Chereads / The Untitled Records / Chapter 2 - CHAPTER 2 THE DIETIES ARRIVAL


Both Serena and Raloth locked in arms stepped forward towards the torrential currents of wind coming through the seemingly impassable passageway to the other side as the progress forward the wind can be seen causing a pseudo slip stream but as they stepped through the gate a blinding light and scorching heat causing raloth to stumble a bit and adjust himself and Serena to cover her eyes from being blinded and having to look at the ground so her eyes can adjust "well it's always a good start to be flash banged in the face to a new adventure are you alright Serena" raloth asked as he was fixing himself up " I'm fine thanks Ral so guess the new world awaits us doesn't it" Serena responds seemingly cheerful to a new beginning raloth then spoke "for the next few weeks are critical as survival depends on it we need to keep moving do you understand Serena" said Raloth urgently "I do Raloth but should we-" before she could finish a guttural roar rang aloud both Serena and Raloth turned around to see a reptilian creature reminiscent of a komodo dragon but instead of traditional leathery scales the scales were silvery metallic in nature as the sun reflects off its body one might assume it was an automaton if it wasn't for its ear piercing roar baring it's fangs and organic insides seeing this behemoth being the size of a 798A mining dump truck approaching them like a frieght train Raloth grabbed Serena and threw her of his shoulder and prepared himself to sprint and run he did as he was doing so Serena yelled while being flustered by the current events "why is a earth metal earth dragon here and did you seriously have to throw me over your shoulder couldn't you just eviscerate that thing" "what was I supposed to do with an unknown magical creature that i have no way of piercing that magical armament for a goddess your pretty clueless on how strategic withdrawals work" Raloth yelled back while focusing on finding weak points "oh im clueless hmmph maybe saving you was a mistake you dumbass brute" serena yelled while pouting in embarrassment hearing this Raloth could only smile from this moment as they were squabbling the said beast was hot on their tails incrementally getting closer it wasn't till raloth saw a canyon in the distance that he bolted towards it at a speed of a mag lift bullet train once he was there he dropped Serena at the entrance "now Serena go futher in dont worry I've got a plan to beat this overgrown lizard" said Raloth as he was stretching his body "and do what hide somewhere you know I have magic" said Serena defiantly "pfft haha hide no of course not sure you have magic but I want you to watch you eat your words about earlier" Raloth said smirking "fine then have it your way Ral" Serena sighed and moved a bit further in as this was happening the foul four legged behemoth approached in a manner that he was going to dine and dash but raloth stood defiantly in front of this beast and outstretched his arm with an open palm and within an inch of the Beasts low jaw reaching raloth, raloth struck it with a one inch punch causing a sonic boom and causing the beast to grind immediately to a holt as if it was a car hitting a insurmountable wall blood gushing through its metal grooves it then tries to stagger away but collapses its once fearsome predatoral gaze started to dim slowly into lifelessness watching this scene in awe struck Serena then spoke "so how did you kill it breaching it's magical armament and what are you going to do with its corpse Raloth then tilted back a bit admiring his handiwork but he then approached the beast as he was doing so he spoke " well its simple physics fast moving object comes to abrupt stop causes severe damage and you know how I asked for the 7 human natures correct and gluttony being one about absorption well it seems I have surpassed it's conditional growth since I'm already able to consume the essence of the vanquished organic being meaning habits knowledge and possibly its defining traits but it's only regulated to these things" as he said this as he tore out the lizards tounge "your not gonna eat that are you how do you know youve reached the conditions" Serena said with a face of displeasure "of course i'am serena and a soothing voice said i have and left" said raloth laughing heartedly as he ate a chunk out of the tounge then out of the blue suprising both him and Serena a status window appeared " you seeing this Serena or is it just me" said raloth inquisitively " I'm not supposed to but I can maybe I'm connected to you in some way maybe I might have some of your abilities" said Serena said in a cheerful tone "well if that's the case can you see that trail of ants on that rock over there from here" raloth spoke as he started inspecting the carcasse while keeping his window open "no but should I though" said Serena sounding a bit dejected as she turned to the direction he pointed out seeing nothing "well you should though your sense should've overloaded while carrying you let's just say its part of the process" said raloth in a somber mood "well that's a bummer then isn't it so what does your window say" said serena not trying to pry further "well it says the following" 


Name:Raloth Race: False god Age: N/A

Meridians-0 faction: N/A. Class: N/A

Level: 0


Seven virtues and sins

creation magic

Draconic core [passive]

Forbidden knowledge [passive]


"Well that is minimal at best my guess on Meridians is the combination of all your stats such as strength, mana divinty maybe theres some way to increase the stat I dont know" Serena said while thinking 'I've never seen anything like it but I'll be sure to keep an eye on it though I wonder what my stat's are maybe' "status window" Serena said with her eyes closed as she slowly peeked she saw a familiar blue screen but with Raloths face behind it scratching his chin "that's interesting stat's if I say so myself" Serena was taken a back and tried to turn away "that's no fair you read my stat's thoroughly how come I can't see yours" Raloth spoke sounding like a hurt puppy "fine you can read if you must know"


Name: Serena of the warm flame

Age: N/A Race: minor deity Class: N/A

Faction: N/A

Level: 37


Strength: 10. Perception: 20. Endurance: 6

Charisma: 9. Intelligence: 20. Agility: 5

Luck: 8. Mana: 370. Divinity: 250 HP:370


Divine intervention- locked

Heavenly form- locked 

Heavenly revival- locked 

Healing arts: provides healing spells and knowledge on alchemy and anatomy 

Religious faith: once religion has been formed your divinty will increase over time unlocking more of your mythology

Magicka divination: capable of using the rare divinty spells such spells being holy eradication/corruption to the all seer

Templar order: once formed like religious faith you will be capable of utilising your order to commence holy wars


"Well that's huh I'm an unfamiliar diety probably doesn't mean much now so did you enjoy that horrendous tounge" said Serena being a sceptical on her race "I did enjoy it in fact watch this" as raloth said this he hardened his arm with a familiar metallic scales " that's impressive so how long does it last for" curiously Serena asked " ah it seems that it can only be any one part of body in or out indefinitely but let me reiterate one for now so I guess that covers armor expenses though money and owning property is useless where we are though" said raloth walking back to the metal lizards corpse and started to butcher the beast "what do you mean useless we might be in a middle of nowhere but it can't be that bad though" Serena spoke started sounding worried she ran up to raloth and grabbed him " tell me raloth" she said staring him down " well remember how I said I absorb the animals and beast I eat the fellow here -kicks the corpse- his travelled all over and this island there's absolutely nothing but this barren wasteland beside a few oasises this place is that of reptilians and large insect creatures" raloth spoke with a tinge of boredom which did not go unnotice by Serena "raloth don't tell me your bored aren't you" "I'am but this is an opportunity so for now I'm going to focus on training and exploring for a few years and terraform this place into utopian fortress I suggest you follow if you want to survive" raloth said as he stretched his limbs and turned around to continue butcher the metallic lizard "so what im i going to do to survive or assist with our survival" Serena sighed with resignation "for one you can learn from me and two establish your templar order and faith with me were not going to make a church or order separated from each other if possible I want to prop you as goddess of war and peace or dark and light I don't believe in one or the other since they are practically the same coin so by doing this you'll probably regain or become your absolute divinty" said Raloth as he threw a gallbladder sack to Serena causing her to almost hurl "*blergh* if that's what it takes I Serena of the warm flame appoint you Archon apostate of the religious order of scared flame may this order prove its self worthy of my title of goddess and for it to be prosperous faith" said Serena in a royalty like manner "as you wish goddess Serena with the formalities out of the way I do believe we can discuss the structure of this order over learning how to butcher shall we" said raloth as he turned his head to Serena and smirked Serena then approached the blood soaked man and the corpse and began to learn while discussing topics such as the structure of the order and other minor topics into the evening this day would be considered the foundation of the scared flame order.


The Babylon kingdom

Central continent of lothal

Here is where the divine commune or arrive essentially think of this country as a space elevator for the divine in this holy than thou country there is so many religions and faiths its hard to keep track but what is consistent is the ego of the divine that reside here as their place of worship is ether an oversized cathedral with golden inlays or a pretentious and gaudy inside showing off the figures of the divinty here all the deities minor or high born are scrambling in organising for their patron faith's were as the champions of these deitys are organising a proving ground tournament in the coloessum which is modernised and strengthened to such a degree a normal champions punch that could level mountain ranges just simply scratches the surface its also the only non religious building that is massive in both height and width that some could rightly assume the city was built around it or in between the divinty stairs and this stadium because the size is roughly the city of new York and the divinty stairs are the size of Paris now here at the divinty stairs is a building of a mosque that closely resembles sultan Ahmed mosque with a few minor and major details some of the minor details would be carving and etchings of deitys on seems to be a moving tapestry of the mythology the other details worthy of note is how its more geared to being almost a central station of sorts the major detail worth of noting is a constant rainbow light coloured pillar and forever pulsing of new arrivals through the massive dome the other detail would be the massive hallway between the arrival and the central hub is lined with metallic knight golems 4 being giant in nature both pairs manning the doorways prepared to close the heavyweight doors to prevent anything from getting in or out of the hallway here in front of the arrival door is a sharply dressed man with a slicked back black hair a monocle and iron pressed 3 piece suit with green inlays watching his watch timing for the arrival of the high lords his position is that of conductor despite being a humble job outside of the country here he is essentially the mortals representative of a king or pope for the land of mortals though he is not mortal but in fact a deity he represents any and all mortal affairs as he is watching the seconds turn to minutes than hours he turned to his adjunct "lady feros it would seem things would be a bit late so tell me how are the champions and what is the update on the door of reincarnations that appeared recently"

Said the conductor in a inquisitively tone his adjunct a well mannered lady replied "lord Sebastian the champions are how they say fueled to prove their worth as for the door of reincarnations my sources tell me the man was a false God of sorts one of everlasting mythos from the universe he departed from the other most curious thing Is the goddess accompany him is a new minor god with no ties to any pantheons not even weak ties she has now since become Serena of the warm flame as of now and is considered a unfamiliar deity which puts her in a unique position lord Sebastian" said lady feros in concerned tone which did not go unnotice by the conductor Sebastian "so what are your concerns lady feros surely you must have one if you have that look on your face" "sir it would most likely be that we might see her become a balanced deity that may be able to transcend her less than humble beginnings" said lady feros "well that is a concern basing it off the tapestry shown on the doors its more than likely it'll happen but you seem to forget that even though the traveller is a false God he is still as lethal as a God do make arrangements for both hostile and peaceful intentions I have a feeling as we might require his expertise or at least eliminate him in the upcoming era of the divine war and if possible keep these talks between us it would seem our guests are here" said Sebastian as he prepares himself for the representatives of the high lords but he did not expect heimdal the bifrost guardian to be here but as a trained professional he adjusted himself and greeted the ever watching bifrost guardian "ah Master heimdal it's such a pleasure to see you what brings you from your watch tower over the bifrost" said Sebastian as he bowed with a royal elegance "ah the conductor Sebastian Cowell it's always pleasure to see you it's due to your many restructuring and amazing career track record that we have a more easier form of arrival who knew a deity of service could produce such results the reason I have come down from the bifrost fortress for one to give my son guiscard some time to learn the ropes as everlasting I may be it would seem my talents as a warrior is needed here as Odin sent me here pacify the other pantheon representatives as the Norse pantheon has no qualms with the new arrival nor with any before him so as such we will remain netural as once before however as courtesy of a fellow warrior I would always welcome to have drink with me in Valhalla" heimdal spoke amused at the prospect of seeing this prophesied false God because of his capabilities as a guardian God he is able to predict what's going to happen simply based on watching events folding out before on many distant realms sorta like a data analyst however there was one that perplexed which was Raloths realm but that's for another story as of now "so master heimdall who will be joining you today in this conference" spoke Sebastian snapping heimdall out of his deep thought and not prying on his remark "oh apologies hmm let's see from the philosophical land it would be the god of language Hermes and the strategist goddess Athena from the land of the sifting sands of time is the God of knowledge Djehuty and the Pharaoh of life and death osiris from the realm of enlightenment would be the God of destruction Shiva and the God of preservation vishnu just mainly the concerned parties the folk religion currently have their hands tied dealing with the martial realms as for the other deities their to busy squabbling over who gets to be a representative that we couldn't wait any longer and started this conference hearing" as heimdall finished listing those involved the aforementioned deities appeared Hermes arriving in a blue business attire with a white travellers coat a wide brimmed hat one would assume he was a ceo of a company on a trip the only out of place items would be his trademark talaria of mercury sandals the wings on his hat and a black satchel pulsating with runes indicating a bag of holding and Athena closely following behind wearing a red V-Neck Floor-Length Chiffon Lace Evening Dress with her black hair plaited over her shoulder with an olive branch headress and a bracelet with the shield of aegis as the center piece with a spear holding the bracelet together one wouldn't think that this homage to her years of battle were weapons besides heimdall and the other Greek deities she is closely followed by what seems to be her treasured companion bubo but his automata counterpart next to them djehuty and osiris djehuty is sporting a black business suit with gold cufflinks and trim wearing a black bowler hat he is also using a ibis shaped walking stick one would think the description is an older gentleman you'd be right if it wasn't for the fact he as an anthropomorphic baboon he could also be seen holding a grimore tome of spells as for osiris he is wearing a black and gold Gothic tailcoat attire with a moving tapestry of stories of the cycle of rebirth he is also seen wearing cufflinks denoting his role as a deity he could be seen with a long black beard fashioned in a tight long knot on his chin with a nice set of long flowing black hair tied in a top knot his skin being a a green pigmentation and behind these two uncanny pairs is the enlightened pair vishnu and Shiva these two were still transcendent attire and form as they felt more comfortable in this attire Sebastian seeing everyone has arrived did the following greetings "greetings madam and gentlemen to the country of Babylon may we provide you the hospitality befitting of your titles of deities my name is Sebastian Cowell the conductor for this nation this here is my assistant lady feros flammel she will be your chamberlain if i'am unavailable now without further a do please follow me to the place you'll be residing for the conference as for futher details of the content of the conference please refer to master heimdal as I believe he was elected as a netural party in this endeavour" heimdal could be seen still in his asgardian armor leaning against a pillar dozing off till his name was called he could be seen within a moment his armor transfigured into a red jazz like attire showing his muscled figure forged through conflict and began walking beside Sebastian and whispers "that was cheeky of you Sebastian but oh well" a slight smirk appears on Sebastian's face for second before being stoic "so what's the main purpose of this conference heimdal" Athena spoke as she was following behind the trio "the purpose is to find out the intentions of each pantheon to do with Raloth valour now most only heard word of mouth on the exploits of this man some could be true some not I'm here also to display valours capabilities before arriving to lothal do note the Norse pantheon is remaining neutral however I myself have taking a liking to this man and wish to drink in Valhalla with this man eventually" when the deities heard his proclamation that the bifrost guardian was willing share a drink in Valhalla meant two things one either raloth right now is as powerful as heimdal and heimdal could die by his hands or that heimdal saw traits of an honourable warrior none where certain till they saw this evidence which some none other than Shiva who also started to think of encountering this raloth for a spar as they were pondering Sebastian snapped them out of their thought process by saying "we have arrived at the plum blossom residence I'll be leaving lady feros in your care as I'll be conducting my business elsewhere do note the champions of your patronage have began a proving grounds tournament in honour of your arrival so please in enjoy in the upcoming days" as he said this he turned to return to his duties till he felt his amulet vibration indicating an incoming call answering the call Sebastian saw one of his two chosen champions the other being feros and mature beauty in her maid attire with an air of maturity of a mother she spoke "conductor I have information if your willing to spare time" "for you Lillian I have plenty of time so what is this information that you have dear" Sebastian spoke as if he was talking to a dear friend " it would be appear some of the new arrivals that came here are from that false deities universe as a precaution I asked what they could tell me about themselves and that false deity in case you needed info it would appear the man is a warrior saint to an absurd degree if a planetary system cluster is in peril such as unknown entities new alien fauna etc they send him and only him and in 5 years the peril is alleviated and in its place is a whole alien culture society or in some cases fortress worlds if there is a neighbouring conflict in the next sector over he appears on the battlefield Wether as tomb walker or as a human they laid down their arms had a peace talk if it fell through any threat to him will become dead or non lethal what concerned me was that universe was supposed to be decimated in its cleanse cylces but he held the line grew more learnt languages other technology everything that universe had to offer he scoured but it wasn't till the universes final 2 cycles did he die since it became everything for themselves apocalyptic did he die rebirthed and died in the final cycle" said Lillian as if she heard her favourite fairy tale come to life in a bated breath of excitement but noticing her gods demeanour be of shock she calmed herself "Lillian that's some good news I've heard since that door appear please do continue your diplomatic efforts though may I ask what is a tomb walker" said Sebastian after adjusting himself "a tomb walker is slang his actual designation was FH-00 part of a fallen hero project but these FH units were meant for war and conflicted and housed any courageous or fallen hero in the line of battle to just be thrown back in" said Lillian in a somber tone "how did you come across this info Lillian" said Sebastian in a surprised tone "the travellers revealed a lot when alcohol was involved alcohol does loose lips Sebastian especially if it's yours" said Lillian in proudful tone of what she achieved "so what are their plans now" Sebastian inquired "finding him and joining him they don't really like the other deities and they are very wary of Lara strogonoff so there's that" Lillian replied having processed this information Sebastian ended the call after chatting over minor details and began drawing up plans to making an alliance with the man in his head as he was approaching his office he saw hiemdal in front puzzled by this he inquired "ah master heimdal Is verything okay or to your liking" " ah just the man I've been looking please do step in we have much to discuss" said hiemdal in a serious tone as they both entered Sebastian approached his mahogany desk before he sat down he asked "master heimdal would you like some warm beverages" "no that won't be necessary but please do sit down" heimdal spoke Sebastian sat down as he sat down heimdal spoke with a knowing glint in his eyes "Sebastian I know you have an infiltrator in the ashenvale Republic and I know your making plans to align yourself with raloth i respect that I'm not here to interfere in fact my true purpose for coming here is to declare that the Norse pantheon would be offering our assistance in your endeavours we will go a step further that we need this man no matter the cost" after hearing this Sebastian rested his head in his hands and then he looked up and said "so why do you need this man" "we need him because as you found out he single-handedly stopped every cleanse cycle and we need that capability but if or when you find him do not approach him just yet till he has established himself" heimdal said as he was browsing through the many tomes "and what of the others" Sebastian asked "if their offering assistance take it my guess is that the enlightened will come seeking to assist since Shiva most likely wants to spar with the man but if the others ask that you dispose of him state that you'd only do it if he poses an immediate threat not a far off threat but if his knocking down on your door kinda thing" heimdal said as he opened a book titled Babylon's founding "this is a good book"he said amused "I'll see what I can do master heimdal at the moment we're planning for both eventualities so do understand if I can't fulfill it completely" said Sebastian "that's perfectly okay now lets discuss the finer details" both heimdal and Sebastian ironed out the details what was said here would dictate Babylon's policies when dealing with raloth as well as solidify allegiances.


In the grand coloessum


Sounds of an intense battle where violence reigned supreme and were the fight seemed like an out of place theme a man armoured-glad in a skin tight nano suit running and gunning with his sleek auto rail rifle aiming with precision at woman glad in a Agility proportioned samurai armor every shot VOOMP! VOOMP! VOOMP! Fired out of his rifle in quick charged succession the shots hitting the target not missing the intended target but you could only count it as hit because for every shot it was deflected or cut in half by the woman's katana with a GLANK! The first round was split into two both sides hitting the dirt another GLANK! a round was deflected into the wall GLANK! the last of successive rounds was was deflected back at the nanosuit man missing him with an inch away from his forehead "fuck come on cara give me your big brother a chance to put you in your place" more progressive shots rang out from his rifle as he was running and gunning again aimed at the fast approaching speed demon each shots seemingly not phasing her as she is calmly slicing through each one like butter "come now Luke my younger bro-""older you god forsaken welp""well I would treat you like an older brother if you started acting like one instead of an immature child" replied cara with a hint of displeasure as she continue to charge at Luke like a bullet and Luke still utilising evasive manoeuvres and firing a seemingly endless amounts of rounds as the game of chase continues in only blurred movements only with the constant sounds of the rifle fire and sword deflection and snide bickering. behind the ever humming barrier that seperates the bickering bout between siblings is whats protecting the would be spectators within the stand stood a tiefling man with a build of a blacksmith garbed in an outfit cross between a scholar and a warrior with a puritan white lab coat seemingly sleek pockets with a skin tight mech flight undersuit with two thigh holstered collapsible weapons with a metal vambraces on each of his forearms one of which is currently displaying a holographic projection of the door of reincarnation he was holistically inspecting the etchings of the door trying to decify the story of this grand epic beside him is a woman covered in a modern day equivalent of crusader armor with her helmet hanging off her waist and her hair tied in a plaited bun with a tower shield and a halbered combined with an anti-material rifle slung across her shoulder"so Daniel darling what's the reason for this spat and are you still looking at that door youve been at it for a few hours now since it appeared" piped up the crusader woman as she holds the man's arm in an embrace with her free arm pouting and his indignation the man looks at the pouting woman as one would a lover "Lizzie honey it's a scholarly marvel whoever this person is, is a man of great capabilities and those two their spat is over a sibling position even though they were born at the same time the brother feels his the eldest because he came over from the other side first and his sister a few years later the usual bickering" replied Daniel as he is filtering all the information on the door as he replied the cat and mouse chase began heating up this time the barrier being hit by aura slashs and stray rounds.


"I'm going to enjoy this sister of mine" said Luke with a shit eating grin and firing off his homing rocket machine gun like a madman were as cara spoke "I would say the same thing brother of mine" as she grinned like a demon possess using the aura blade to block all the incoming rounds and to pressure her brother further their fight progressing into both precision and recklessness with no care for anyone else only caring on putting the other in their place some would say these types of fights are common not because of defending honour but defending their own arrogance and hubris very rarely you would find a humbled otherworlder as shown time and time again to much power breeds this type of behaviour Daniel now watching this fight starts lamenting on this behaviour maybe because he himself had learnt it the hard way earlier in his life now looking at his wife chuckling to himself on the difficulty it was to get her hand in marriage having to fight of various suiters but only losing to her father maybe because he lost to him that he had such a clear perspective he opened up a holographic menu flicking through till he found an APU for this engagement once he found it he called it down into the arena as he did this he jumped over the railing suprising his wife and sprinted to the indicated drop zone up in the stratosphere a flying fortress hovering over the arena in the mech hanger Bay blaring red lights start shining every corner of the room the crew calling out orders "sir Daniel has requested for the sparrow APU get it sorted NOW! NOW!" Like a formula 1 crew with in seconds the APU sparrow a armored personal unit that looks like a tall athletic sprinter in mech form was loaded into a drop pod in a squatted position with two other slimmer drop pods just finishing a cycle through containing the sparrows armament within a minute of the call the pods are loaded up in a electromagnetic catapult firing these pods within 30 seconds the sparrow landed into the arena cockpit open the armament pods landing nearby now disengaging the protective casing revealing a saber coated with magical runes throbing with power and the other pod containing a seemingly normal ballistic smg however like the saber it pulsates with runes of power what sets this weapon apart from the rail rifle is its magical nature compared to the technology and its versatility though equipped as an APU'S armament its a mobile motar causing devastation when fired and in both large quantity and rapid fire as Daniel slipped into the cockpit with trained precision and profession greeted by sparrows AI "welcome back commander Daniel Thomson what are the mission objectives for today" "teaching these young welps humility sparrow" replied Daniel with a serious tone "as you command commander mission objectives updated main objectives teaching welps humility restraints the Magnus smg set to pacification efforts happy hunting with you commander" as sparrow said this Daniel pulls the saber out of one of the pods checking its heft then quickly grabbing the smg and doing a quick pre fire all of this within 2 mins and 30 secs noticing the change of environment the two siblings spine shiver then a loud CRAK! Rang out with the round hitting right next to Luke throwing him into the wall noticing this cara then turns to Daniel and prepares to charge loud sounds of the magnus smg rang out slowing cara considerably causing smoke to be thrown into the air as she reached the intruder APU a GLANG! Sound is heard as the flat side of the saber hits her blade as she braced for the impact that was sending her into the wall as if it was a home run in a baseball game the arenas barrier could be heard shimmering from the impacts caused from the recent engagement from the stands Lizzie watched all of this unfold with enthralled look and her heart burning with passion seeing her man rush into combat recovering from their surprised daze of defeat Luke and cara stared at the man with a burning hate with Luke yelling at the sparrow "who are you to interrupt this important fight""important you call this important boy this fight is nothing but selfishness born from both of your arrogance and immaturity an important fight is staking your existence in face of adversity that threatens to take anything and everything that's dear to you boy I'll prove this notion to you now you spoilt welp" replied Daniel as he said this he sprinted towards cara who was still stumbling from the hit she received earlier and fired his magnus rapidly causing Luke to scream in frustration as he saw his sister struggle to deflect the rounds and the ones she couldn't caused her to progressively lose her footing due to constant dodging but with dust and smoke billowing out she struggled to see but then suddenly it cleared with a second of relief was dashed away as the sparrows saber hits her from the side with its blunt edge then throwing across the arena causing her to pass out from the sudden hit with the speed demon gone Daniel turned his attention to Luke who regained his footing but this time holding a auto cannon sacrificing his mobility and harassment for stagnation and power Luke fired off with a loud sound of BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! rapidly but instead of cowering away Daniel just saunted his way over slowly a methodically each of auto cannon rounds missing causing dust plooms and those that did hit Daniel shrugged it off as he got to Luke he threw the saber into the auto cannons ammo feeder as if his throwing a blade into the ground this caused the feeder to blow throwing Luke away now hunched over and spewing blood into his helmet he tries to turn around but is then pressured down by the sparrows pinky having subdued the man Daniel hopped out of the cockpit and stood face to face with Luke Daniel then pulled out his holstered weapon and pointed the barrel to his head he began to speak "see how you both lost both of your control causing a meaningless devastation in your wake just because you both wanted to be the eldest if your aspirations are to fight worthwhile opponents then quit here your undeserved of the title SAME GOES FOR YOU TO MISSY!" Daniel yelled looking towards cara with a look of displeasure he then entered a command prompt for the return of the sparrow as he was walking back to his wife who entered the arena to treat the injured siblings and to also give her husband a sly smirk implying something nefarious going to happen to the poor man as she reached cara she started her healing incantation "Oh thou holy mother Mary the mother to our praise worthy lord and saviour Jesus christ please welcome this injured lamb into your embrace so she may be healed of her inflection and continue life unimpeded with these healing hands I call forth heal" as Lizzie said this her hands a glowed a green but warm holy light as she touched caras body it started to heal her irregular breathing becoming regular the silent strain of pain slowly subsidised her consciousness slowly rousing as cara awoke she saw the tiefling paladin healing her injuries remembering seeing the woman standing next to the man who is responsible for her agony seeing the man walking away from the arena she asked the paladin "why" "why what" replied Lizzie in a motherly tone "why did that man intervene was our fight truly that meaningless" asked cara with a frustrated look " it was compared to other otherworlders especially the one we received now" replied Lizzie "what do you mean by that we receive a lot of otherworlders what makes this one so special" replied cara slowly getting her bearings " because unlike all of us he has reached false godhood as it would appear not only this his door of reincarnation transcends Plains of existence and of the depiction of his epic it shows the lengths he will go to ensure the survival of those worth of importance compared to this spat its world's apart" spoke Lizzie as she understood her spouses displeasure towards these to these youths and the arrogance of the other worlders as a paladin who swore a duty to both defend her faith and the faithful but also defend those deserving of it she despised the senseless violence over pettiness such as what these siblings fighting over whose the eldest the silver lining being that they fought in the arena made to withstand the otherworlders but if this was over cities or in them the collateral damage would be intense and this soured Lizzie's outlook on things "so young cub what have you decided" spoke Lizzie as she helped up cara from her pitiful state and started to walk with her to her brothers injured body "I would like to join with you and your husband I'm sure my brother would aswell" as cara said this Lizzie turned to sparrow and said "you can let him go now faraday and do return safely" the sparrow lifted its pinky and started to follow the command prompt from Daniel seeing she was not impeded Lizzie repeated the same incantation as before healing Luke of his injuries "my name is Elizabeth vile Thomson wife of the man that bested you Daniel Thomson what are your names young cubs" said Lizzie a bit out of breath from the successive heals "Luke Costello first of my name my sister is cara Costello first of her name I or well we would like to join in on your journey to both reflect and train" said Luke with a bit of strain as he rolled over now regaining his composure and said with finality "that was fun" with the beginnings of alliances old and new with the formation of the templar order and a mismatch of powerful people who seeks answers to this new arrival the weave in the fabric of fate vegins to slowly piecing itself together on this aususpicious day.