Chereads / All I have ever wanted / Chapter 6 - CHAPTER SIX

Chapter 6 - CHAPTER SIX

I was trying to get myself together when I heard Jackie calling my name. I came out of the stall; I took a look at myself in the mirror my face and hair were still intact so I made a sigh of relief.

"Could you tell me what the heck that was?" She said looking worried

"Let's just say we go way back. But I will tell you the whole thing when I am ready okay?" She nodded.

She held my hand as we walked to our class, when we passed the boys class, I saw the both of them trying to get a glimpse of us. We got to our seat I for one acted like nothing happened but Jackie kept looking at me to see if I was okay. The day ended but this time the boys were waiting at our class door and they looked really worried.

"Guys I'm fine okay?"

Jackie offered to give me ride home but I told her not to worry that my ride was waiting for me but she refused and said she would drop me at the gate until I get into the car before she would leave. She didn't want Clay coming near me, only if she knew he was the least of my problems. By the time we got to the gate I could see the car meant for me drive in since I could not drive my father got me a driver. I could tell it was mine from a mile away because I chose it myself what a father can do for his long-lost daughter.

"that's my ride"

"That's your car? You have a good eye respect" Jordan said as he gave me a nod of approval. I bid them good bye Got into my car and we drove home. I had to stop at KFC to get something to eat because I could not eat because of somebody. The entire ride was very quiet the driver kept looking at the review mirror. I caught him looking I so wanted to ask him what he is looking at but I refrained from doing such I just rest my head on the window

"I don't know if you mind me asking, Madam don you mind telling me what the problem is? You seem awfully dull"

"I am Okay…" thinking what his name was and I think he realized that

"Richard Madam" He was an elderly man give or take he would be in his mid-fifties; he looks very buff and intimidating but the way he spoke to me was very calm. We continued the ride in silence it took us about 30 minutes to get to the house, by the time I got home no one was home yet so I went to my room changed into comfortable cloths and lay on my bed. I received a text from Jackie asking me if I had gotten home safe, I also noticed that she added me to a group chat and I noticed it was just the four of us on the group chat. I am so surprised that I already made friends on my first day, based on the fact that I have not being to school in a very long time and the circumstance surrounding the reason I quit I was not sure I will survive one day I am really impressed with myself.

I replied her text telling her I was fine and home, she then asked for video proof which I did reluctantly. She wanted to have a video call with me but I told her no that I had to study and do my homework and that I would call her if I finish on time. I not that the home work was something that would take my time but Jackie is really talk active and if we end up having that call, I will find myself not doing anything. I had to start my homework immediately and after that I did a little studying and by the time, I was done I was already time for dinner and by that time nobody was back. Agatha told me it was always like that whenever they have a new product to lunch, she said they always have meetings up on meetings. I had to eat alone and I did not mind because I do not want to have another awkward meal with anybody. I peaked up my phone to text Aunt Beth, she tried reaching me when I was in class.

"O my God! Alice, how are you?"

"Hi Aunt Beth" I said with a very small smile she sounds really happy to hear from me

"How are you my darling?"

"I'm alright I survived one day so it's a pass mark"

"That's good. Made any new friends?"

"Yes, three of them"

"That's indeed a pass mark I see you are doing really well. I have something to tell you" I was very suspicious because she sounded very excited.

"I'm Pregnant"

"What? O my God" Auth Beth have been trying for a baby for a very long time I was so happy for her and Uncle Mark.

"I'm so happy for you!" I could hear her crying over the phone. At least she would have a child of her own staying with her since I am no longer there.

We talked for a while but told her I had to study more before going to bed since I still have school tomorrow she was sad to hang up but she was alright with it she ended the call not without telling me to eat well and study hard I only laughed and said okay. I could not tell her about Clay, I do not want her to worry and I am pretty sure she is going to tell my father about it and definitely do not want him to know. I had to avoid that conversation at all cost. I finally closed my eyes to sleep. I wasn't so deep in it when I heard voices outside my door it sounded like Mira, Ivan and Agatha.

"Sir she just went to bed"

"We just want to see how she is doing" It was Mira's voice I heard this time. So, she does care.

"Since when do you care" Ivan asked and I am pretty sure he has his eyebrows raised. He does that when he is puzzled about something.

"What she is my sister any way" I felt my check rise up in a smile

"Still the both of you can not go in" Agatha said to them with a very strong voice

"Fine we will see her tomorrow. Happy?"

I have no idea what Agatha replied them but I could later hear retreating steps. So, they do bicker, I always thought rich kids were snob but Jackie, Bella, Ivan and partially Mira have proved me wrong. I finally was able to sleep and I went into lala land.

Lala land did not favor me because I had a nightmare, I cannot remember the details of the dream but it was terrifying and clay was in it and I did not like it at all. When I woke up form that dream it was 3am which is an unusual time for me to wake up I went down to the kitchen to get a glass of milk the lights were on but no one was there so I quickly finished up and went back to bed again.