In a distant village, Ananse, the crafty spider, heard whispers of the Sky King's grand feast, where the most exquisite dishes from the heavens were served. Determined to partake in this celestial banquet, Ananse devised a plan.He fashioned wings from palm fronds and attached them to his back. With his makeshift wings, Ananse soared into the sky, greeted by the astonished gazes of the celestial beings. They marveled at the audacity of a spider attempting to join the feast.Ananse, undeterred, confidently approached the Sky King and declared, "I am no ordinary spider. I am Ananse, renowned across the earthly realms for my wisdom and wit. I have come to partake in your magnificent feast."The Sky King, amused by Ananse's boldness, decided to challenge him. "Ananse, if you can answer three riddles, you shall feast with us. Fail, and you return to the earth empty-handed."Ananse, knowing he couldn't outfly the celestial beings, agreed to the challenge.The first riddle was posed: "What is as light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold it for more than a few minutes?"Ananse, quick-witted as ever, replied, "It's breath."Impressed, the Sky King presented the second riddle: "The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?"Ananse, with a sly grin, answered, "Footsteps."Now, the Sky King, wanting to stump Ananse, presented the final riddle: "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"Ananse, thinking carefully, responded, "An echo."The celestial beings erupted in applause. Ananse had successfully answered all three riddles. The Sky King, true to his word, invited Ananse to the grand feast.Ananse, relishing in his victory, enjoyed the celestial delicacies. As he returned to earth, the villagers marveled at his cunning. The tale of Ananse and the Sky King's Feast echoed through the generations, reminding all that sometimes, wit can be mightier than wings.