Chereads / Reincarnation Gone Wrong (GL) / Chapter 34 - Chapter - 33

Chapter 34 - Chapter - 33

Jenny eyed the rusted armor, wondering if she should still try to reach the wall behind it. The thing stood silent and unmoving, weapon at the ready. It hadn't immediately attacked, which was a plus. The right choice was to avoid this room, back track, search somewhere else. But if Jenny couldn't fight an enemy that bowed to her, and waited until she was ready, what chance did she have against an ambush? She looked back, sighed, and dropped the bag near the entrance. She held the long spear in both hands and stepped forward. As a precaution, she bowed without taking her eyes from the armor.

By the door, Biscuit stood on his— her legs, watching the proceedings. Jenny took a deep breath, pushed all distractions away from her mind, and zeroed in on the enemy.

Tarnished and corroded, each piece covered in a patina of rust. Some decorative etchings in the metal still resisted the corrosion and passage of time. The helm, with its visor lifted, revealed nothing inside. The surface was pocked and scarred. The breastplate was dented and discolored. The gauntlets' fingers curved around the hilt of a massive, equally rusted sword. The greaves and sabatons were also affected with similar rust and decay.

A mercenary part of Jenny's mind wondered if disabling whatever magic animated the armor was possible. Even a rusted, old, and battered full suit of armor could fetch a fortune. After one last look, she lunged, spear aimed at the leg joints. The fight would be much easier if she could disable its mobility.

The armor stood its ground and let Jenny approach. At the last possible moment, it brought down the sword faster than Jenny could see. It parried her lunge, then, with the flat of the blade, slapped Jenny away.

Biscuit squealed, a sharp, high-pitched sound, almost like a shriek.

Jenny fell down and tried to roll with the momentum.

The armor re-settled its stance and stood waiting again.

Jenny got up, and Biscuit's panicked rattle died down. That was strange. The armor could have used the blade edge as easily, and Jenny would have been in a heap of trouble, blood, and gore. She massaged her arm, where the flat of the blade hit. It stung, but it didn't hurt. She settled the stance again, considering what to do. Instead of a lunge, she tried something else. Jenny stepped closer and feinted another attack at the legs, only to sweep the spear up, aiming a slash at the arm joint this time. It was one of the primary short spear drills she had been taught, but pulling off with the heavy spear was much more complicated.

Heavy sword parried her attack, pushing the spear away and leaving Jenny's stance open. The armor moved forward, steps fluid despite the bulky size. The sword edge scraped along the metal spear with a grating high-pitched noise.

Jenny tried to move back but couldn't escape the sword's range.

The blade stopped short of hitting Jenny. The armor stepped back to its initial position and resumed its previous stance.

Jenny panted, her heart beat fast. She was no match for whatever this thing was, and it could have killed her two times already. But somehow, it didn't. She looked around again — at the seats, the circular arena, and the weapons on the far wall. Was this some sort of training ground? Magic training ground? Cursed training ground?

Magic knowledge churned in her mind. The forbidden knowledge told her the only way it could be done was by combining several different spells. The power expenditure was absurd, and someone had to control it at all times to have the armor move and react to things. Another glance at the dilapidated place didn't reveal anyone else.

Behind Jenny, Biscuit hopped excitedly, chittering away. She sighed, then smiled. She could shore up her training with the heavy spear here, where the armor stopped without inflicting any serious injury aside from her pride. She wanted to move away and find the exit to this place, but that was desperation speaking. The smart choice was to stay and fight. She still had about half a waterskin of ale. Jenny could practice, then leave later to try to find water, possibly in the garden. If there were plants there, then probably there was water as well.

Jenny cast the thoughts out of her mind and settled her stance again. She recalled the basics of spearmanship: thrust, lunge, parry, slash, feint, sweep, buttstrike, bind and pin, withdraw and counter. She took another step toward the armor.



Yuki wished she had popcorn. It was an unfathomable teacher in a long-forgotten dungeon!

At some point during the training, Jenny had thrown the cloak away, the woman's face glistened with sweat, the left side of her face bore a red bruise. Yuki thought back on that one. Jenny had tried something fancy that made no sense. Jenny had attempted to step inside the armor space, but the unfathomable teacher took an easy step back and slapped Jenny's face with the flat of its sword.

Yuki had realized the armor punished silly mistakes harshly. In situations where Jenny attacked but didn't leave herself open to counters, the armor would brute force its way past Jenny's defense and just push her away. A slap to the face was pretty obvious whenever Jenny tried something silly or weird. Worse when it was delivered with casual disregard, with the flat of a motherfucking Guts sword.

Jenny looked angry. Yeah, Yuki would be angry, too, given the sheer disregard from the armor. She could even imagine whatever was controlling the thing, laughing at Jenny's attempts. But aside from hurt pride and bruises, Jenny was unscathed. Maybe it was time to stop this?

Yuki hopped to the bag and picked up the last of the berries. She was getting hungry. "Jenny?" She called out.

The blonde had just stepped toward the armor, but stopped and looked at Yuki.

The armor reacted fast and mercilessly.

Yuki tried to warn Jenny, but it was too late.

The metal armor kicked Jenny in the guts, throwing her away from the arena.

Jenny rocketed back, spear forgotten, hands clutching at her stomach. She fell down, gasping for air, then coughed up blood. The woman tried to sit down but groaned in pain and fell back to the ground.

Yuki's guilt stabbed her in the heart again. She shouldn't have distracted Jenny. She hopped closer. "I'm sorry, Pet. I shouldn't have distracted you. Wait just a bit, and I'll make the pain go away."

Jenny's fingers reached Yuki's and scratched at the base of the rabbit's ears. Yuki closed her eyes and shuddered in pleasure but then shook her head. Healing first, petting later.