Chereads / The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 106 - Fighting An Equal At Last.

Chapter 106 - Fighting An Equal At Last.

When Ophis looked up into Romonus' eyes, she could see that the Eight eight-pointed stars in them were spinning. His face was split by a bloody grin that desired nothing more than to fight. His emotions right now were so volatile anything would set him off. 

Realizing they would probably be in danger his fiances all made the sound choice to teleport away to safety. Ophis on the other hand was collected as always, but out of nowhere, Romonus lost his patience. He pulled his arm back and he threw a powerful punch with the full force he could manage to Ophis' chin. 

He hit her with such strength that he broke the dimensional barriers and threw Ophis out of the Underworld. Ophis' still kept her collected expression as her back hit the Moon causing it to shatter into many pieces. 

She sat up unharmed as Romonus had not hit her, he had hit the Infinity that surrounded her body. Much like Gojo's Infinity, only at a much higher level, but now she was angry. 

Her expression was filled with a scowl as she looked down as Romonus lept after her jumping out of the Underworld and onto Earth. With a bellowing roar that shook the planet, he bent his legs down and he lept into space after Ophis. 


Ophis stood up and when Romonus reached her she pulled her arm back with that same scowl. 


He just pulled his arm back before throwing a brutal haymaker at Ophis' pretty face. Her eyes began to shimmer in a much lighter shade of purple that seemed nearly pink. She leaned back to avoid the punch, but Romonus saw that coming and he raised his left leg and kicked her head with a deadly kick. 

Once again he hit a layer of Infinity around her not hurting her, but throwing her through one of the large chunks of the Moon. Ophis using her legs braced on nothing, but she stopped as she rushed toward Romonus.

"Can you stop?" 

Romonus seeing that just grinned even more as he began to glow a deep dark purple. He bent forward as his Infernal Divinity, began to surge out of his body. He roared once again as his aura began to compress itself down around him as he drew on his Demonic Touki. 

He kicked off one of the sections of the Moon and he appeared in front of Ophis once again. He pulled his arms back and he threw a hammer fist at her head. This time, she blocked it as she raised her arms to catch his blow. 

When his attack met her Infinity, his Infernal Divinity, and the Infinity reacted in an explosion that exploded out into the void destroying Earth, and Venus and throwing Mars out of its orbit. Most importantly, her arms were touching Romonus'. 

He had broken through her Infinity, but when his Demon God flesh met her Dragon God flesh, they both resisted. Ophis and Romonus began to push against each other in a contest of strength causing space around them to start to strain with a groan. 

Ophis' squinted her eyes as she began to put more force into her arms which pushed against Romonus'. As the Dragon God of Infinity, she was Nigh-Invulnerable and possessed strength that very few could match. 

However, Romonus as a Demon God was one of those beings as he was matching her strength. In her life, Ophis other than Great Red a fellow Dragon God had not been challenged like this. 


Ophis pulled her arms back lowered her center of gravity and punched Romonus straight in the sternum. He got thrown back through the void forcing him to extend his fingers to grab onto the fabric of space. 

He coughed as he felt his entire sternum crack down the middle. 

'I felt that.' 

When he stood up he bent back popping his back his potent regenerative factor healed the damage. 

"I felt that I have not felt pain since I became a Demon. No one has hurt me, but you did. I know you can do it, Ophis. You can push me to my limits." 

Ophis sighed as she saw his face. Battle Junkies were the worst for a pacifist like her. 

"Can we not? Please." 

Romonus stood up and popped his knuckles before he began to grin. 

'My Armored, equip me.' 

'No, Archaon, leave this me, I want to fight against Ophis, body to body, Demon God vs Dragon God.' 

'By your will.' 

With that out of the way, Romonus began to walk through the Void of Space. 

"No can do. Neither of us has put any effort, let's take this up a level. I will keep attacking until you defend yourself." 

Ophis who had her arms crossed seemed to sigh before she uncrossed them. When he looked at her eyes, they went from bored and unfocused to completely focused. 


Before he could finish speaking Ophis 'moved' and arrived in front of him. Her extended hand was covered in Void Energy. However, it was very different from Romonus' as it seemed to be a space filled with nothingness that a mortal mind could comprehend. 

Of course, his mind was far from mortal, but rather than defend he took her punch with his face. Rather than an explosion, it was more like a wave of reality erasing power struck him directly in the face erasing his head off his shoulders. 

Even without a brain, his nervous system and his Immortal soul reacted for him. He drew on his Domain of destruction as a mixture of dark crimson-purple energy covered his leg. 

His knee struck Ophis in the stomach, causing her to keel over as much as her previous attack, her stomach was just destroyed. Thanks to her attack, there was nothing around them, but Romonus just added to the damage. 

They split from each other as Ophis looked at the empty section of her stomach. Romonus had never in his life lost his head so this was a new experience. From the stump of his neck, a new head popped out causing him to touch it. 

Ophis placed a hand over the missing section of her stomach which filled in without bleeding. The last time Ophis was injured was when she challenged Great Red for the Dimensional Gap. 

Romonus began to smile as he held his new head. 

'I lost my head, someone destroyed my head. I am fighting with my life on the line, this is what I have looked for.' 

As for Ophis, she looked up at Romonus with more respect in her gaze. As she looked around them at the lack of reality she hummed. 

"Is this going to be a battle to the death? If it is, I am just going to run away." 

Romonus smiled as he looked at Ophis. 

"You seriously are boring. Don't you feel the rush in a fight?"

Ophis shook her head. 

"I rather not, how about the loser who does whatever the winner says? I win and you help me kick Great Red out of the gap." 

"And I win and you become my eternal sparring partner?" 

"I can agree to that." 

With that, Romonus breathed out as a Concept of Destruction began to rage off of him. He combined it with the concept of Death causing it to darken causing him to destroy and kill reality around them. 

He then activated his Domain of Battle causing his already great power to increase. His muscles began to bulge, and his Domain of Magic caused all three Domains to start causing a storm of elemental power to rage around him. 

When he activated his Void Domain, it mixed with the Necrotic Aura of Destruction and Magic before his Omnipotence Domain enhanced all five to make him 'All Powerful' which would match Ophis' Concept of Infinity. She had Infinite Energy, 'Infinite' Strength, Durability, and more. 

When Ophis saw the Void Energy mixing with his new aura she actually smiled. 

"Seems you're like me."

When she released her power, her name the Ouroboros Dragon made more sense. Around her, he could feel some very powerful abillities mainly Infinity, Eternity, Nothingness, and Chaos all at once. 

Both their auras began to push against each other in a powerful clash that caused the entire Solar System to incinerate. Romonus and Ophis rushed at each other and when their fists met it was absolute devastation. '

The Solar System was just gone and everything else in it was also destroyed. As for the Underworld, before he had left he had reinforced it so it was still fine, but it would not be if he and Ophis kept this up. 

But at this point, Romonus was far too focused on his brawl. He and Ophis continued to throw powerful punches that had everything they had. Omnipotence and Infinity were quite similar Concepts and when in battle, they matched each other. 

Romonus the Demon God and Ophis the Dragon God were perfect foes. His aura compressed itself around him as he raised his hands. Around his arms, this aura became volatile as it was as if he had Super Massive Black Holes as arm braces. 

Ophis forced the Infinity around her to compress causing the Infinity between herself and Romonus to be filled with Nothingness. When they rushed at each other, Romonus lowered his center of gravity as he launched a left and right hook at her head. She raised her arms and caught his hits before she found an opening. 

She threw an uppercut that hit his chin with such force it forced him to look up. However, he looked down with one eye as he spun around and kicked the side of Ophis' head. Romonus put his full power in that blow causing Romonus' All Powerful to clash with the Infinity. 

The power clashes once again broke the Dimensions around them causing them to no longer be in space. They were in the place between Dimensions where they did not need to go easy. 

Romonus without hesitating returned to his True Demonic Form which after his ascension to Godhood seemed something an Eldtrich God would have. Seeing that Ophis released her true form which turned out to be a giant dragon covered in dark eyes. 

Romonus suspected that anyone not at his level or above would have their minds torn apart to look at Ophis in this state. When they had another Domain clash, this time concepts that mortals took as all powerful began to not matter. 

Even Romonus in his true Demon form began to lack a true 'form' as he seemed like a living force of death and destruction. He and Ophis rushed at each other once more as they began to warp reality or the nothingness between realities. 

From his back, 12 pairs of Demonic Wings surged with Infernal Divine Energy. With a twitch, he reached Ophis, striking her scaled chest and destroying her barrier. When his fist hit her chest, it caused the eyes that covered her to explode along with the scales and flesh underneath. 

However, he learned something interesting as Ophis used the Concept of Nothingness to reduce the damage she took to nothing. She did face resistance because the 'Death' and 'Destruction' that Romonus used were fighting back against her 'Nothingness'. 

The eyes that covered Ophis' form began to light up before she opened her mouth and blasted Romonus with a Dragon Breath of pure Infinity, Nothingness, and Void. To match it, Romonus gathers energy in his hands Death, Destruction Omnipotence. 

When both attacks clash, the result was instant as the two Eldritch Gods was obliterated, erased, destroyed, and killed all at the same time. The energy clash continued with neither stopping the clash. 

Soon, Ophis' eyes lit up as they released hundreds of blasts that joined her breath to overpower Romonus. Romonus opened his mouth as he added to his attack while all over his body, all-devouring maws began to open.

Like Ophis, they add to the Concept Clash that continues to build up power for tense moments. Eventually, all the Concepts being used lost equilibrium and they implode. 

This forced Ophis and Romonus out of the Nothingness between realities. When the energy settles down around them, Romonus and Ophis are covered in massive wounds that were bleeding heavily. 

Romonus' Immortality and Ophis' Nothingness struggle to heal themselves as a result. They focused on their wounds forcing them closed. When their wounds were tended to, Romonus raised his six arms which began to glow as he drew on his Enuncia. 

Ophis snarled as all over her body, more eyes began to open with the symbols of Infinity, Null, and Void. This meant they were going for victory. 

(Honestly, as I wrote this I wanted to avoid Ophis being in the harem, but damn it seems it is impossible. Oh well. She's cool.)
