As Sasuke embarks on the daily training of Kin, a change sweeps over the neighborhood. The long-standing neighbor has abruptly sold his house and relocated to America due to an unexpected job transfer. After a month of quiet, new neighbors emerge seemingly out of nowhere.
At first, two foreign children become a common sight, often seen wandering around the area. However, after a week, they too stop coming out of their house. A few neighbors express mild concern, but the majority dismiss the matter, considering it not their concern.
Yet, in the Granger household, the issue can no longer be ignored. Their daughter Hermione finds her studies disrupted by the relentless noise from the house next door.
Her parents, both engrossed in their professions, are initially oblivious to the symphony of chaos that has taken up residence in their neighborhood.
as Initially, they dismiss Hermione's complaints as minor irritation from temporary renovation noise. Yet, as the relentless noise continues, they contemplate complaining. Upon discovering that the source of the disturbance is a pair of unsupervised children, they hesitate, fearing their complaints might be perceived as bullying.
After much deliberation, Mrs. Granger decides against lodging a police complaint about the noise. Her focus then shifts to her daughter, Hermione. Hermione, a dedicated student and an avid reader, often prefers the company of books over peers her own age.
Mrs. Granger, as a mother, is concerned about Hermione's lack of friends. She contemplates inviting their new neighbors over to their house to expand Hermione's social circle. She hopes that these children could potentially form a friendship with Hermione.
Regarding the constant noise, Mrs. Granger believes it is due to the absence of an adult in the neighboring house. She thinks that with some guidance, the children could learn to be less disruptive. This plan serves a dual purpose - it addresses the noise issue and also provides Hermione with an opportunity to make new friends.
The next day, Mrs. Granger takes a day off. After 9:00 AM, she starts to prepare some snacks. As the time reaches 10:00 AM, a series of loud crashing noises echo from next door. It is their first encounter with the noise, and it paints a clear picture of Hermione's daily struggle.
Mrs. Granger, torn between her initial plan of inviting the noisy children and the reality of their disruptive behavior, decides to trust in her instincts.
Upon hearing of her mother's plan, Hermione argues that these children are more suited to a zoo than a house. She can't fathom how two children could create more noise than an entire school.
Ignoring Hermione's protests, Mrs. Granger takes her daughter's hand and leads her to the epicenter of the noise. As they stand at the doorstep, the sounds of metal clashing and objects smashing are unmistakable. Undeterred by the cacophony, Mrs. Granger reaches out and rings the bell. Ding dong, ding dong.