That was a close one in the lab there.
I got so into the zone playing with the bot emulator that I completely forgot that my phone was still tethered to his machine. The code I was writing—the code that he could see on his screen—was way beyond what I should be able to do. Maybe he'll just think I've been working extra hard instead of figuring out that I've been lying to him all this time. I'm just glad I didn't think about him and accidentally let anything slip that would really give me away. I need to be on my guard. That could have been a total disaster.
So stupid.
And I hate his proud dad routine. As if he cares about me as anything more than a test subject. Like he thinks he'll ever be a real father to me. And it's so much worse that I have to play along and smile for it.
I just want to scream and pummel him into a bloody mess.
I hate him so much!