Chereads / Specimen 935 / Chapter 35 - Sow

Chapter 35 - Sow

935 walked out of his room to see Lily rolling some bags out of her room, their eyes meet and she smiles at him, he walked back into the room and slams the door shut.

Lily lets out a sigh as she walks over to his room door, "Bud, freshen up so we can leave okay?" she said and rolled her bag to the living room.

While 935 got himself cleaned, she carried her bags and his into the car. There was a moving bag parked in front of the house, the driver helped her with the packing. Lily walked into the house to see 935 sitting on the couch with the Kbar in his hand and a backpack beside him. She goes and sits next to him.

"You alright sweetie?" she reaches out to touch his hair but he shifts away from her. Lily sighed and looked away. Her eyes looks around the house, from the walls to the ceiling, everything.

"I know" he heard her say and looked at her, "I'd miss this place just as much as you" she added and looked at him "The memories we have of this place will always be there, both the good and bad ones" she said with a smile.

Lily got up and pulled him up with her.

"Let's go Kai, now that i have a good job we have to leave okay?" Lily said as she cupped his cheeks.

"I know you like this place but over there i can take you to school and get you everything you want" she said as she knelt before him.

"I promise you we'll be happy together" she added as she placed her forehead against his. "You'd love it there, the house everything, Kai" she said with a smile. "I have prepared it in such a way you'd forget this place i mean it" she added.

935 nodded and said "Okay" he looked at the tv "Are we not going with the tv?" he asked as he picked up his backpack and looked at her.

Lily smiled "No bud, the tv in the new house is a lot bigger" she said and held his hand.

Lily and 935 walked out of the house to see police vehicles and an ambulance driving past their house, heading to Sow's place.

"What's going on?" Kai asked as he watched the ambulance pass by.

Lily looked at the ambulance and smiled "It's nothing" she sees a police car stop in front of her house "Go inside the car sweetie, i'd be right with you" she said and gave 935 the car keys. 

935 passed by two police officers on his way to the car. He entered the car and shut the door as he watched the officers walk up to Lily.

The officers walked up to the house, "Is that yours ma'am" one asked referring to Kai in the car.

Lily ignored his question as she locked the door and stepped down from the patio "Good morning gentlemen" she greeted "How may i help the both of you?" she asked with an innocent smile.

"Good morning ma'am" the first officer greeted while his partner nodded "I'm Joe and this here is Harry" he said facing the second cop.

Lily nodded and gave Harry a curt nod "Nice to meet you both, but i still don't know what this little meetup is for" she said politely.

Harry looked at Lily's car and the moving truck behind it before he faced Lily "Was that your... um...son ma'am with" he cleared his throat and looked at Lily "Miss...?"

"Seong" Lily said completing his sentence "Miss Seong"

"Alright" Harry replied "Where ya going?" he asked again?

"I was about to heard over to my Landlords place, he goes by Sow." Lily replied and faced the direction of his house "He stays just two houses away from mine, I needed to hand the house keys over to him as per our arrangement" she said and looked at them.

"What arrangement would that be?" Joe asked with folded arms.

"I wanna know if that really is her son though" Lily heard Harry mumble.

Lily's eyes moved from Harry to Joe, she smacked her lips together and said "Look, I don't find it funny nor friendly when two random cops pull over by my doorsteps and start interrogating me for no just cost" she stepped in front of Harry "And you..." she snarled and she pushed him back "You have no fucking right to say what you just did asshole, you do seem to lack common sense though asking unbridled questions" she snapped "Now tell me what's going on right now or get the fuck out my face"

"Sow's dead" Joe said, he looked closely to watch her reaction.

Lily took a step back, she even staggered a little and Harry hurried to hold her. "Impossible" she whispered, she swallowed hard, her pupils dilated as she looked at Joe. "Th-that's a lie" she stuttered, her breathing became shaky as she looked at Joe.

Harry looked at Joe and shook his head, "What makes you so sure?" he asked.

"Well..." Lily started as she stepped away from the two officers, she had a hand on her chest as she tried to calm herself "Landlord Sow and I spoke just yesterday, I went there last night to apologise for what my son did to his little Billy and to give him..." she paused and put her hand over her mouth like she was trying to hold back tears "To give him the rent I owed."

"You saw him last night ma'am?" Joe asked and brought out a notepad.

Lily nodded, "Yeah"

"Why were you there to apologise?" Harry asked.

Lily looked at him, her body was still shaking at the news "My son, Kai and Billy had a little spat, Billy's routine is to bully my son you see, but I always told him not to hit back. Yesterday, well my Kai threw a snowball straight at Billy's face and Billy passed out with a nosebleed." she explained "When Landlord Sow saw it he got furious and well... he cursed at my son and me, I was just driving in when he hurled insults at me and told me to leave his property."

"Is that why you are leaving?" Harry asked.

"No, I have a new job in the city" Lily sniffed "It'll be better over there for me and my son, I wanted to leave knowing we owed no one, so I went to Landlord Sow's place not only to apologise but to pay up the rent as well." she showed them the key "Honestly, I was heading there right now to thank him for not calling the cops on my son, and give him the keys... b-but now" she sobbed.

"Calm down ma'am" Joe said softly.

Lily looked at him, "How did it happen? I hope little Billy didn't... didn't see his father..." Lily said between sobs.

Harry answered "Sow took two bullets to the lungs" Harry explained " Blood flowed into his lungs causing him to suffocate, that too and him bleeding out i guess, we'll still have to conduct an autopsy though" Harry added.

"Poor Billy" Lily said sadly.

Joe looked away and said "Billy was the one that called the cops this morning, he died last night but seems the shock was too much for them. They wanted to be with his body till morning." They all sighed.

"His uncle's body was found at noon yesterday, now this" Harry added.

"Who's his uncle?" Lily quickly asked.

They both looked at her "Oh you didn't know?" Joe asked "He was the mayor" he answered.

Lily gasped, shock etched on her face"That's so sad" she said "I... I don't know what to say" she added looking at them, she looked at the key "Do you think now's the best time to give the keys to them?" she asked.

Joe shook his head "Why not hand them over to us ma'am" he said and stretched his hand towards her "We'll take it from here" he added.

Lily nodded and gave Joe the keys. They collected her number too in case they had anymore questions.

Lily sighed and looked at the house "You know, me and Landlord Sow talked yesterday, I wonder, if I had stayed longer, would whoever did this to him have killed the both of us?" she asked and faced the officers.

"I hope not, i'd hate for your kid to be left alone in this world" Harry replied "Please be ready to come back here anytime if necessary and have your phone on at all times because of the information. Have a safe travel ma'am" Harry added.

Lily smiled and said "Thank you" she turned and headed to her car, she looked at the house again before she entered the car and shut the door.

"What happened?" 935 asked facing her.

"Nothing," Lily said looking at her face on the rear view mirror "They found a dead pig with bullet holes so they went around looking for answers" she replied.

935 looked at the passing officers as they got into their car and drove off "Pigs need ambulances?" he asked and looked at Lily.

She smiled and looked at him "Animals need care too," she teased and pinched his cheeks "Let's get going" she added and started the car.

"What about Sow's Keys?" 935 asked and she looked at him.

"I asked the nice police officers to help me return it to him" Lily replied and drove off, the moving truck followed behind her.

As they passed Sow's house 935 saw the house surrounded by police cars with an ambulance in front. He saw Billy crying and holding his mum who sobbed bitterly on the ground.

935 turned and face Lily as she drove "Was the pig theirs?" 935 asked with a straight face as he looked at her.

Lily looked at him and smiled "Yep" she said and faced the road.