In the mystical realm of LUQUASTACE, where magical prowess thrives, five powerful Kingdoms coexist. Among them is Zorzolace, home to Varela Xorax Qirtwirth, a prudent mage with latent forces, forced into a clandestine quest. Sent to LUQUASTACE, she encounters Soillus Noah Lurid, the heir of Lumirius Kingdom, a good-natured mage loved for his charming personality.
Alongside them is Kartini Valerie Aquila, an alluring mermaid mage from Aquarian Kingdom, possessing mesmerizing abilities. Gliever Druke Heart, the hottest sorcerer from Earthanium Kingdom, becomes an academic rival to Soillus. Lastly, Ybus Flint Zanon, a mysterious half-air mage from Wingster Kingdom, bears a serpent mark and faces isolation due to his unnatural birthmark.
As Varela's quest unfolds, friendships are forged, rivalries emerge, and the magical world stands on the brink of upheaval. LUQUASTACE becomes the stage for a tale filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the destiny of mages and magical creatures from the five powerful Kingdoms.