Chereads / Two Of A Kind (Original Story) / Chapter 57 - Kane Ledger {Ihys}

Chapter 57 - Kane Ledger {Ihys}

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Birthday: Unknown

Family: Hunter Ledger {Asmodeus}

School: Unknown

Grade: Unknown

Powers: Yes

Knowledge of powers: Yes


Preferred weapon: Long ranged rifle & sowards

Eye Color: Red & Purple

Hair Color: White

Relationship: Single

Life: Alive?

Birthplace: Hell

Powers and Kit: He's the older brother of Hunter, born without emotions, absorbed powers from those near him as a child in secret, and piled them up one after the other to become stronger. He hunts beings for emotions and takes jobs for money, He has many powers and is strong but never uses them because it's too easy. So he would rather toy with his prey and those who challenge him. He ruined and set his world into madness after the great angels had fallen. Asmodeus killed their dad and after that, Lhys took control of their world pressuring Asmodeus to leave. After he was gone, Lhys controlled hell and sought to gain more power from other worlds. With Asmodeus and the King of hell dead, Lhys had everything in the palm of his hand. He plans to rule in the shadows making his own madness forcing others to face the darkness within the shadows.

Powers & Other info below:


Mind Breaching allows him to enter the target's mind and place and remove memories, making the target see mirages.

Emotion Manipulation: Allows him to temper with targets anger, sadness, despair, happiness, love, and more.

Mental EMP: Overloads targets minds with their worst fears, potency varies on target.

Tangible nightmares: Set traps of shadows that activate and attack when a target steps into it

Voidal locker: Allows him to store weapons or items in a personal dimensional fissure that only he can access, can open or close anywhere or anytime

Copycat: Can learn and perfectly replicate any skill or power he has observed

Over lords Eye: Can go out of body and see any part of the world

Hunters Haven: Can step into a void. He can exit wherever but while in the void he cannot use intelligence or mind control abilities( gets cut off from reality)

Demonic WeaponSmith: Can forge any weapon from shadows, and can imbue his weaponry with the insanity of the targets he has ensnared.

Shared Blood: Can take blood from those who will it and gain their powers. Rituals must be done willingly(blackmailed or insane works too)

—- shared with hunter

Enhanced Body: Strength, speed, agility, endurance, intelligence, and sight are highlighted. (Gains a boost to each target he gets)

Mental Snare: Has a mind so corrupt that anyone attempting mind control or manipulation gets sucked into his mind and attacked and tortured by his madness

Broken Soul Prison: Allows him to capture targets he had driven into madness to a cell. Limits target abilities while giving him a boost to his stats

Dementual shifting: Can teleport by manipulating space, can also create snares with space

Totem: He cannot die truly, he never goes out in his true form, and he sends clones with an equal amount of strength as the original. Can send multiple of himself at once all hive-minded and powerful

Conjure: Can create anything with shadows, minions, weapons, vehicles, or structures( temporarily)

Viral Rounds: Each shot is embedded with a virus that allows Kane full access to their mind and body, making them his dummy, or test subject

Phase: Can avoid any physical attacks by becoming the shadows himself, and can use shadows to teleport.

Deaths Touch: As Kane is madness and develops in death, direct contact with his real form is extremely lethal. An attacker who made contact will begin to shrivel and slowly lose their grip on their sanity and powers. When weak enough it kills them

Everything is edible: Allows Kane to consume anything, becomes a glutton, and takes any stats of target. Allows him to change the physical hardness of anything he has consumed.

Forced family: Targets he has snared can either be sent to his prison or become his loyal servant. They cannot betray him.

Shadow Swordsman: He cannot use any normal weapons, and summons his own weapons which he can modify at his will.

Stained Arsenal: Any weapon that has tasted an enemy's blood does more damage to that race or that one person.

Shadow Mage: Can cast spells like a normal magic user, and can enchant himself and his weapons.

Tough Love: Any attack Kane takes gets analyzed and auto-countered if hit again.

Born warrior: Can use any weapon with maximum effectiveness and accuracy

Dress up: Can switch armor or cano at will

Consumer: Projectiles sent to Kane are sent to his arsenal, and can copy new weapons and armor by contact

Future: If a person has harmful intent he can sense their next 3 moves before they do it.



The Birth of the First

The Book of the Damned claims that the First was born spontaneously from the mysterious source of life known as the Seal and began as formless motes of energy. When the Seal birthed other, lesser motes, the First became self-aware. Eons passed, and slowly the First, and the lesser motes, began exploring creation. These were the first gods. One of the First uttered the first sound, discovering the power of speech and, thus, knowledge. He named himself Ihys and his brother, Asmodeus.

Creation of Mortality

Ihys and Asmodeus, together with the lesser gods, began to sculpt creation to their liking and slowly introduced the concept of order into reality, creating stars, planets, and the fundamental laws that bind them. Then Ihys forever changed their creation: he created the first mortals, discovering the concept of souls and worship, and the other gods followed his example. Amid the rampant creation and destruction of new life, Ihys felt sympathy for mortals, who as of yet were but puppets for the gods, and granted them the right to forge a destiny of their own. Ihys' gift of free will upon mortals caused the first schism of the gods. On the one side were those (like Asmodeus) who viewed mortals as mere tools and those (like himself) who desired freedom for their creations.

War in Heaven

Asmodeus, devastated by his brother's act, showed Ihys the chaos and destruction that he had sowed, and Ihys became the first being to know regret; but the empyreal lord Sarenrae came to him and showed him that great good had also come from mortals' freedom and that other gods supported him. War tore the gods, the first conflict between order and chaos. Ihys defended the right of mortals to choose their own destiny with Sarenrae at his right hand. Finally, in a distant world, Ihys and Asmodeus met for the last time on the field of battle. Asmodeus offered his hand in brotherhood, and then performed the first act of treachery, murdering Ihys with a great spear. In a last act of sympathy for his brother, Asmodeus allowed Ihys's dream of freedom to stand. He then created Hell as a monument to the old ways of absolute, merciless order and as a warning of what he would one day make anew. According to the Concordance of Rivals, Ihys subsequently became the first soul to be judged by Pharasma.

The Ihystear

Only one remnant of Ihys remains—the Ihystear, a fragment of the spear Asmodeus used to slay him. This artifact holds within it the final scream Ihys uttered.