Chapter 10 - Room on the ship

With white hair, cold blue eyes and a well-proportioned military outfit and a 1.9 m tall representative of the 4th army, someone I met very recently.

With the same normal cold, alienating and slightly lazy aura of his.But, when he stood in front of me he is aura seen to fell soften as he smiled kindly.

"Good to see you again Alex."

"It's good to see you, but why did General Leonardo come here?"

"Of course, I came to take you to see the environment"

His tiger-sharp teeth seemed more prominent as he smiled and lowered his head closer to me.

"What a general with time…"

I whispered softly, but it was enough for anyone nearby to hear and I didn't mind, on the contrary, I took the opportunity to take a quick look at the colonel who used the communicator earlier.

He seemed to feel it, but ignored my look. For Tiago he,somehow, still seemed in awe of his Idol which is why he didn't even notice the general's arrival.

"Well, shall we go for a ride on the ship?"

I looked at him, and didn't respond initially...I was a little afraid for some reason. So i turned around and touched Tiago.


"You can stop your meeting with Idol and let's go visit the ship, the general is waiting." "The…." He was scared by my speech and when he turned around he was even more scared and embarrassed.

He greeted with a slightly embarrassed posture.

"Nice to meet you general, sorry for taking so long.."

For some reason I felt the general aura grow colder and stronger as mental power seemed to leave for a moment and he ask something.

"You are a sub orc, right?"

"Ah yes"

Tiago seemed to feel it too and responded quickly.

I frowned and almost activated Dragon Fear with my mental power, but he is power disappeared like a breeze in the air.

"It's a pleasure, I'm General Leonardo"

I only saw Tiago moving his head in agreement and I held his hand to move us.

For a second i seemed to feel the aura again, but I think it was just an impression as it disappeared quickly.

And independent of that we went to the ship.

While the eyes of other soldiers involved in gossip stared at me and I, like the general, simply ignored them, while Tiago felt it, but didn't know exactly what to say.


Inside the ship I was able to observe the entire environment, initially there was the ramp that led to a large warehouse, surrounded by Mechs with plasma and laser weapons, and different swords with different heights and designs, some ranging from less than 3 meters to others of up to 6 meters. There were a reasonable number and I heard the General's voice introducing them.

"This is the entrance to the ship and the main storage location for the Mechs, it is not the only one, but it is the main one. Also is where the soldiers use it to store and as you can see some are replenishing the energy batteries or making common readjustments, these are the Mech engineers."

I looked at what he was pointing at and saw mechanical stairs and elevators that helped them move around the Mech, while some individuals mixed between orcs and sub orcs helped to repair it.

I was particularly curious about how it worked, especially when observing the engineering and mechanics of those weapons…but I resisted and plan to play with it later.

We soon moved to the other locations.

By his introduction there is the command room, the Mech engineers' room and parts warehouses, a large mess hall with kitchens, the soldiers' quarters, the officers' quarters, and so on.

We were still going to this c ute and big tour, but his communicator rang and after he responded for a while, he hung up and turned to us. "I'll take you to your quarters and then I will have to part ways with you, unfortunately." He spoke sounding a little saddened.

My and Tiago's rooms were not far away, but they were not next to each other. By the general ordered, we put the smart bracelet in front of the identifier, and after he opened the register, I saw the small screen with a smile appearing.

[You have been successfully registered as the owner of room Z-25]

And the door was opened, but before I entered to observe the environment, the general stopped me for a moment.



I turned my gaze back to hear what he had to say.

It took him a while to continue speaking, but he soon followed.

"I'll be back soon to take you to see the rest of the ship and for dinner, ok?"

"Okay…but I can find it alone with Tiago."

"Of course If you want to, but i try to be back soon. by the way my room is opposite of yours.

"If you want to ask anything you can also send me a message at any time."

He spoke and smiled charmingly with a touch of wildness and moved after pointing to the room ahead.

I frowned a little but, in the end, i let it go and entered my new room for this trip.

The room itself wasn't huge, but it was a reasonable size, with a single bed with a relatively comfortable mattress, a television, a coffee table with two chairs and a bathroom and a small computer, there was also a tea set and coffee near the table in a small box.

I tapped my smart bracelet on the computer and heard Andromeda's voice after a few seconds.

"Master, I have already connected with the ship's system, I have also identified a high intelligence AI associated with the ship, should I try to hack and infiltrate the system? There is a high chance of being noticed, but if it happens I should be able to leave without being identified."

"It is not necessary"

I spoke and sat on the bed, I was relaxing on a visit and I didn't feel the need to collect information or anything better to spend in silence and still.

I took out a small book on fiction history and a set of tea and sweets and ate them.

Of course, I soon received a message from Tiago.

[M/F: Alex!! the ship is so cool!! the room is also very comfortable!! I'll take advantage and rest by reading some review materials.]

[E/P: Ok. I'm going to read a book too. The general said he should be back soon and we can eat something]

M/F: Ok…by the way Alex…you and the general are really not involved?]

Reading his question, I frowned and replied.


[M/F: ok….]

I wonder why he says that...of course I noticed a different attitude but I didn't find it so noticeable...


Of course I didn't know that for people involved in gossip and for those who knew and lived well with the general, his attitude is very different compared to others, especially his looks at me, but that's not something I would discover so quickly. …