Chereads / Harry Potter: Se’x Oriented Hogwarts / Chapter 226 - Ch 247 - Piggy back Ride ~Big Melons~

Chapter 226 - Ch 247 - Piggy back Ride ~Big Melons~

After about ten minutes of Molly finding the toffee all over the place, they took their leave.

"Well, have a lovely time, and behave yourselves!" She called after the Twins.

"I'll send Bill, Charlie, and Percy along around midday," Lucifer heard her tell Arthur.

The rest of them marched out after Fred and George, who walked on ahead after Molly took all of their Toffee that apparently was prank, which didn't surprise Lucifer as it was Fred and George who manufactured it.

It was chilly and the moon was still out as they walked.

Only a dull, greenish tinge along the horizon to their right showed that daybreak was slowly drawing ever closer.

Hermione saw Harry bound ahead of them to talk to Arthur and she turned to Lucifer, "Show me your ticket once again." gave a stern order.

He pulled out the ticket from his right pocket, "Of course, the same seating area that Mr. Weasley got tickets for. I'm still surprised, honestly, that you didn't ask me to get you one."

"Oh, there was no reason to bother you about it knowing that Mr. Weasley was going to be able to get them with no cost to him," Hermione gave a beautiful smile for being considerate of her.

"Besides, I'm a little surprised that you were willing to spend the money for that seat, it's an expensive ticket..."

"Well... for a lot of Wizards, yeah..."

"Money is no concern to you... I forgot," she gave an embarrassed laugh.

They trudged down the dark, dank lane towards the village, silence broken only by their footsteps from then on.

The sky lightened very slowly as they made their way through the village, its inky blackness diluting to the deepest blue.

They eventually came to Stoatshead Hill and began to climb it, stumbling occasionally in hidden rabbit holes, slipping on thick black tuffets of grass.

Hermione was so out of shape, she felt like she was going to see the Porridge she ate again.

She looked at Lucifer and saw that he wasn't having any trouble on the climb.

"If you want me to carry you on my back, Hermione, just say so," he said without looking at her.

She felt her cheeks burn, "N-No, i-it's okay..." she said, breathing heavily as she did.

She found herself staring at his back as he stopped in front of her.

"It's not a problem, Hermione, trust me," Lucifer said and she couldn't see it, but she had a feeling that he was smiling.

"O-Okay then..." Hermione said and clamored onto his back, arms going around the front of his neck and his hands going under her knees, and he was now carrying her in a piggyback.

She could see over him as he carried her.

Her cheeks burned as she pressed herself closer into him, knowing that her large breasts were pushing against his back.

They were really impressive, 'It may be one of my biggest weapons against Katie....I got a bigger chest than her...'

Another five minutes and they finally made it to level ground.

"Whew," Lucifer could hear Arthur panting as he spoke on the hill, "Well, we've made good time - we've got ten minutes..."

Lucifer was the last up the hill, and everyone turned to see him carrying Hermione, and he wasn't the least bit out of breath.

"Bloody hell..." Ron said in awe, "since when did you get to be so in shape?" He was still breathing a little heavily.

"I've always been in shape, I just never had to really show it," Lucifer said as Hermione was resting her cheek on his upper back, enjoying the not walking and over-exerting herself as she listened to his heartbeat.

It was a little elevated, but nothing compared to what anyone else's probably was.

The rhythm was enough to put her to sleep.

"Now we just need the Portkey, come on," Arthur said, "it won't be a big item," they trudged on, keeping an eye out for the small object.

They barely started to look for it when a voice rang out.

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!"

Two tall figures were silhouetted against the starry backdrop on the other side of the hilltop.

"Amos!" Arthur said, smiling as he strode over to the man.

Everyone else followed and Lucifer recognized Cedric immediately, so Amos must have been his father.

Hermione raised her head off his upper back to look at the two men they all approached.

Arthur was shaking hands with a ruddy-faced wizard with a scrubby brown beard, who was holding a moldy looking old boot in his left hand.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," Arthur said, "He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"

"Hi," he said, looking at them.

His eyes stopped on Lucifer when he saw that he was carrying Hermione on his back.

"Long walk, Arthur?" Amos asked.

"Not too bad, we live just on the other side of the village there," Arthur pointed back the way they came, "How about you two?"

"Had to get up at two, didn't we Ced?" He gave a hearty laugh, "I tell you, I'll be most glad when he's got his Apparition test passed. Still... not complaining... Quidditch World Cup, wouldn't miss it for a sack full of Galleons - and the tickets cost about that much. Mind you, looks like I got off easy..." Amos said and looked around at them all.

His eyes stopped on Lucifer and Hermione a moment, "all these yours, Arthur?"

"Oh, no, only the redheads," Arthur said, "This here is Hermione, a friend of Ron's; Harry, another friend of Ron's-"

Hermione made a groaning sound, but since her face was near his hair, she only ended up mumbling into it.

"Merlin's Beard!" Amos said energetically, "Harry Potter!?"

"Er... yeah," Harry said, obviously peeved about someone fangirling over him.

"Ced's talked about you, of course. Told us all about playing against you last year," Amos said, "I said to him, I said - Cedric, that'll be something you will get to tell your grandkids, that will - You beat Harry Potter!"

Harry flushed a little, Lucifer could see it even in this poor lighting.

"Dad, I told you, Harry fell off his broom, it was an accident," Cedric tried to explain, again apparently.

"Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you?" Amos roared genially, and it was pissing Lucifer off.

"Always modest, our Ced, always the gentleman... but the best man won, I'm sure Harry'd say the same wouldn't you?"

"Well I wouldn't," Lucifer spoke up after being quiet for the entire conversation.

He stood up straight, coming up a few inches shorter than Cedric, and Hermione had to lean up a bit to look over his shoulder.

"And why would you disagree with that statement, dear boy?" Amos asked.

"Because I didn't realize we were okay with Dementors interrupting the game? Or Diggory not tell you that?" Lucifer eyed Cedric, and the look on his face told that he hadn't.

"If the Dementors hadn't interfered, Hufflepuff would have lost that match. I don't want to hear Diggory is a better flyer when that's still up for debate."

"Lucifer, we really don't-" Arthur started to say.

"Lucifer? Lucifer Morningstar?" Amos asked, giving him an odd look, "You're... you're Merlin's Descendant!"

Amos was acting even weirder than when he did with Harry.

"Diggory did you-" Lucifer was about to ask.

"I didn't tell him, the Daily Prophet had an entire three pages on it a week ago, did you not see it?" Cedric asked him.

"No, I don't read the Prophet ... Mr. Weasley, did you know about that?" Lucifer asked, while looking at Arthur, now understanding why he was so damn weird at the Burrow.

"Can we discuss this after we are at the World Cup? It's almost time for the Portkey to activate," Arthur said trying to push this discussion sideways.

They all scrambled, "Are we waiting for anyone?"

"No, the Lovegoods arrived a week ago, and the Fawcetts couldn't get tickets," Amos said.

"Luna didn't tell me she was going to be there..." Lucifer muttered slightly under his breath.

"I don't think she knew you were going to be there either," Hermione said in his ear.

She was glad he couldn't see her face right then, because she was not happy about the way he talked about Luna. 

'Well... Luna is pretty... far prettier than I am... it makes sense that he'd look forward to seeing her...'

When they got around the Boot, he set Hermione down and the ten of them all squeezed in.

"Just a finger will do," Arthur said aloud for anyone who didn't know.

He looked down at his watch, "Three... two... one..."

It happened in a nanosecond.

Lucifer had the feeling of someone spearing his stomach with a harpoon, and they began to reel him in at Mach 5.

He looked around and saw that everyone was hanging on for dear life.

"Okay!" Arthur was heard yelling, "Everyone, let go, now!"


Author's Note

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