I have always wondered about everything around me. I've wondered about how things work in life. Every year, I am even more curious about making a new discovery.
My name is Olivia-Kate Dunklin. I am a 14-year-old teenage age girl. I have many different hobbies. My favorite hobbies are skiing, writing, reading; cooking, painting, singing; baking, photography, etc. I considered reading as one of my favorite hobbies that I have. Since I learned to read at the age of one, I have loved reading books. Reading books is one of my biggest passions that I love. I could be reading a book and lose track of time.
Whenever I am not doing any of my hobbies, I am either helping my parents with things around the house or doing homework for school. I don't like getting behind in any of my homework assignments. In all the years that I have been going to school, I have kept all A's in every class and every assignment. Whenever I have finished all my assignments, I usually help other students my their assignments. Sometimes I will help the teacher with whatever he/she needs help with.
When I was a kid, I mostly kept to myself, except for when I had to help the teacher. I was known as the quiet kid. There would be some days that my parents or my teachers would forget that I was in the room because I was so quiet. I minded my own business everywhere I went. Even when Class Bully came around, I kept my same composure and went about my business, not paying him any attention.
I have always thought that the world was ordinary. I think that life is like a plot in a story. There is the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The exposition introduces the characters and settings of the story. The rising action is where the characters discover a problem and try to solve it. The climax is the turning point or exciting part of the story where the characters face the problem. The falling action is the consequence of the climax, where things calm down but may lead to another problem. The resolution is resolved and the story ends. Some stories have different plot twists depending on what the author wants to write.