As Romonus descended his Skull Throne, he could see that his In-Laws had different reactions to his existence. Fujimai, the Mother of Kuroka and Shirone seemed to despise him already. He could tell by the stance of her tail and her trying to shield her daughters from him.
A fool's errand because no one in his world could protect anyone from him. When he heard that thought he snuffed it out since his pride was through the roof right now. He also remembered he still had to deal with the Peerage of Sirzechs including Grayfia in his Spatial Ring.
Miria's Father on the other hand seemed ready to rush at Romonus to hug him. When Romonus reached the base of his Throne of Slaughter his 10,000 Demons Kneeled for him as he was their God and Creator.
Alaric Amduscias the last Clan Lord of The Amduscias clan walked toward Romonus with a smile. When they were standing in front of each other he had to crane his head up as Romonus was 7'5.
They both reached out and shook hands as future In-Laws.
"It is a pleasure to meet such a good Son-In-Law. You are making my daughter happy and you brought us back to life. I could not think of a better dowery to the wife-to-be's parents. Though I do have to ask, how did you meet?"
Romonus smiled, while Miria began to panic as she did not want to admit how she met him.
Emmeline his wife who had purple hair much like him grabbed Miria firmly causing her to panic.
"Hold on now, Miria, shouldn't your parents have a right to know how you met our son-in-law?"
Romonus just blurted out for all to see.
"I was 9 years old and visiting Serafall when I saw Miria standing guard by the door. I shot my shot and got shot down instantly. Over the next two years, I kept trying and eventually turned her all stalker on me. A boy no older than 11."
Alaric and Emmeline both snorted and began to laugh straight up. Miria turned bright red as her embarrassing secret was out to her parents no less.
"Romonus, send them back to the embrace of death, please."
Romonus shrugged as he slapped his legs.
"I am tapped out Demon God magic, too tired."
Miria covered her face with her long hair.
"Dear Lord, kill me."
Her parents started to chuckle as it was funny that a 9-year-old had better eyes than all her failed suitors. While Miria's parents accepted him fully, he looked across the rest. Shuri when she saw the Skull Throne just smiled as she looked at him.
"So he is your husband, Akeno?"
Akeno nodded with a proud smile.
"Fiance as we are talking about getting married soon. We were holding off until he could resurrect all our dead parents since we wanted you at our weddings. Plus we are a family as we are all his fiances."
When Shuri looked at all the standing around she was confused.
"That is it? I expected a harem of 40 at least."
Romonus sighed as a lot of people asked him that.
"Why does everyone say that? I don't want a harem like King Solomon, or a Noble Devil. Is it so wrong to have a small harem that I can cherish?"
Shuri smiled as it seemed he got asked that a lot.
"I don't mind it, I was just surprised as you are a Demon God and I suspected you to be so lustful to have a harem in the hundreds, or thousands."
His face fell flat when he heard that as that just sounded dreadful. Azi Dahaka in the back started to cackle as this was comedy to him.
"Please, I have enough on my plate then to deal with over 100 women."
Venelana smiled as she walked over and patted him on the back.
"Plus, a large harem makes it tricky to make sure everyone is happy. Just look at my previous failed marriage. This way, all of us know each other one to one. I could tell you exactly what the favorite color of everyone here is, their favorite food.
In my old marriage, I couldn't tell you any of that."
Romonus nodded as that was the same reason that Venelana's old marriage failed.
"I have zero idea how Solomon made it work, but the mad lad did it. I am not jealous at all since I bet he would need to spend most of his time walking around pleasing women or making clones and I don't do clones."
Sakuya Lucifuge who was standing next to her oldest sister Nisselred looked up at her with crossed arms. She had been named as such because her parents had been on Honey Moon to Japan when she was conceived and it just fit.
"Hey sis, does your boyfriend need an Assassin? I am up for hire."
Nisselred turned her head to look at Sakuya the youngest and least maid-like between Grayfia, and herself. She was crass and spoke up front, but still a really good maid when she was not running her mouth.
"The master is not my boyfriend as you put it. He merely resurrected me and I decided to serve him to return that debt."
"Yeah, whatever you say? Hey, big boss. Need a trained Assassin."
When Romonus looked over at the small Grayfia look alike he nodded.
"Sure, you can work alongside your sister next to you. I don't have maids since the house cleans itself, but if you want to come into my service I won't turn away the sisters of my Sister, Grayfia."
Sakuya whistled.
"So, Grayfia got hitched huh? I was dead before that so who is the guy? You?"
He raised his right hand.
"I will be honored, but no. My dear brother Sirzechs, you two are aunts since they have a son together named Millicas. The kid is adorable if I have to say so and talented. Once he grows up a little more I plan to make him my apprentice since he deserves it. I would like to keep talking, but we can continue this in a bit.
It seems someone does not approve of me."
He instantly turned to Fujimai as this whole time she had been scowling at him. Kuroka and Shirone had been too happy to have her returned to them, but when they focused they felt the same thing.
Fujimai pointed straight at the towering mountain of skulls. It was nearly 30 million skulls and Romonus was directly sitting on such a thing.
"You are a butcher, a monster. No sane being would flaunt such a macabre thing as that abomination. I will never approve of you and my daughters. They need someone special, someone kind like my h-"
Before she said that Shirone herself stopped hugging and shoved her Mother away. Not hard enough to hurt her, more so to shut her up.
"How DARE YOU! Your husband was a piece of shit, mom. He never cared about you, he only liked fucking you. You chose him over our safety all because you were blinded by whatever you call love."
Romonus may be a killer, he may be a Demon, but he has never hurt us. He will never hurt us, unlike the bastard you call our Father."
Fujimai was shaking as she heard the horrible things her daughter yelled at her.
"No, your Father was just busy, he loved us, loved you, if I can be brought back he can come back. We can be a family again, all of us."
Barbarricia still in the corrupted body of Gabriel scoffed.
"Yup, she is dumb."
Cagnazzo who was in the body of Uriel nodded.
"Quite so."
Kuroka shook her head as the joy turned sour when she brought up her Sperm Donner of a father.
"Mom, for all your love, you are a fool. Father was not a good man as you so claim, he was a piece of shit that deserved to die. Romonus, can you bring his soul here?"
Romonus held his hand out and he reached into the deepest level of the Underworld where the evil were sent. He then pulled up that human scientist who had been in one of the lowest sections of hell.
When Fujimai saw him she gasped.
When Romonus held the soul of Fujimai's so-called husband he grinned.
"Tell nothing, but the truth and only the truth. Tell me, Toshio, what did you think of Fujimai."
The human scientist blurted it out.
"She was a good stress reliever after my research. Her being clingy was annoying as I hated cats, but I loved fucking her."
Fujimai gasped as she stepped back.
"What did you think of Kuroka and Shirone?"
"My pets that I was going to use in my research in time. I got Fujimai pregnant as she was the last of her species and I needed more specimens. I wanted to later see what would happen if my daughters were impregnated by other species to test the results."
Even Walburga had to turn her head to look at this disgusting piece of shit.
"Wow, that is dark even for me."
Roygun who was standing next to Walburga nodded.
"Yeah, and we are the Devils."
Hearing that just made Romonus pissed so he forced his will down on Toshio before he crushed his soul down into a Soul Stone. The stone was the size of a smooth pebble, so he tossed it to Fujimai.
"Here, his soul is in there. Throw it on the ground to break it and he will die, or make it your life's goal to bring him back. While I rather have a good relationship with you, that doesn't seem to be possible. So, consider us even."
Shirone and Kuroka walked away from Fujimai as if they had been happy, but now their mood had been killed. When both of them were at his sides, Kuroka turned to her Mother.
"You know Mom, I will always love you, but if you choose him over us, it seems you were better off not resurrected."
Fujimai looked at the soul stone of her beloved, but hearing all the terrible things he said made her sigh. She dropped it on the ground before she stomped down on it. It broke her heart to do that, but losing even her daughters would kill her.
When he saw that, it made Romonus smile.
"I can tell you are not happy so I will send you back to Japan to the Yokai Village. I hope you can calm yourself and think clearly."
With a wave of his hand, he teleported her away as he said. That just left the parents of Vespera who were reacting differently. Her Father didn't seem angry, just completely over it.
Alaric Bael the grandson of Zekram Bael and Vespera's Father sighed.
"So you figured it out, Vespera?"
She nodded while looking at the ground.
"So why didn't you just stop and listen to me? I was telling you the truth."
"I'm so sorry, but I was in a blood frenzy, I didn't know what you were saying. Grandmother poisoned my mind that you raped my mother. I never even met my mom either."
Her Mother Permelia Carmila sighed as she grabbed her lover's arm. They were never married even if they wanted to be.
"You know she killed me right after her birth right? My Mother was a witch of a bitch and everyone hated her. I say we all put her behind us and forget she ever existed. Unless you have already killed her?"
Vespera smiled as she reached up for her hair and pulled out that section of her hair that was platinum white.
"After I killed Dad, Zekram came after me and after a battle that nearly resulted in his death, he had me turned into a Demon Sword. When Romonus who is a descendent of Zekram tried to resurrect me, he used the body of my grandmother as a vessel.
This used to be her body so other than this strand of hair and her assets, nothing is left."
Permelia and Alaric both smiled as it seemed the cause of their ruined family was gone satisfyingly. Everyone he brought back in one way or another was returned to their family so now he had more relatives to add to the family.
Venelana was proud of her son as he had just single handedly ended a lot of grief. How could anyone not see why her son was the greatest? As for Romonus, he sat back on his throne as his first conquest of the multiverse was complete.
Now he had to make sure he was fully in control, and meet with Macho Ophis and Lady Red. Then, he would deal with Evie Atolde, and then see how he could begin to leave this reality for another one.
DxD was not the only thing out there and he wanted to explore more of it.