf of the seasons when I say I would like an explanation? That revenant form is the most astounding thing I've ever seen but I would very much like to know how and why it even exists, if that's alright with you? If it's private I am willing to accept that and not pry any further."

"He is, I aint. I wanna know." Asha raised her hand and tiredly grumbled. "Sorry, I'm nosy like that. I ain't making excuses for my behaviour, I just really wanna know how a revenant ends up like that. I take it it ain't got nothing to do with eating your greens..."

Ares shook his head with a small laugh. "No, no it is not. Also I don't mind sharing anyway, it's nothing particularly out there... Other than maybe the Dominus part, I guess..." Ares proceeded to give a lengthy explanation. Dominus really was the most surprising part because he was such a legendary figure, after all. After that explanation was taken care of everyone chatted about this and that while Ye kept probing Ares to find out when he'd be visiting the Starlight's planet. Eventually Ares was forced to make a promise he would stop by at some point during his journey through Vraizon. Of course the Umbra planet was first but, after that? He wasn't so sure. He could just go in order which would be Umbra planet, simulated planet, Willow planet, Starlight planet, and finally the Legion planet... But there were others out there too and he might stop by one or two of them as well. He wasn't going to skip over potential cultivation resources and treasures in mysterious planets so if he had a reason ot stop, or was just generally interested, he would. Still, Ye was ok with knowing that Ares would show up eventually, he could wait until then. As for Asha, she didn't really have much to say other than a warning not to hang around Theo lest he skinned Ares alive. It was a rather gruesome reminder but Ares appreciated it nonetheless!

When the conversation was on its last legs, Ares segued into dinner by announcing it was done and ready. Calla had been bragging about Ares' cooking prowess so now he had to live up to expectations which were rather lofty. The four clans had their own highly talented chefs so Ares' competition was not light. He was going to have to really strut his stuff here and, honestly, he felt good. He didn't just create what was asked of him, he put his own flair into it which wasn't something he did often. Unless given free reign, Ares would shy away from doing things that weren't asked of him in the dish. It was a customer satisfaction thing and he believed they, the people eating his food, knew what they wanted better than he did. In this case, though, Ares wanted to try showing off a bit for the higher browed individuals... Minus Calla who just like chomping on meat and wolfing it down like a starved animal. Luckily for Calla the meal he made for everyone else to share was just a bunch of different meats as he had a hunch she would be showing up today. As for Ye and Asha... Well, Ares had done his best. If they were satisfied, great. If not... Well then Ares would be sure to hunt down the chefs that fed these two regularly and ask them a few hundred questions!... And steal from them with Omniscience! Still, right now, Ares felt confident. All that was left was to plate everything up and find out what they thought about it all.