School was going well and Albion had been hanging out with his friends. But one particular friend he hung out a lot with was Pixie. Pixie was his closest friend among any other. Also close as in she would grab him and carry him regardless of how tall he was getting. Currently, Albion was at the gym with Pixie. Pushing the barbell up and back down. Putting his all into every gym session. But it wasn't just Pixie and Albion here today. Opal was lying on his chest as the barbell bonked her slightly on the head, then went back up. Each time she giggled as she had never been in the gym before. To her, this was one large playground. Going back down and bonking her on the head again, then going back up. Opal rooted on Albion as he struggled hard, Pixie proceeding to help Albion past the point of failure. Helping him continue to push and resist the slowly descending bar that felt too heavy. Reracking the bar.
Opal: Well done Albion!