Chereads / The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 104 - A Melancholic God.

Chapter 104 - A Melancholic God.

Once Romonus finished off the Australian pantheon of gods, he returned to Lucifade where the Skull Throne continued to grow. Seeing the throne continue to grow with each campaign of slaughter was cathartic in a way.

Just like his power, the throne represented his insatiable desire for more power. Currently, Azi Dahaka was standing behind the throne like a mighty guardian while Kharn and Grimaldus sat on his shoulders. As for Mephiston, the Griffon was lying down at his feet like a cat which relaxed his soul. 

As his Demons took their positions throughout the crumbling city and Romonus sat on his throne of slaughter, he decided that it was time to speed things up. Once he sat down on the skulls that formed his throne, he used his connection to all his lovers to call them back to his side. 

'We are speeding things up, I need you all to return to Lucifade and pronto.' 

He didn't wait for a response as he opened his eyes he could feel Leviathan and Lilith looking up at him from the base of the Skull Throne. When he looked down, he squinted his eyes. 

"What is it?" 

Lilith began to walk up the mountain of skulls taking care to look at each individual that made up this macabre creation. There were millions of skulls and each one was a reminder of the brutality of the God she now called master. 

Only a truly deranged psychopath would take pleasure in such a sight. When she finally reached the top where Romonus sat on a throne formed of skulls, she looked down at the massive Griffin at his feet. 

The creature was 30 meters long and covered in dark purple, bright gold, and blood-red feathers and fur. His beak seemed to glimmer like metal, and that was not counting the giant three-headed dragon behind Romonus. 

Even now, he could see that Azi Dahaka was smirking at her mocking her. Even the little things on Romonus' shoulders seemed to see her as nothing more than a pest. As for Romonus himself, he didn't even look at her at all. 

When she looked at his eyes, they were a shade of purple so dark that they seemed like glittering dark gemstones, and those eight-pointed stars in them blazed with Divine Energy. To her, Romonus was what she expected would happen if a Demon ever became a God. 

"What is it, Lilith?" 

Even without looking at her, he could see everything. 

"Do you feel any remorse for what you are doing, my Lord?"

"None at all." 


"Because I am a Demon, I will never regret my actions, I will never think of what ifs. When I decide to take a life, destroy a planet, or wipe out a race, it is my will alone and I need to never regret it." 

Lilith nodded as she bowed to him. 

"I meant no disrespect." 

"I took none." 

As Romonus was thinking, he sensed Miria teleport back to Lucifade along with his Demons. When his Demons arrived they began to drop off the skulls they had collected in the Norse Realms. 

The Skulls of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Giants, trolls, and so many more. Miria when she teleported in without skipping a beat arrived at the skull throne before jumping up to where Romonus sat. 

"I am back."

As she walked over to Romonus she first ruffled Mephiston's feathered head before she sat down on Romonu's lap. Kharn and Grimaldus simply moved off his shoulders to sit on the throne itself as he wrapped his arms around her. 

"Did you have fun?" 

"You bet I did, I electrocuted Thor to death, beat Odin to a bloody pulp, and ripped Loki's head off. Oh, and I even decided to take Sleipnir as my mount." 

"Before I forget, here." 

She pulled out Gungnir and the sword of Surtr for him. 

"Brought these for you."

Now that he considered it a good gift. 

"Thank my Love. Look after Sleipnir ok?"

Miria nodded as she took a moment to relax before looking at Lilith. 

"So what do you plan to do with her?" 

Romous glanced at Lilith before snorting. 

"Probably nothing." 

Miria got off Romonus's lap as he was acting weird. 

"Are you saying you don't find her hot?" 

Lilith was not sure what was happening, but she stayed silent. 

"I do, but just because she is hot doesn't mean I find her worthy to join my harem." 

Romonus stood up from his throne as more of his lovers began to teleport in the center of Lucifade in front of his Throne. Latia, Walburga, Serafall, Roygun, Silvana, Vespera, Valerie, Itsuki, Kuroka, Shirone, Rias, Venelana. 

Akeno, Natsume, and Seekvaira also joined back with the entire family who seemed to be looking up at the skull throne. Latia was a big fan while someone like Valerie who was still much kinder than the rest seemed a little dejected at the sight.

Romonus sighed as he stood up from his throne before walking down to join back with his family. 

"I know it is dark, I didn't even order it made." 

Valerie could tell he was telling the truth, but when she looked at his soul, to her it looked like a purple star. A truly Divine creation that showed his Godhood. 

"You're telling the truth, can't you tell your Demons to stop doing this thing?"

Latia turned her head to Valerie like she was speaking something horrible. 

"Oh come on, don't be borring. A Demon God needs a Skull Throne." 

Vespera grinned as she saw the towering state of the throne. 

"I do have to agree with Latia, this throne just seems awesome. What do you all think?"

Walburga shrugged. 

"Seems a bit edgy." 

Rias just pointed at Romonus. 

"Romonus is an Edge Lord or did you miss that?" 

Romonus now felt offended, but in a sense, he could be called an Edge Lord. He just didn't think he was fake like those as he was just Demonic. 

"Can we not call me an Edge Lord?"

Serafall shook her head. 

"No can do, that name is going to stick from now on. Anyway, what is left?" 

Romous was almost done in this world. 

"We just need to end the Hindu Pantheon, The Japanese, Chinese, and while we are here loot this world for all it is worth. Let us hurry so we can return home." 

Venelana did have a question. 

"Son, I get doing all this to be stronger to face those foes you have talked about, but what happens after that? Do you plan to start traveling to other realities?" 

"Probably, since I do owe Rhavdall. He allowed me to be this strong and I plan to not let that debt go unpaid. Plus, when you are immortal, finding a pastime would be useful. Finding new realities and new sets of power has been a desire of mine for a time. But to achieve that, power is needed and it will not be enough." 

Rias remembered all the anime, manga, and comic books she had read in her spare time. 

"So, all those fictional stories could be real?" 

"Of course, that is how the Omniverse works I think? Regardless, I need to hurry since I want to leave this world already." 

A wave of his Intent roused his Demons who once more gathered ready to add to the skull throne. Seeing those powerful creatures, Silvana wanted to know what would happen if she fought with them. 

"To answer your question, Silvana, I say you have what it takes to take down one of my Greater Demons. Your abillities can maybe get past the immortality of my Demons." 

Silvana liked the sound of that.

"I am glad to hear that, guess our training has been good for a reason." 

Romonus nodded as in a burst of Infernal Divinity he returned to his Demon Form as towering as Great Red. It was the same size as Azi, who was also a giant in his own right. 

Romonus waved his hand and tore open a portal to India. He turned to his head to address his lovers. 

"You do not need to join me, but if you want you can." 

Rias jumped off the ground and onto his giant shoulder. 

"I will go with you, but I know for a fact there won't be anything for me to do. If you move like this, you will kill everything by yourself." 

He looked down and he could see all his lovers felt the same. Romonus was the strongest because of his Demon bloodline, his ascension to Godhood and how many gods he had devoured. He was only going to continue, so once no one other than Rias chose to go with him he left with his familiars and his Demons. 

When he was gone, Roygun crossed her arms as she turned to her fellow harem members. She sighed as she could tell Romonus was feeling a bit down. 

"He loves being strong, but he hates being the strongest. I mean, throughout his life has he ever been challenged?" 

Venelana now thought back to her son when he was little. Back then he had plenty of foes, but after he became a Demon he had lost any challenge. He had grown stronger and stronger with nearly no limit. 

Now that he ascended to Godhood, he had even fewer foes to challenge him. She could sense a true melancholy in her son because he had always wanted to fight a battle to the death. 

A fight to push him to the limit, something to make him feel alive and he had been denied that. 

"No, he hasn't. I think he came to this world expecting a challenge, but all he faced was disappointment. My boy." 

Romonus was not like Sirzechs who loved peace, Romonus had the heart of a fighter. A peaceful world without conflict was the worst thing that could have happened to Romonus. No one to fight, no one to kill, no one to push him. 

She sighed as she knew Romulus would keep looking for a fight to test him. Latia as Romonu's first fiance walked over to Venelana and patted her on the shoulder. 

"We shouldn't worry too much about Romonus, he will eventually find what he is looking for. I guarantee it and when he finally gets that fight he craves, I know the grin on his face will be ear to ear. 

So, what do we do until our husband returns to us." 

When she said the word husband, that seemed to set off a light bulb in the eyes of these girls. Seekvaira now thought about it. 

"When are we going to get married? Romonus is past 18 and we are all adults. Shouldn't we get married soon?" 

Shirone nodded. 

"Let's plan it." 

Kuroka smiled as she looked around. 

"That sounds like fun." 

While Romonus went off to war, his lovers began to plan his wedding. That would most likely make Romonus quite happy as he did want to be a husband. He much prefers his lovers to be his wives. 

What he would look forward to was the Honeymoon. Plus, he still had to look forward to the distant future when he became a Father. While they planned a wedding for everyone, Romonus was currently in the thick of it in India. 

He set his Demons loose, and he was currently attacking Svarga, the realm of Indra followed by his Demons and familiars. Rias who sat on his shoulder watched everything with awe as seeing the way her brother fought was brutal. 

Any god that came against him was cut down in three blows as he held back to enjoy himself. It didn't matter what god moved to challenge him, either Ruin Maker took their heads after cleaving their arms off, or Malacoda ripped out hearts. 

It was brutal, but even she could tell that there was a growing sense of rage in her brother's eyes. He was bellowing roars of challenge hoping anyone, someone could match him even for a minute. 


The more gods and their armies died, the more angry he became. When was he going to be challenged? When Svarga was looted and the gods devoured and dead, he roared to the sky shaking the planet in his rage. 


While still in the Hindu Pantheon, he moved against the Asuras and Shiva which meant more gods to slay. Shiva lasted longer than the rest, but even then they all died by his hand. 

When it was time to go, he moved to the Chinese Pantheon as if no one could match him, more gods would have to fill the void of a good fight. 
