Chereads / The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 115 - Final Vows

Chapter 115 - Final Vows

(Long Chapter Today.)

Viviana smiled as she held Romonus's right arm. She was reminded of how many years had passed with him smiling at her, giving her friendly looks, and never even making a move on her. She almost thought he had forgotten about her, but it was better late than never. 

She looked up at him as they walked toward the alter where he would wait for his brides. 

"You know, Latia and her uncle worked hard on making this Chapel. It doubles as a church for you the Demon God of Destruction. She doesn't plan to spread a religion of you through the human world though as she knows you don't care about that stuff. 

She made this city both a tribute to you, her husband. She will leave it here in case anyone decides to turn over to your religion. If that doesn't make her the best, I don't know what else does. Making a whole chapel for her husband." 

He nodded as he could feel the sentiment. 

"Latia is a special woman I do have to thank my Father for that. He got us together and she has been a blessing. Look no further than Grimaldus." 

Viviana turned to his right shoulder where the Living Automaton Grimaldus was resting. 

"I still can't believe she just made him, how is he alive?" 

Grimaldus ignored her as he only spoke when needed. This time, words were not needed. As for Kharn, he was resting on Romonus' left shoulder while Azi was currently sitting on the head of Mephiston who was walking at Romonus' side. 

It would make no sense for his familiars to not be included in the wedding because they were a big part of Romonus' life. They stopped talking when they both arrived at the doors leading to the Alter. 

Viviana let go of his arm as she looked up at his face. When she looked at him, Romonus was smiling. It wasn't one of his usual prideful or battle-lusted smiles, it was a genuine and soft smile. 

"You ready?" 

He patted her on the shoulder with a nod. 

"Of course." 

When he opened the door, Viviana grabbed his arm once again as they stepped inside. When he did so, he looked inside at what he could only call a titanic altar. The Chapel was nothing like a Christian or Catholic Church as it seemed to be a mix of Gothic and Grim Dark imagery. 

The bricks it was made from were pitch black and the place was lit through several burning Phosphex fires burning in an eerie green purple glow. When he looked up at the altar and saw the 'cross' he had to say Latia knew him very well. 

The religious symbol she designed was a Eight Pointed Star with a Demon Skull in the middle wrapped in chains with the skull being an imitation of his Demon Form. The chains ended in the mouth of the skull and it radiated a Demonic Aura. 

Just that was surprising enough, but he then focused on all of the guests who had been invited. He raised his armored hand and addressed the guests. 

"I would like to thank everyone for making it. This will be the largest gathering of the Supernatural ever." 

As Viviana led him to the Alter he saw the person who would officiate the wedding was Shiva. Shiva these days normally shape-shifted to appear a young Middle School boy, but this time his wife had forced him to be serious. 

At the moment he looked like a handsome young man in his early 20s, with dark blue hair, and blue skin, wearing a dark blue suit with his Trident in hand. Around his neck, he had his cobra, Vasuki and he had a small smile on his face. 

When Romonus stepped up to the Alter, he extended his armored hand to Shiva who shook his hand. 

"Shiva, you are going to officiate things?" 

"Latia asked me. She felt if anyone in this world deserved that honor, it was the strongest not including you Dragon and Demon Gods of course." 

"I agree, you are more than deserving." 

Romonus turned around with his cloak billowing behind him. This time he looked at the crowd and saw a wide mix of people from every Supernatural Community even those that didn't like him. 

Among the guests were the Clan Lords who now knew that there was no such thing as Satan or Old King Faction. They knew only The Demon God Faction remained because, in the past two months, any that tried to plot against the Demon God were murdered by Shadows or Demons. 

Among the Clan Lords, he saw Lord and Lady Phenex who had brought their children. Riser who Romonus had all but forgotten hid how he felt as he did not want to get on the bad side of The Demon God. 

Ruvel bowed politely when he met Romonus' gaze and Ravel who seemed a bit nervous to be this close to The Demon God. They were not the only ones here as he could see Azazel who was taking pictures, Armaros, Benemune, Sahariel, and Tamiel. 

With them was Shuri who had her phone ready to see her daughter and husband. He didn't see Alaric, the Father of Miria, but he saw his wife Emmeline Amduscias who was also waiting to take pictures. 

He didn't see Baraqiel since he would be with Akeno and the rest of his wives-to-be and their Father. He saw his brother Sirzechs, Grayfia, Sakuya, Nisselred, Milicas, Lord and Lady Lucifuge who had been resurrected, and Fujimai. 

Sitting along with Sirzechs was his Peerage including his three mentors Surtr, Souji, and MacGregor. MacGregor was patting the shoulder of Surtr who was crying lava as he still remembered how small Romonus was just a few years ago. 

'He has always been a big softie.'

Fujimai was sitting with the guests from the Yokai faction with Yasaka, her daughter Kunou, and Magari the leader of the Nekomata in Kyoto. She was with Fujimai who had been like a daughter to her so having her back was quite great. 

Romonus could see his friend Ancestor Deming sitting alongside a few other Cultivators from the Ghost Corpse Sect. He also had a few humanoid Undead and Corpse Puppets who were dressed in fancy robes. 

He also saw Arjac in his werewolf form along with several of his Werewolves and some Vampires from the defeated Carmila Faction. Arjac had a grin on his face as he saw his friend about to marry. 

Lady Sitri and Sona were here dressed quite fancy as they waited for Lord Sitri to emerge with Serafall. Sona's thoughts right now were conflicted because she had no idea how her weird sister was going to get married before her. 

It was not fair and that made Romonus laugh in his head. Then were the guests of Arawan, his Celtic Death God Friend with several Dullahans including Caoimhe who seemed just like the other wives or Mothers who were ready to take pictures. 

Among the guests, he saw Amaterasu and Sakuya sitting together with the five sons of Amaterasu along with the leaders of the principal clans of Japan. There were hundreds of guests and most of Romonus didn't know as he could even see Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Hephestus, Demeter, and Dionysus. 

Persephone wasn't here and for good reason as he had killed her husband. The Greek gods didn't want to be here, but when Latia sent them an invite, she said refusal would be an act of disrespect so here they were smiling like nothing happened. 

Odin, Freya, Thor, Magni, Modi, Idar, Loki, Baldur, and several Valkyries were here all sitting in their section. In another section, he saw Horus, Ra, Ptah Aton, Isis, and Osiris Egyptian Gods. 

In another section, he could see Quetzocotal and even the Jade Emperor and a few gods from the Celestial Court. It was like Latia invited everyone, but Romonus was not going to turn this into a Red Wedding. 

No one would die today even Zeus as he was here as a guest. All this happened in moments as Romonus looked through the entire crowd. He then broke his silence as he raised his hands.

"I said it before, but welcome. I see gods from the world over and I have to say I am proud for you all to be here. I know I may not be exactly popular with a few of you, but that doesn't matter right now. 

Here, all are guests and no one shall be harmed, Zeus." 

When Romonus locked onto him, Zeus froze in fear. Just like Zeus was nothing to a Dragon God, he was nothing to Romonus. 

"On a happier note, I first would like to thank my friends and family for helping me in my ascension. Arjac, Chen Deming, Azazel, Baraqiel, Benemune, Armaros, Ajuka, Falbium, Arjac, Arawan, Avivoton, Shiva, my brother Sirzechs, my sister-in-law Grayfia. 

My three mentors Surtr, MacGregor, and Souji. You all made my ascension to Godhood smooth and I thank you. Now, all stand." 

As he said that all the guests stood up from their seats as they waited. Viviana looked up at Romonus and smiled before she stepped down to join her Dad, Azazel. Once she was with him, Shiva stepped forward. 

"With that out of the way, let us begin the ceremony. The Brides may enter."

Kharn and Grimaldus jumped off Romonus' shoulders landing on Mephiston's back. The Griffin then walked off the alter to stand at the side as he didn't want to be in the way. Romonus stood tall and proud as the double doors opened. 

He waited patiently as the musicians began playing some custom music that seemed to match the Gothic and Grim Dark atmosphere. The Phosphex fires burned brighter as Latia, Romonus' first fiance stepped inside with her Father Zurab Astaroth. 

When he saw Latia, he almost laughed as she wasn't wearing a dress. She was wearing a custom set of Sister Of Battle Armor. The armor was bright white, with a veil on it. 

Her hands were empty as she walked side by side with her Father who was dressed in a dark green outfit with a long clock behind it. When the guests all saw Latia, they then looked at Romonus wearing Archaon and felt that this just matched. When Latia and Zurab reached the Altar, Latia's Father handed her off to Romonus who held his hand out. 

When she took his hand and stepped up on the Alter, she smiled up at him. 

"Expecting a dress?" 

"I was, did you know I tried to come here in a fancy Cultivator robe? I even shaved my beard for this." 

Latia shook her head. 

"Honestly, never touch the beard again. I like it." 

Latia and Romonus quieted down as his next wive began walking through. After an extensive tournament of Rock Paper Scissors, next was Serafall. When he saw her, he once again almost had to laugh as no wedding dress. 

She was wearing what he could only call her Milky Spiral Magical Girl Cosplay, just with a much longer skirt covered in plates of armor. It reminded him of Saber from Fate, and it just suited her personality and status. 

Her Father Lord Sitri who was walking with her wanted to sigh because his daughter was so odd. However, seeing how Latia and Romonus were dressed it seemed they just had a thing for armor. 

When she reached the Alter, he handed his daughter to Romonus who pulled her up. 

"You look great, Serafall." 

"Latia once again designed everything. I honestly love this outfit and getting married as a magical girl just feels right." 

Latia smiled at Serafall. 

"I know." 

They quieted down again as after a short talk, next up was Silvana along with her giant of a Father Avivoton. She was wearing her soul armor Ernaline which was Archaeon's sister in creation. 

As Silvana stepped into the church, the guests now were positive that Romonus and his wives were just weird. At weddings, they expected to see extravagant dresses and suits, but instead, these people were dressing up in legendary sets of armor. 

However, Romonus and his wives-to-be wouldn't change it since this is what they liked. Once Silvana reached the alter, Avivoton nodded to Romonus and handed his daughter off. He then went to join Lord Sitri and Zurab in the Father section. 

"Silvana, are you ready to be my wife?" 

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. This week we kept our distance for the surprise was hard. We aren't used to being away from you." 

Serafall and Latia nodded as they agreed. They were used to talking to Romonus daily so even a week away from him was sad. Now they would never be apart from him. Once Silvana stood in the row opposite Romonus with Latia and Serafall, Akeno walked into view with Baraqiel. 

Unlike her sister's wives, Akeno walked in wearing an all-black wedding gown that flowed like silk. All around her body were enchanted gemstones, and her dress itself was covered in tiny diamonds of purple and black. 

When Akeno came into view, Shuri instantly started taking pictures of her daughter. When Romonus saw her alluring and fancy dress, he gulped. 

'She looks amazing.' 

Akeno also had the biggest pair of breasts in his harem only rivaled by Venelana and Vespera. As for Akeno herself she had the biggest smile on her face as she held a bouquet of black and purple roses grown by Magdaran. 

Baraqiel had a large smile as he was giving his daughter away to Romonus, someone she loved and cared for. When he reached the altar, he released her hand and began releasing a few tears. 

"Take care of her, Romonus." 

"Of course Baraqiel my friend." 

He then joined the rest of the Fathers as Romonus pulled Akeno onto the Alter. 

"Look at you Akeno, standing out like a Queen." 

Akeno held her head high as the enchanted crown in her hair shimmered. 

"I am marrying a Demon God. As a Nephalem I thought I should look the part. When we were discussing it, I wanted to dress in a proper wedding dress. Does it look good?" 

"It looks beyond amazing, like you." 

She smiled with a wide beautiful smile. 

"I love you Romonus." 

"I love you too Akeno, I love all of you." 

Akeno then stood next to Latia, Serafall, and Silvana. Once they got quiet, the next two entered as Kuroka and Shirone walked in together. Kuroka was wearing an all-white Kimono in a wedding style while Shirone wore all black. 

They were holding hands with their tails swaying in joy. Since their Father was a piece of shit and their Mother didn't like Romonus, they walked each other. Romonus loved how they looked with their contrasting colors reminding him how lucky he was. 

When they reached the alter, he held his hands out as Kuroka handed him Shirone's hand Shirone handed him Kuroka's hand. It was both cute and kinda sad they had a piece of shit Father, but then again he was soul dead now. 

"You two look adorable my kittens." 

Kuroka chuckled as she looked up at her husband. Well, soon-to-be husband in a few moments. 

"We do don't we? Before meeting you I didn't think I'd be getting married like this, but if I am honest, I am glad I am." 

Shirone normally said one-word answers, but she didn't do that this time. 

"Romonus. Thank you for saving our lives and our species. We owe you a lot." 

"You don't owe me nothing. We will be together for eternity so let us make the most of it." 

As he said they both joined Latia, Silvana, Serafall, and Akeno. Romonus raised his head and he was once again left speechless as Rias walked in with Zeoticus. Rias much like Akeno walked in a wedding dress, but it was a blood-red dress. 

She was covered in enchanted Rubies with a crown of them in her hair. From her ears, she had two purple Rubies as earrings and a whole necklace of them. She looked stunning and from the look of it, Riser was biting at his tongue as she was supposed to be his fiance. 

As for Zeoticus, he had cleaned himself up, he looked better than he did these days and he had a smile on his face. He wasn't going to let all the past bullshit affect him right now as this was Rias' sake and Romonus. At the end of the day, they shared blood and they always would share blood. 

Just like Akeno, she held a bouquet grown by Magdaran, they were roses, but they seemed to be made of solid crystals and they radiated a warm firey aura. It seemed like she was holding solid fire flowers which highlighted her crimson hair and ruby-covered body. 

Sirzechs began crying tears of joy as he took as many pictures as he could. As for Romonus, he stood prouder than ever as he could tell many were jealous of his wives who were the best of the best. 

That fed his Demonic Pride as his largest sin was Pride. When Zeoticus and Rias reached the Alter, he reached out and placed a hand on his Father's shoulder. 

"Thank you, Father."

Zeoticus smiled ignoring all their issues. 

"Of course. Rias, Romonus, be happy. Both of you." 

He raised his hand and handed Rias over to Romonus. He took her hand as his twin sister stood by his side watching as Zeoticus walked to join the other Fathers. Zeoticus held his head high so he would not act pathetic as he had done before. 

It was time to man up and accept what had happened. Rias and Romonus didn't say any words as they needed no words. They looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Words would be reserved for later, for now, Rias stood next to her best friend Akeno. 

Their black and red hair and dresses clashed in a beautiful contrast. Just like Shirone and Kuroka and they even gave each other a fist bump. Once they stood in line, the next of Romonus' brides walked in and this one caused the biggest ruckus. 

It was Venelana and she stood with her back straight holding the arm of her Father Demanetus Bael. Everyone knew she was the Mother of Romonus, but this was not the first time this had happened in Devil Culture. 

As such, very few people cared as many gods had similar incestuous relationships. Venelana unlike Rias or Akeno wasn't wearing a colorful dress, she was wearing an all white one looking like a regular bride. 

She stood out the strongest as the lack of colors or bright gems put all the focus on her. Her expression was one of pride, as she walked down the aisle she met people's gazes. There wasn't a hint of shame at the fact she was here to marry her youngest son.

To Romonus, there was no bigger power play than what his Mom was doing. When she reached the Alter he held his hand out with a smile. 



When he took her hand from his grandfather, Demanetus smirked. 

"This was interesting." 

He then walked down to stand next to his friend Avivoton. Once Venelana was at his side he lowered his head to look at her. 

"You look ravishing my dear." 

"Thank you. I heard everything you told Latia, I am glad you are wearing Archaon. No better wedding outfit for you exists." 

"Trust me, he is happy to hear you say that, I do have to say the White Dress suits you. A Devil wearing White feels like such a power move." 

"Glad you got the message, now let's stop talking." 

Venelana then joined Rias and Akeno as they were the ones wearing wedding dresses. Once she was on the Alter, the next to join Romonus was Roygun. Roygun wasn't alone as her Father was walking her down. 

Lord Belphegor, was a lot like his daughter with a pair of ram-like horns, just much larger. He was also very tall and looked quite serious, but he had no expression. Roygun was dressed in a blue and purple set of Demonic Knight Armor. 

He was honestly expecting her to wear a dress, but in a way, this suited her better. When Roygun reached him and the Alter, her Father just grunted and handed her hand to Romonus. 

He then walked over to join the other Fathers, but what confused Romonus was that her Father wasn't mad or anything. 

"Can he talk?" 

"Yes, he just doesn't like to." 

"Right. I would say a lot more, but I love your armor." 

"Thanks, it was my Dad's which Latia sized for me." 

She then walked over to Serafall her best friend. They both smiled at each other as another two of Romonus' brides walked in. This time, it was Vespera and Valerie with Vespera being walked by her Father. 

Valerie as agreed was being walked by Sairaorg since she had no other male family member. They also were the Vampires of his harem and in the case of Vespera, she was wearing her set of hound-shaped armor.

The armor was modeled after the Berserk Armor and Shin who were standing next to Tobio. Valerie though was wearing a fancy dark blue and red vampiric dress. Since Kuroka and Shirone walked together, they chose to do the same. 

Vespera held her hound-shaped helmet in her right hand as she held her Father's arm with her left. She stood side by side with Valerie who was holding onto Sairaorg thankful for taking the time to 'give her away' since her Father was dead killed by Romonus. 

She smiled as she wasn't sad about that, her Dad was abusive to her and her dead Mother. As for Vespera, she had experienced something similar, but she had killed her Dad herself by mistake. It was good he accepted her apology. 

When they reached the alter, Vespera and Valerie took Romonus's hands as they were handed off. 

"My Queens of Blood. Valerie, you are the reason everyone standing here is immortal and as strong as we are. Vespera, thanks for being my sword for that time." 

Vespera chuckled. 

"Queens of Blood? I like that, what about you Valerie?" 

Valerie smiled. 

"That works for you, but me?" 

Valerie was nice even after all this time, but she was the moral compass of the group. Even Rias wasn't all as nice as she once was as Power had that effect on people, Devils in Particular. 

Though Romonus felt Valerie was selling herself short as she could be quite brutal in a fight. Regardless, they both got into the line of his wives as they didn't want to stand around for hours. 

After Valerie and Vespera were unexpectedly Ophis. She was being walked down by her Father/Alternative Self Ophos who was smocking a fancy cigar as usual. Ophis was also not dressed any different and when they reached the Alter and Ophos handed her to Romonus she yawned. 

"Is it over?" 



She then walked off to join the rest of the girls making him chuckle. That was just like her, but the next one was Miria. Just like Latia, Roygun, Vespera, Silvana, and Serafall, she came in her armor. 

It was the same armor her Father used to wear and now here he was walking her down the aisle. He seemed happy but disappointed she wasn't in a wedding dress. However, when he thought of his violent daughter it just made sense. 

When they reached the altar, he made a slight joke. 

"Here. Careful, she bites. She is your problem now." 

Miria was in too good a mood to snap at him so she didn't. 

"Shut up and get in line."


When he walked off, Romonus looked down at Miria. 

"Happy you listened to that 9-year-old kid?" 

She blushed as she wasn't ashamed of it, just telling that story in the future would be. 

"Yeah, I am." 

She let go of his hand and joined her sister's wives as they were almost done. After Miria, the next to walk up was Seekvaira walked by her Father Lord Agares. Seekvaira was an actual wedding gown. It was emerald green and just like Rias and Akeno had emeralds and other gems. 

When she reached the Alter, Lord Agares handed her off to Romonus with a smile. 

"When can I expect my grandchild?" 

Seekvaira snorted. 

"Give us another six decades at least." 

Lord Agares then walked away with his head held low as he was excited for a grandchild. He would need to wait a while still, but while he walked off Seekvaira went to stand next to Latia. 

That just left Itsuki walked by her Father Gorou and Natsume walked by her Father. Gorou was crying because his little girl was getting married and also jealous of Romonus as in his youth he too wanted a harem. 

As for the Father of Natsume, he was just confused and kind of angry at the whole harem thing. Though, there was nothing he could do at this point. As for Walburga, she just strutted up to the altar by herself in a Gothic Lolita Dress. 

Even if she was Romonus' slave, and servant, she deserved to be up at the altar. Once all 17 of Romonus' brides were up at the altar, that seemed to be it, but Romonus wasn't done. 

He waved his hand and dragged Viviana who was sitting with Azazel to his side. 

"We're forgetting one more." 

When Viviana landed on his side, she was surprised as she looked at Latia the planner. She held up her left hand and projected each name in Romonus' harem. 

"And that makes 18. Romonus, that is still rookie numbers. You need another seven at least." 

Romonus sighed. 

"Shut up you." 

Latia smirked. 


Shiva smiled as he slammed his trident into the ground. 

"If everyone is here, we are ready to begin." 

Romonus and his 18 fiances and brides are all lined up with Ophis using magic to help Viviana into something good. Once she lined up that made the number 18.

(18 seems small for a fanfic and even more so in Lore of DxD Devils. Hahahaha.)