Chereads / The Wandering Calamity / Chapter 127 - Chapter 127: Nine, Ten, Do a Dance and Then...

Chapter 127 - Chapter 127: Nine, Ten, Do a Dance and Then...

Ares did eventually thaw out... No thanks to literally anyone else mind you. Just because he deserved it, didn't mean he had to be treated like this! Well whatever, he was out now and had his sights set firmly on the band in the corner. They'd taken a short break during the earlier kerfuffle but they were about to get back into the swing of things. While Ares waited for them get the mood going in the venue, Ares went over to go see how his brother was doing. Rag was being dragged out of the room so everyone that had come here with negative intentions was gone... For the most part anyway. Arguably Trixie also had 'negative intentions' but she was an entirely different manner of beast compared to Aejaz' family. Ares had fended off Sho but Trixie was Allie's problem. Even know he could see her grumpily trying to shoo her away... Unsuccessfully. Ares had no dog in this fight so he wouldn't interrupt. Whether she stayed and joined the family alongside Allie or was outright denied by her would be interesting to see. 

Ares walked over to Aejaz who was comforting his sister and catching up. "Yo, you two doing alright?"

"H... Hello. Thank you for earlier..." Lacy bowed her head and looked up at Ares with beady eyes. And thus, Ares' third little sister had come into the fold. Spoiling all the cute people in Ares' life was getting harder and harder the more of them there were but that was a price Ares was willing to pay.

Ares pat little Lacy on the head and pulled some chocolate cake out of the Primordial Blade he'd made a while back. He had no real use for it and kinda just left it there in case he came across anyone who might want some. It was one his failed experiments but the taste was still pretty decent so he offered it to Lacy. "No need to thank me. We have plenty of space in our house for someone as adorable as you! If you ever need anything, especially food, then let me know and I'll get it done. An how about you 'Jaz, you ok?"

Aejaz gave a wry smile. "I'm fine... Although I really don't understand why Allie's so mad with Trixie... It's getting a bit heated over there and I'm honestly scared to poke my nose into it. I considered trying to ease the tensions a bit and all I got in return were two death glares that forced me to retreat back to my seat..."

"Well yeah, duh, I could've told you that would happen."

"Do you know what they're arguing about?"

"Aejaz, you are the only person in this room who doesn't. Don't worry about it too much, it's not the kind of thing you'll have a say over anyway... Trust me on that one, I've experienced it first hand... That aside, good job holding off your family until I arrived. Still, I've done everything I can do on my end, you know you're up next right? During the tournament you're going to have to be the one to bury the hatchet with your clan yourself. You already have all the tools so it's a matter of whether you're mentally prepared... Then again, you almost killed Job so I'm guessing you're good to go on that front."

"Yeah, now more than ever I want to distance myself from them. Before it was apathy with a hint of hate but now they've gotten on my nerves fully. Their behaviour today was out of line and I want to punish them myself. Embarrassing them at the international ought to satisfy me and end things between us for good. I'm ready for it... Too ready, almost. I kinda wish I could just get it over and done with at this point."

"Well you never know, maybe. The lots for the tournament aren't being drawn until first thing tomorrow so there's still a chance you could very well get to go up against them from the start... The chances aren't likely though. If what I've heard is correct there are thirty six teams competing in total so matching up against your preferred target quickly isn't guaranteed. Hell there's a chance you might not even get to see them at all. People like Mako, the Legion family, and my own family could very well knock them out early too. Gotta cross your fingers and pray."

"... If I don't get a chance to fight them, should I just show off the art anyway? I should, right?"

"Yeah. Doesn't have to be immediately if that's the case. No point in worrying about it now though but yes, at some point during the competition, I want you to 1 vs 5. There's no worming your way out of it, you're more than capable of it as you are now. Mako and I are obviously the standouts, in a league of our own, but you aren't any weaker than someone like Enyo or Bellona. You may even be above them currently with that art so, for your sake, you need to make that clear. Your family, more than anyone, has to know that you are above their reach now."

"Um..." Lacy waved her hand because she was too timid to but into the conversation in a more blunt way. "... Is Aejaz actually strong now?" Lacy asked before getting flustered and trying to correct herself. "I d... I don't mean he was weak or anything I just... I'm worried about him..."

"Haha, you've got no reason to worry. Aejaz is plenty strong now. In comparison to me maybe not but that's an unfair comparison in the first place. Compared to any of his brothers? Yeah, he's strong for sure. Plus the rest of our team isn't exactly weak either so if anything goes wrong during the tournament you can be sure they'll back him up. And if things look really desperate, there's always me. I'm as strong as at least five Aejaz-s stacked on top of each other."

"Oi!" Aejaz wasn't going to take this lying down!

Ares rolled his eyes. "Fine. Four and a half Aejaz-s." Aejaz grumbled but didn't reply. "See Lacy? Your brother may be stronger than he used to be, but he's still quite the coward. Feel free to bully him every now and then 'cos he won't fight back."

"I... I think he's been bullied enough by Sho..." Lacy took Ares seriously and made him want to pinch her cheeks.

"Yeah, well, Sho ain't gonna be bullying him anymore. That ship has sailed and Aejaz wasn't riding it so you don't need to concern yourself with him. You should also stay away from your family too while Yvonne, Job, and Sho are still in the picture. I would argue Fletch, Scowl, and Phlo aren't exactly great people either but they aren't the main issue from what I can tell. At the very least they won't bother you without a reason to do so, it's just that the other three will give them a reason and they'll listen obediently. You're obviously free to do as you please but I highly recommending not leaving the sect on your own for a while, especially during the international while your family is still here. Thankfully this sect has most things you'll need to live comfortably. As I mentioned earlier if there's anything specific you want I can get it, even if I need to go out into town for it that's a non-issue. Also if you want to choose clothes or something you can go with Bellona and Enyo or me if I'm free."

"Mm. Thank you."

"No worries." Ares happily pet Lacy again. "Enjoy the cake and the rest of the night. I think today you might have to share a room with Trixie but that's just because we have a lot of guests around at the moment. Things will ease up in the future and then you can have your privacy." Ares said his goodbyes before briefly checking in with Esme and Li Li. These two were doing more than fine so Ares went on his merry way. Ares passed by Allie and Trixie and couldn't resist interjecting with "You two would make a cute couple the way you bicker at each other" before running away. Allie almost chucked mini-pillie strength at her doofus brother Ares but decided not to because he would probably just dodge it and retaliate. On the plus side, he did leave her some chocolate cake... Not that that helped her in any way with the vixen she was arguing with!... First a spoonful of cake, then back to war!... Why is half the cake gone?! Allie looked over and saw Trixie gobbling up some of her chocolate cake without remorse.

As Trixie chewed on the food, she spoke in garbled tones, "Jish is sho good. Mm, thanksh fo sha'ing wit me."

Allie grinded her teeth back and forth. "I will not be sharing anything with you! Spit it out!"

While the two kept going at each other, Ares walked back over to the Legion table. The music was finally playing and it was a nice slow number. Ares would have asked Enyo to dance here and now but first came Bellona. Dancing with Enyo would set the rest of the night in motion so he wanted to get everything else over and done with first and Bellona was on that list. She'd helped out in a big way for today, what with Enyo's dress and teaching her how to dance too, so Ares felt it was only right to make some time out for her too. This was something he'd already mentioned to Enyo prior to today as well so it was fine in that regard. She wasn't going to get all moody with him for dancing with her first now that he'd explained his reasoning for doing things in this order. Ares walked up behind a seated Bellona and rubbed her shoulders. "Would mademoiselle care for a dance?"

She stood up and snorted at Ares. "What's with the cheesy language? Perhaps I should call you a croque monsieur?"

"Bellona. I love that, deep down, you're just as stupid as I am."

"You wish punk." Bellona sauntered past Ares and dragged him by the hand to the area populated by couples and flirty individuals who were already dancing.

The song had already started but it hadn't been going for too long so it's not like Bellona was being short-changed or anything. Besides this was mostly just for a bit of fun between them anyway. Ares had gone on a date night with Enyo a while back but the time he'd spent with Bellona in comparison was somewhat lacking so even something small like this was meaningful in its own way. Ares wrapped his arm around Bellona's back and pulled her in close with a smirk. "Well doesn't this ring a bell?" Bellona's chest was rubbing up against his and Ares calling back to the last time this happened made Bellona blush and scowl at him.

"You're an idiot."

"Me? Aren't you the one who seriously thought I was asleep during that whole incident? Did you think I was secretly dead? What man wouldn't wake up with that happening to him?!… Or maybe you really did know and the thought of it excited you?"

"I should have yanked it off."

"You kinda already did..." Ares and Bellona slowly took step after step with their hand intertwined firmly off to the side. "... Not that I'm complaining mind you. On a different note, what do you think?" With a tilt of her head, Bellona indicated she wasn't entirely sure what he was asking about. Ares chuckled and clarified. "I mean me. Do you like it? The way I came dressed up today was pretty much entirely for you and Enyo so I hope you like it, is all."


"Hmph? Well that is certainly not the kind of response I was expecting. You still struggle with compliments do you? It doesn't have to be some grand, poetic gesture. Repeat after me; 'you look good'."

"You look stupid."

"And you look stupidly good." Bellona smiled and had to kiss her teeth to hide it and pretend otherwise. "See? That made you feel good right? It's easy enough if you try. Of course if you really don't want to that's ok, I can always ask Enyo instead. She'll no doubt give me a compliment that's both eloquent and elaborate... And laden with sexual aggression no doubt but that's par the course with her."

Bellona turned her head to the side and pouted. "Don't talk about her while we're dancing..."

"Hm." Ares narrowed his eyes. "It's not that I don't understand where you're coming from but try and think about things from my perspective. I can't talk about her, and you're unwilling to talk about me... Am I just supposed to endlessly compliment you all night and get nothing in return? I know 'pitting' you against Enyo is dirty, and I'll admit I shouldn't have gone about things in that manner, but what now? Is this really how you want to end a night that has been fantastic otherwise? How long am I going to have to chase you, Bellona? The pillow, sneaking into your room, letting you overhear me when I talked with Rhea, making you be honest and say you love me, asking you to dance, whispering sweet nothings into your ear... I appreciate you maybe aren't comfortable with being the one who leads, I get that, but is asking you for a compliment really that big a deal? Look, what I'm going to say next is the hard truth. We have a big family here Bellona, absolutely massive. Even today it expanded to more than double that which it was before. Trixie, Lacy, my siblings, and yours. Add on to that the rest of the wives in the future, family members of the wives, and any potential children adopted or otherwise. There is not enough time in the day for me to deal with everyone. I am only human and I will prioritise those who come to me. I'm not trying to force you out of your comfort zone because it amuses me or anything so dull, I'm doing it for your sake. Imagine I have ten different family members all asking me for a favour and wanting to spend time with me... What am I supposed to do? Come and pluck you out of the corner every time and ignore them? That's favouritism and you can't expect that from me, at least not in that way. If you want my time, you're going to have to be the one that asks for it. Yes I can be an egomaniac sometimes but that's not why I'm asking you for a compliment. I want you to familiarise yourself with the idea of being more aggressive with me... Well that's half of it. I also am a bit annoyed the effort I went to is clearly not being respected or appreciated at all. Considering your attitude I may as well have not even bothered for all the difference it would have made."


Bellona headbutt Ares in the face. "You're annoying... Enyo wasn't wrong when she said arguing against you was a pain. You really like guilt tripping people don't you? Well congrats... Now I feel bad... And I know that's my fault for acting like this but still! I'm not Enyo. I don't like it when you talk to me like this... Don't think you can talk to me like this and it'll work just because it does with Enyo! I'll admit I've made mistakes but so have you."

"You're right. But you seriously need to stop caring about Enyo so much. Stop treating her like some kind of goal or obstacle. If it was wrong for me to bring her up then it's equally as wrong for you to do so. This has nothing to do with her and I wasn't intentionally trying to discuss this with you the way I would her. That was an accident. From now on I'll do things the right way with you and just be brutally honest. Bellona, you're being stupid. Do you have any idea how much of a piece of garbage you make me feel like for planning this out for weeks only to get silence from you? If it weren't for this suit being in the way I would have thrown down with you already and pried the words from your lips if need be. Stop being childish and difficult and just compliment me already."

"I can't damnit!"

"Why not?"


"Bellona, be honest with me. If you can't be honest with either me or Enyo then you're pretty screwed you know? Who else is there to rely on?"

"..." Bellona looked over her shoulder at Enyo and sighed. "Promise me you won't tell her no matter what?"

"If I think you have a valid enough reason for me not to tell her then sure."

"Fine... Today you're the hottest guy I've ever seen. Unbearably so. Your normal look is just kind of whatever, if I'm being honest. I like handsome men more than muscular or rugged men. It's not that I dislike who you are normally it's just the way you are now is so much more attractive to me... And because of that I feel seriously jealous of Enyo. Seeing you like this and being unable to have you... Knowing that another woman gets to have you like this and that I have to wait is insufferable. Ever since you walked through those doors I've been obsessed to an unhealthy degree."

"Is that it? Being jealous is fine and Enyo wouldn't care in the slightest. Hell she'd probably sympathise with y... Oh. Right. Fine, I see the problem. I'm really sorry. I was wrong to make assumptions."

"Yeah? No kidding... I mean it's not like everything you said is wrong and I know I need to work on that stuff... But I have no issue with complimenting you. Especially not today. Being in this close a-proximity to a guy as hot as you is making me seriously horny you know? I don't usually get this hot and bothered... Tsk. Whatever, now you know. D.O N.O.T T.E.L.L E.N.Y.O. You know what she's like... You know what she'll do..."

"Yeah... Invite you to join so as not to have you be left out, right?"

"Tsk, that stupid lovesick moron wouldn't even think twice. It's her special night and she'd throw it all away for me. I love her but she can be a real fool sometimes... Take care of her would you?"

Ares smiled. "Sure, but you do a pretty good job of that too. You and Enyo really get along well and you're always both trying to help each other behind each others' backs."

"Yeah. I guess... If it's not too much to ask, when we... You know... When we go all the way, can you slick your hair back and have the earing in like today?... Damnit, even just imaging it is making me excited. Why don't you just always do you hair like that? Better yet, let me dress you! Next time you go shopping bring me along and I'll pick your casual clothes."

"The clothes sure, but I've gotten used to my normal hair. If you like it the way it is currently that much then whenever we're together I'll change it, and that includes the bedroom."

"Good... Maybe you could also dye your hair blond?"

"I'm learning a lot about your tastes, Bellona. Still, I'm glad. I'd rather know than not know. If you really want we can mess around with my hair too. After the tournament I'll be leaving for a while but when I come back I give you full permission to dye my hair and do it up however you fancy. I'll be your dress up doll until your satisfied, ok?"

"In that case, I forgive you for being an asshole earlier!... Actually, no, wait, I can still milk this a bit more. Gimme a kiss, stud!"

Ares shook his head and laughed before doing as demanded. The end of the music synchronised with the start of the kiss and a while later, when it finished, the two were done for the day.

"Uh, Ares, you might want to head back over to Enyo and deal with that guy..." Bellona pointed back at the table and Enyo was being pestered by someone Ares recognised... Biggie. Biggie was that one guy that was in Ares' tier in the inner court, the brute that was head over heels for Enyo. He should have been on the floor below but he must have come up here looking for a dance with her... What a blithering moron. Even from here he could see Enyo mercilessly rejecting him outright and yet he was still being obnoxious about it. Ares wasn't particularly concerned for a number of reasons, but primarily it was because...


Rhea pounded Biggie into the floor so hard a hole was created and he went sailing through it. Rhea had pushed this clown back to where he belonged before taking a seat again like nothing had happened. Of course having a hole in the floor like this was a little awkward so Terros kindly filled it in. He couldn't use much magic in this clone form but this much was doable. The power he could wield was tied to A; how strong Mako was and B; how close the clone was to its original body / mana source.

Enyo felt a presence behind her so she turned around to see Ares leaning on the back of the next empty seat along from her. He winked and she instantly understood that tonight's main events were getting started. The moment she stood up and held his hand they were locked into a course with no deviation but that was fine, it was what Enyo wanted. As they walked over, Enyo spoke. "I did learn to dance from Bellona but I'm really not that good at it. Don't expect anything professional."

Ares caressed her hand to reassure her. "That's not the point. I just want to dance with you. You could flop around like a epileptic fish having a fit out of water for all I care, so just put your two best left feet forward and we'll go from there."

"Hmph, still loaded with silly jokes like always, I see. Got anymore inside that thick skull of yours?"

"Yeah, two more actually. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Neither. Look, the band is starting. Don't ruin the music with your awful jokes."

"I won't. I understand how... Instrumental the music is to creating a good atmosphere."

"That was one of them wasn't it? I'll give you credit for worming it into the conversation but I refuse to laugh." Enyo flicked Ares chest before putting one of her hands on his shoulder and the other in his grasp. She reminisced and couldn't help but smile as she thought back on how this all started. "To think us two stumbling around each other back in Baja led to this..."

"Things could have gone very wrong back then, in hindsight. The whole revenant thing was way more complicated than I knew and yet here we are. Both our families seem to be ok with one another, and you and I... Well I don't need to tell you how well we get along. Old me was wise in his own ways for asking for a dance after winning the bet. Actually, I'm somewhat glum I didn't win the other one as well."

"The one in the hotel room?"

"Yeah. I would have cooked for your family regardless but I still haven't found an excuse to get you to cook for me yet."

"How about for your birthday? If I'm going to make a fool of myself it might as well be for a good reason. Me and Bellona can work together and try to cook something up for you. Usually it's you crafting personalised food for everyone else and, although I'm not a good cook in the slightest, the challenge itself sounds fun. Thinking about what kind of person you are, what represents you, and what you'd like is right up my alley. With the aid of Bellona I'm sure we could muster up something. Then again, when even is you birthday? Do you know?"

"Unfortunately my memory is hazy. I can always check with Calla some other time, I'm sure she'd know."

"Why not leave it as a surprise? Me and Bellona will ask, you can just wait."

"Ha, fine by me. I look forward to it."

"Speaking of Bellona... Should I even ask why that aggressive tomboy headbutt you mid dance?"

"No. Because you're as amazing as you are dense, it's better for you not to know until later."

"... That silly girl was jealous wasn't she?"

"Ah hell. Why is your brain so massive when it comes to stuff like this?!"

"I'll have you know it's always this big, it's just diminished in your presence because your aura reduces everyone's IQ by at least thirty or more points."

"Yeah but not my own, right?"

"No comment."

Ares stuck his tongue out at Enyo. "But seriously, don't be foolish about this. I know you're thinking about letting Bellona join us but don't. She'll have her own time at a later date and I'm telling you know you will not be allowed to be there too no matter how horny you are."

"Fine. Though I do wish you and Bellona wouldn't see me as some kind of stubborn mule. I can be reasoned with sometimes."

"It's unreasonable we're even having this discussion in the first place..."

"For you perhaps. I think it's perfectly normal considering our situation and the relationship we've all fostered."

"If you say so... Hey, let me twirl you!"

"First of all, where did that even come from? And second of all, I have no idea what I'm doing so the onus to get it done right is all on you."

"Not twirling you in the dress you're wearing is criminal! I want to get a nice view of your beautiful back. As for that second part. Don't fret over it too much. When you dance with the devil..." Ares twirled Enyo 480 degrees until she was facing away from him and wrapped his hands around her waist as he pulled her into his embrace. "... I'll lead."

Enyo sighed and leant her head on his chest with a tired smile. "You know, this would have been a really romantic moment if you hadn't been hell bent on getting that second stupid joke in at any cost. It's my fault really for falling love with a man as hopeless as you. Still, this isn't so bad. You make me smile and that's more than I could ever have hoped for."

"Don't set your expectations so low, it'll hurt my feelings! The song is over but the night isn't. You know what comes next and I promise you I'll take it seriously. I would never dream of ruining a moment that can never be repeated. Will it be the most romantic thing ever? Probably not. I never claimed to be good at this sort of stuff, but I have tried to the best of my ability."

"I know, Ares, I know. You are a beautiful man in every way. Sorry it took me so long to say it, it just didn't feel right after everything you said to me. I feel a bit ashamed not knowing how to compliment you now that you've done it in the kind of way I wanted to and infinitely better at that. You took the wind out of my sails and I didn't really know how to recover from it. I guess the best way is just to rip the Band-Aid off and say what's on my heart and mind. Ares you are a special man. You're all over the place when it doesn't matter but the second it does you become the most reliable person I've ever seen. You've proven today you're capable of stunning a crowd and I'm right there with them. To know that whenever you look into that crowd you see me and only me makes me feel like the luckiest woman alive. God knows you aren't a perfect man but you are my perfect man in every way. The moments in which I get to have you all to myself feels like I'm living a dream. To date, that night we sat in the sky was my most precious and intimate moment with you. Tonight, let's make a new one."

A kiss on the neck and a tighter embrace were Ares' way of appreciating Enyo. "That was lovely to hear, thank you. I know how much physical intimacy means to you specifically. There's a difference between loving you and making love to you and tonight I promise I will do both. Let's go say our goodbyes and then I'll take you outside. It's not much but there is a little something I prepared for you." And with that, Ares and Enyo started walking back over to the table after their simple but satisfying dance. Tonight was coming to a close and step one of three was a success. Next up was the proposal and Ares had made somewhat of a bizarre choice for one specific item he was going to give Enyo, but it was certainly heartfelt if nothing else!