Chereads / Two Of A Kind (Original Story) / Chapter 20 - Still Breathing In Nightmares | Chapter 20

Chapter 20 - Still Breathing In Nightmares | Chapter 20

Renesmae's eyes widen as she watches the evil look on Hunter's face as blood drips from her stomach to the floor. A few minutes later, Hunter cuts the rope and lets her hit the floor. Hunter leaves off the terms of demonology and disappears unable to be found. Soon Aaron knows something is wrong and so does Jade. Aaron closes his eyes and talks to Dante through his mind. "Dante we still can't find Winter and Oliva is gone, How's Renesmae doing with you?" Dante says "I don't know I haven't seen her for four hours. Do you know if she's okay?" Aaron looks at Jade and closes his eyes again. "No, She's not here she hasn't been here since you and her left" Dante says "I asked if she was okay not if she was here. I know she's not fucking here Aaron. I want to know if my mother fucking girlfriend is okay." "Don't get cocky with me Dante, I can find her you can't so don't be cocking a mouth with me" Aaron opens his eyes and stops talking to Dante. He looks at Jade. We have to find them both. Jade looks at him "All 3 of them Aaron" He looks at Jade in his head he thinks "So he must still care about Winter". Dante says "Aaron, you have no clue what I can and can't do. I can find her. I can in Limbo. You wouldn't know because you've never been and haven't done anything remotely close to the shit I've done. So don't go saying I can't find her and listen to me well. If you ever say not to cock my mouth to you like you're a hard ass again because I promise you this, you will not win. Now let's shut the fuck up and find them now!" Aaron tones Dante out, He walks around the house pacing back and forth trying to find all 3 of them. Jade looks at him and knows what he must do. He goes upstairs and picks up a demon phone line and calls Zack, Seth, Gavin, and Rose all back. They all agree to be back there soon. Jade goes back downstairs to find Aaron in his complete demon form clawing the doorway. Trying to find where they are. Dante jumps into Limbo without bringing anyone and goes to find Renesmae and Olivia himself. Aaron finds them and turns around to look at Jade. "I found them," he says then Zack, Gavin, Seth, and Rose come out of the ground behind Jade. Aaron looks at Rose then back at the ground and so does she. Zack looks at Aaron and then at Jade "I'm sending Gavin and Seth back home your lucky I'm not sending Rose as well." Seth and Gavin go back into the ground and Aaron looks at Rose but then Zack steps in the way. Aaron looks at them "Okay follow me" Aaron takes them all to Winter first. She's laying on the floor of a cave dead with a bullet hole in her head and the gun in her hand. Zack grabs Rose and stands back, Aaron grows and grows three times his size and goes to claw Jade's face. Dante jumps through a portal back from Limbo. "What happened? Did you find something? Who the fuck are they?" Dante said. Aaron tries to claw at Dante. Dante dodged his attack and used Eryx to knock him down and pointed Ebony and Ivory at him saying "Try that again. I'm going to blow your mother fucking head away do you understand? Anyways I found Renesmae in Limbo. She's in a cave far away from here but I don't know how to get there from here." Aaron gets up and growls at Jade and starts to scream at him "MY SISTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!, SHE LOVED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH AND CARED ABOUT YOU SO FUCKING MUCH YOU COULDN'T SEE THE PAIN YOU WAS PUTTING HER TROUGH WHILE YOU WAS OUT HOEING AROUND ON HER!" Aaron stops yelling and looks over at Winter and starts to cry as he kneels down beside her dead body. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let you out of my sight or left you alone knowing Hunter was around" Rose moves around Zack and walks towards Aaron as she kneels down beside him "I'm going to miss her," she says in a quiet voice as she lays her head on Aaron's shoulder. "Well," Aaron says to Dante "If you really think you found Renesmae is there anyway you can bring us there?" Dante says "I can take myself and one person at a time. I'm thinking you would want to come with knowing you're good friends with them." Jade steps forward and says "Why can't you take me? Oliva is mine." Dante turns and says "Like Aaron fucking said you were hoeing around with her because you wanted to get you dick wet only because you don't fucking remember her." I know what demonology can do but if you remember her and everything but doesn't have affection for her. You could've at least tell her you don't have any more fucking affection like a real man instead of being a pussy about it!" Jade just turns and walks away. Dante opens a portal to Limbo and says "Come on we got to hurry. They aren't going to save themselves." Aaron says "Let's go then." As they both jump into Limbo.