Inside the forest the rebel was fighting, but they were overwhelmed by the demon non stop attack, they still continue.
The rebels seperate into different place or groups, at one place Mia and Darren was fighting a nightshade, even though they were two the nightshade was still overpowering them, Mia has plant and darkness attributes while Darren has wind and fire attribute.
Mia tries to hold the nightshade with her roots but it strength was more than hers, she also brought out elements from the shadow to stab the nightshade but it skin was just too hard to penetrate, while Mia try to inflict damage Darren was already inflicting damage, with his fire attribute which is mainly used for destruction and his wind attribute to increase the explosion he was able to leave deep wound on it body, as the beast was injured so was he and Mia also.
The best as darkness attribute, it was able to use the shadow element to attack them, it will bring out large spear shape size shadow from the ground to attack, and also it is also fast, as the fight continues the injuries on the beast body starr to accumulate, it was unable to move as fast as it always move, same too for Mia and Darren but they fight their weakness and continue to pressure the beast, it didn't take long they brought the beast down by trapping it with roots bombarding it with explosions and dark spears.
When the beast died they were so tired that they felt down to the ground to take a short and very quick rest, but they knew the fight ain't over, so mia stood up walk toward the beast, she then form a dark sword from the shadow, she then reap the beast head open, she insert her hand inside after that bringing out a dark attribute crystal, she didn't even bother asking Darren before she absolve it.
Darren just looks at her asking god while It wasn't a fire crystal, they both then stood up to go and meet their leader, when they met their leader they saw that she was in a pickle, she was with Fegal surrounded by 2 nightshade and Silas the demon noble, they quickly jump into the battle, after they reached their the leader gave both of them a nod and immediately they seperated, Angelica fought Silas while Mia, Fegal and Darren fought the two nightshade.
At the trio side Mia and Darren quickly implemented the same strategy on the nightshades, it was a little bit hard to kill them but with Fegal by their side they were able to kill the beast in under 20 minutes, as they finished they hope to go and fight by their leader side because they could see that Silas was just toying with her, but they could only hope because they were surrounded by 10 demon guard, even though the trio had high mastery in their attributes and as high physical strength they could see that it was going to be an exhausting battle for them.
As the fight commence they find out they were right, not only were they out numbered the guard too have sufficient mastery in their attributes and with their physical strength plus their innate demon power, they saw that they were fighting a loosing match, as the battle kept going they were able to defeat half of the demon guard, 20 minutes later they were all tired but they passivered because when they were fighting they saw their leader riddled with injury and blood all over her body, when they took a look at the demon they only see a deep burnt slash on his leg side, but yet he still has dominion over her, they also saw tiredness in her eye and her unbroken will not to lose, so they too chose not to give up, although they were all already tired they still fought and were able to defeat two demons, they were now extremely tired and weak, they could feel that their mana tank was empty and their muscle yelling for them to stop.
Mia was unable to dodge an incoming attack from the demons, the attack hit her in her abdomen causing her body to curve and dive toward a tree, when she hit the tree she quickly lost consciousness.
The others look at mia thinking in their minds that we are dead, when all hope seems to be lost they heard a sound.
Angelica P.O.V
While the rest were fighting Silas and Angelica match was already heating up and almost coming to the end, Angelica was already so weakened but she don't want to give up, many emotions was going on in her head at that moment but she quickly erase it and focus on the battle, Silas has already hold her down with dark tentacle, even though she still tried to wiggle herself from the tentacle hold but Silas always catch her and add more tentacle to hold her, he then form a sword made from darkness and fire in his hand while walking toward her, as Angelica saw this she quickly tap into her attributes to escape, immediately she succeded she trapped Silas in a water and fire tornado, although she knows she won't be able to defeat him she was hoping for it to be able to hold him down or cause a serious injury so as to let her and some rebels escape.
But she could only hope because as she chose to walk away to save the other rebels he escaped from the tornado also causing the tornado to dissipate.
We ain't done yet do where do you think you are going rebel queen, "Silas spat out with a not so hidden glint.
Angelica quickly tried to run but she found out she was out of mana, she then took out an hidden dagger from her beltpack, as she wanted to move she saw 4 spear shape shadow pinning her to a tree.
Silas then walked to her and was about to slice her neck with his attribute when he heard vehicles sounds, he quickly look at Angelica trying to get an answer from her reaction but what he saw was the same confusion he has.
Angelica then look toward the area of the sound and saw a man with blond hair, hazel eyes on a red motorcycle, she was so happy because she knew that she his safe now that he his here.