Chereads / Specimen 935 / Chapter 2 - 935

Chapter 2 - 935

935 stood, he looked at all of them. Suddenly blood began to drip from his nose.

"SHIT" the soldier cursed as he cocked his gun ready to fire "DON'T GIVE HIM SPACE TO ATTACK FIRE NOW" he ordered.

They all began to rain bullets on him. Bullets hurled towards him, a bullet went through his knee but he didn't fall.

Bullets pierced different parts of his body, one even landed a hit on his neck but he stood there unfazed.

The bullets all began to freeze mid air barely inches from him, yet the soldiers did not stop their assault.

The room slowly began to vibrate, the walls began to creak.

"STOP!!" the soldier yelled and they all stopped shooting.

They looked on to see a bullet covered figure before him. He used the bullets to create an armor that surrounded his entire body, protecting him.

The soldiers felt the floor beneath them begin to vibrate, the metals on the wall began to crease and peel.

935 suddenly rose to the air, the metals as though hailing him wailed as they were forced out of their fixed placed.

The soldiers took a step only for the floor underneath them to rise, defying the laws of physics.

The soldiers around him where suddenly lifted up in the air, the bullets around 935 formed a ball above his head.

His green eyes stared at the soldier that had been calling the shots the entire time.

He could practically taste the fear that the soldiers emanated from their body. He raised his right hand and the moment he pointed at the soldier a bullet was shot straight at the soldiers head.

The bullet went straight through the soldiers head hitting three other soldiers behind him all four of them falling off the metal board and unto the ground.

The blood from his nose seemed to increase as it flowed more. Slowly he dropped to the ground.

The metal on the wall surrounded the soldiers, up, down and by the sides. They were wrapped, forming a circular encasement, in the center was the ball of bullets they had fired.

935 looked at the huge door blocking him from his freedom. The door suddenly squeezed in on itself and fell to the ground.

As he moved towards the door he could hear the soldiers he trapped banging the metal, pleading for mercy, begging him to release them.

He ignored their cries and pleas, the moment he stepped out of the building the soldiers screams died down.

Bullets shot out of the encasement blood oozed from the bullet holes, he could feel as the metal pierced through their skin.

Some punctured their eyes, brains, tongues, heart, lungs, kidneys, bones, everything. The blood that oozed out of the encasement was followed by some bits of human organs.

He kept on walking, a few feet away from the building the metal encasement fell to the ground.

He looked around him, everything was covered in snow. It was still snowing, a flake landed on his nose, he stared at it before wiping it off also wiping off the blood from his nose.

He kept on walking, his bare feet felt numb under the bed of snow, the snow soaked off some of the wet blood under his feet.

His cloth still dripped blood from time to time, staining the snow's beautiful white.

As he kept on walking, his only aim was to get as far from his captors as possible. He walked into a forest, he tripped over a root and fell first face onto the snow.

He stayed there, welcoming the snows cold embrace.

The forest was quiet and still, the snow fell on him, covering his body in a thin blanket.

935 laid still, his body exhausted and drained.

"Get up" 

He heard a voice echo in his head, he raised his head slowly to see a squirrel on far from him digging through the snow.

He stared at the small furry creature and a thing pierce of wood suddenly pierced its head, the squirrel died with a shriek. Its body twitched as blood flowed out of its head.

935 slowly rose to his feet. The thin blanket of snow fell from his body. He approached the dying animal and watched its body jerk till it didn't move anymore.

He picked up the animal and pulled the stick out of its head. He looked around before he continued walking, he approached a frozen stream.

He knelt down before it and the ice covering the water suddenly cracked, he dipped his hand into the water and quickly pulled it out.

He looked into the water to see a fish floating around the small iceless puddle.

A frown formed on his face, he dipped his hand back into the water and pulled out the fish.

The fish squirmed around in his hand as he looked at it. He squeezed the fish, meshing it in his hand.

Its organs dripped out of his hand. He opened his palm and looked at the fishes insides, then opened his mouth and ate from his palm.

He munched on the dead fishes insides before throwing the head away.He then used water from the river to wash his hand and his face, cleaning the blood from face and hands.

He picked up the squirrel and suddenly jumped up, the height at which he jumped was unnatural. He jumped to a tree branch with the squirrel in hand. Suddenly two men in the same colour clothes as the ones in the building he just escaped from approached the river.

"I don't see any signs of him" the first soldier said. He had on clothes to warm him up, a furry sleeveless jacket, mittens and a head warmer, same went for the other soldier except he had a device in is hand that let out a beeping sound.

"He has to be around here somewhere, at least that's what the tracker shows" the second soldier replied as he looked around. He walked over to the stream and looked at the water.

The first soldier walked over the tree 935 was on, as he looked around for any signs of 935. A drop of blood suddenly landed on his face.

935 looked at the squirrel, it was still dripping blood, he looked back at the soldier below him. The soldier removed his mittens and wiped his face.

He stared at the blood with furrowed brows, he looked up at the tree only to see 935 falling towards him.

He reached for his gun but it was too late, 935 landed on his shoulder and covered his mouth. The soldier pulled out his gun, he raised it to 935 but his hand suddenly froze he tried to move but his body defied him.

He looked at his comrade begging him mentally to turn back.

The second soldier noticed traces of blood in the water and saw the head of the fish too "Hey Stan i think it was here" he said as he turned around only to see 935 on his comrade Stan.

He swallowed hard and reached for his gun, but he could tell by the look he got that he was going to regret that.

"Mark...Mark come in" they all heard someone call.

935 looked down at his pocket and he quietly brought out the walkie talkie in his pocket.

He could feel 935's gaze on his every move, he slowly brought the walkie to his lips and said "Y-yes i am here" he replied shakily.

"Did you find the specimen?" the person asked referring to 935.

Mark the soldier with the walkie looked at 935 who gave him a daring look, he then looked at Stan who nodded his head, pleading him to say yes.

"Mark did you sight the specimen" the person asked again.