Chereads / Heroes of the Holy War / Chapter 20 - Akira vs Harmony Duo

Chapter 20 - Akira vs Harmony Duo

After reaching their destination, Gamble starts observing the village from afar. Kazoto ties his sword to his waist while Kaido wraps bandages around his hands. 

"Why do you need that?" Kazoto asks. Kaido replies, 

"Akira once told me it helps to avoid injuring my hands during fights." After a moment of observation, Gamble spots Akira also observing the village from a tree. Using light magic, Gamble signals Akira, who, upon noticing, runs with Kaen towards Gamble. 

"What are you all doing here?" Gamble asks, to which Akira responds, 

"We have a mission to steal the jewels that those ogres stole from the village." Gamble chuckles and says under his breath, 

"So, it is cooperation after all." Kaen notices Kazoto has a sword and asks him, 

"Do you also fight with a sword?" Kazoto nods and rubs his nose, saying, 

"I fight with a sword like almost no one else." Akira interrupts, saying, 

"It's not just a sword, it's a Ninjatō. And I created it." 

Kaido remarks, 

"So the merchant was telling the truth." 

Gamble interrupts the conversation, saying, 

"We have a mission," after which everyone gathers in a circle, and Gamble begins explaining the plan. 

"The village is populated, so a frontal attack is out. We want to do this quickly, so... AKIRA," he doesn't finish, as Akira runs towards the village. Ignoring Gamble, Akira utters the words, 

"As the source of your flames, I command you to burn my target, Fireball," and then launches three fireballs towards the village. 

"Well then... ATTACK!" Gamble shouts, quickly catching up to Akira, leaving Kaido, Kaen, and Kazoto behind. 

"No option, I also want to fight," says Kazoto, running towards the village, followed by Kaido and Kaen. The ogres notice and begin their defense. Gamble activates Seraume while Kazoto uses Raigan. Akira doesn't use his sword but effectively knocks out each ogre. The same goes for Gamble. When Kazoto tries to finish off one, Akira stops him, knocking out the ogre and disarming Kazoto. 

"We're not killing," Akira says coldly. Kazoto asks, 

"Was it okay when they killed?" 

Akira replies, 

"This is the village's defender. Village defenders don't leave the village, let alone engage with people. If you want revenge for the people, go there," pointing to the village gate where four giant ogres enter. The fight ensues. Gamble effectively disables the ogres while Kazoto and Kaen kill the patrollers. Entering one of the houses, Akira finds all the village children hiding. He sees that half of them are injured. Cutting his own finger, Akira puts blood from his finger on the ground and draws a symbol on his hand meaning healing. He then places his hand on the floor and says, 

"May the goddess of life smile upon you and heal your wounds." The floor fills with healing mana, and Akira leaves. After finding the jewels, Gamble signals to retreat. Leaving the village, Akira begins performing a dance similar to the one he did during his fight with the sisters. 

"May the rain of heaven cleanse your sorrow, and may your life bloom a new," he says, unleashing rain to extinguish the fire in the village. Returning to the guild, Gamble reports, and Akira returns the jewels. 

"Thank you for completing the mission. Since you practically completed one mission, you will be treated to an equal reward," says the woman behind the counter. 

"Please give us your plaques," the woman takes the plaques, and the F- rank changes to a B+ with Gamble in shock, asking, 

"B+? You weren't mistaken?" The woman denies it, and Akira takes the money, saying, 

"We want to set up a permanent team." After formalities, the team was established. 

"Good. Now if you want to add someone to the team, the leader's plaque needs to touch a member plaque who wants to join. The same if you want to leave." Akira replied, 

"What if they mistakenly touch?" 

The woman replied, 

"In such a situation nothing will happen. The plaques work on the mane, so the plaques have to be used on purpose."

Akira seems not to understand what Kaido means by 

"So the plaques read intent through mana." The woman confirms it, 

and Gamble says, 

"I'm impressed how quickly you caught on to that." After leaving the guild building, Gamble counts the money from the mission. 

"Three hundred... forty-eight... alright." He then stops and gives Kaen 20 gold coins. The same amount is given by Kaido and Kazoto. Impressed, Kazoto asks, 

"Why so much?" Surprised, 

Gamble says, 

"And yet you received less because you're paying off debts." Kazoto, in even greater shock, says, 

"HIRE ME PERMANENTLY." After arriving at their new home, 

Gamble says, 

"Here's our new home. I haggled for a long time, but I got the lowest price i could ask for." Upon entering, they are greeted by Giene and Hana, who are unpacking furniture. Akira immediately helps, and Kazoto says to Gamble, 

"I guess I won't be living here?" to which 

Gamble replies, 

"It's up to you." Kazoto doesn't respond, and Kaido asks Gamble, 

"Should we also take him for training? He might come in handy in the future." Gamble, shocked for a moment, understands and can't help but smile. Akira replies on behalf of Gamble, "IF HE PASSES MY TEST AAAAAAAA" falling down the stairs. After unpacking some things, Akira takes Kazoto and Kaido outside. Taking off his hoodie, he says, 

"Kazoto's test will be this," pointing to a tree. Afterward, he adds, 

"Destroy that tree." Kazoto chuckles and says,

"Too easy," to which Akira replies, 

"You can't use Raigan." Kazoto looks at Akira with surprise and asks, 

"How do you know what Raigan is? I haven't told anyone." 

Akira doesn't respond, just walks to a nearby tree where he climbs and starts reading a book. 

Elarina says to Kazoto, 

"You're lucky," and Kazoto responds with a look. 

Kaido says, 

"Akira tested us in combat," and Kazoto looks at Akira and deactivates Raigan. Then, aiming his hand at the tree, he utters the words, 

"Strike with all your might, tearing the heavens asunder, and shatter the enemy to dust! Flash of Zeus," producing a thunderbolt from his hand, which unfortunately doesn't reach its target and dissipates near the tree. 

"Hmm, I see," says Akira behind Kazoto, who, not surprised, says, 

"I don't have a spell that destroys things." 

Akira replies, 

"You passed," then walks into the forest as the children return. 

"Why did you guys go?" Kazoto asks under the house. 

Elarina adds, 

"I wanted to see if you really know anything. I'm not hiding anything like you." Kazoto stares at Elarina, thinking, 

"Fox guy... hang in there." Upon entering, Kazoto is hit in the jaw with a stone, and from the house, Kaen and Hana's screams are heard. Kaido also almost gets hit by a stone, but Elarina catches it, 

and Kaen shouts, 

"You ate 15 already, I only got 14 and a half," to which Hana replies, 

"I'm a woman. Where's your respect?" Kaen, not knowing what to say, notices Kaido and Elarina at the door and sadly says, 

"Okay, eat them," to which Hana smiles and says, 

"Got you! There are two left. Catch!" and tosses one to Kaen. Delighted, Kaido watches Kaen enjoying the cookie, who with a full mouth says, "Well, Mrs. Aki cooked good today, and they're awesome," to which Aki emerges from the kitchen and says, "I'm glad." Then she notices Kazoto lying at the door and asks, 

"Akira?" to which Kaido replies, 

"He got hit by a stone from Hana." After lunch, Akira still doesn't return, and Gamble starts arranging the library. When he found a book about the Seven Deadly Sins, he remembered his school days when he got this book. When he opened it, he found a note, surprised he wanted to take it, but Kazoto burst into the room shouting, 


Gamble asks, 

"Why?" to which Kazoto shows the ad for 

"Garusi pastries," to which Gamble annoyed looks at Kazoto and says, 

"Take Kaen or Kaido and go, and don't SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Then he throws him out of the room. Kazoto immediately runs downstairs and shouts to Kaen, 

"Fox, wanna go for a cake?" Surprised, Kaen agrees, and after reaching the capital, Kazoto starts looking for a restaurant. 

"So why there?" Kaen asks, to which Kazoto, who found a place, replies, 

"Because they have the best cakes in the world." After eating and praising the cake, Kazoto proudly paid with his own money. When they left, Kazoto was smiling from ear to ear. 

"Maybe we're going to walk around?" Kazoto asks, to which Kaen replies, 

"At least we can avoid explaining to Elarina." 

Surprised, Kazoto asks, 

"What did you mess up?" and Kaen, with fear, replies, 

"I read a book where there was a woman in a swimming suit," to which Kazoto bursts out laughing, and Kaen says not to laugh in a timid voice. When the boys explore, several good hours pass, and it begins to get dark. The boys found an abandoned area of ​ ​ the city where they talked about themselves and got to know each other better. When they heard strange noises in one of the buildings, Kazoto, curious, went to check it out, but his screams didn't read well for a good find. Kaen immediately ran to see what was going on. When he reached Kazoto, he looked in horror ahead of him, and Kaen when he got there he saw two men... getting their pants on???

One of the men said

"Not nicely brought up, dear ones," after which they were pushed out of the building by wind magic. Kaen immediately gets up, ready to fight, and Kazoto shouts at them, 


"He doesn't finish but receives a kick and strikes the house next to him. Kaen uses "Second Technique of New Flames: Ignition Touch" and then strikes the attacker with an open palm, setting his clothes on fire and pushing him away. Kaen momentarily turns his attention and gets hit by another man. 

"Pathetic," the man says, looking down at Kaen. The previous man emerges from the rubble, straightening out his colorful blouse and says, "You brat dirtied my blouse." In response, 

Kaen says, 

"Oh, you think so? Let me try again." The man blocks the frontal attack, and the man next to him is impressed by Kaen's speed."

"Lan honey take the one with blue hair"

"The man says, blocking Kaen's attack, to which Lan responds, 

"Alright, Nal." Kaen shouts as he executes a kick, 

"Don't be so sure of yourself!" Nal then blocks the attack and grabs Kaen by the leg, throwing him into a building. Kazoto regains consciousness and sees Lan standing over him, smiling menacingly. When Kaen opens his eyes, he sees Kazoto under attack by Lan, who easily breaks through Kazoto's defense. Trying to help, Kaen is pushed to the ground by Nal, who also smiles menacingly, and both of them gave a question to the boys.

"What do you prefer Women or Men"

kaen without hesitation says that he like's women as well as kazoto

"Wiping the blood from his nose, the men's smiles turned into blank expressions. Suddenly, Kazoto and Kaen are thrown into the air and back to the ground. As the boys begin to rise, Lan and Nal start charging energy spheres, then fire them at the boys. Kazoto tries to stop the attack with Raigan but fails. Meanwhile, Kaen can't even get up. Just as the attack is about to hit the boys, Akira appears, parries the attack, and sends the spheres skyward."

Akira looks at the men with disdain and anger. 

"Another insignificant disgrace trying to destroy our love and dreams," says Lan, but Akira ignores them and tends to Kazoto's and Kaen's wounds. After healing them, Akira says, 

"Go call Gamble. I'll handle them." Kazoto and Kaen run off, while Nal tries to shoot them with lightning bolts, but Akira again parries and redirects the attack towards Nal, who dodges it.

However, Akira immediately kicks him in the head, knocking him and Lan into the wall with the force of the blow. Nal and Lan get up, but Akira is gone. Nal starts shouting loudly.

"You wont stand in our way of love!"

Then, he begins to create a sphere of rainbow energy in his hands and fires it into the ground, creating a large crater.

After the smoke cleared, Lan and Nal look around for Akira. After a moment, Nal gets hit in the head with a knee from akira, and lan grabs akira by the clothes and throws him off balance. this starts a series of attacks that akira can't avoid or block.

When Akira is attacked, Lan stumbles trying to execute his move, which Akira takes advantage of, interrupting his combo. Leaping back against the wall, Akira kneels down and starts spitting blood. 

"Is this the end?" Lan asks, to which Akira responds with silence, only staring at Lan and Nal. 

"Is it determination or perhaps pride?" Nal asks. Akira answers, "It's hatred for people like you." Lan holds Nal back from attacking and asks Akira, 

"Have you heard about us?" Akira laughs and replies, 

"Yes. You're trying to turn the world into a giant monopoly. Banning relationships between women and men and making only same-gender relationships allowed. I'll tell you that I hate you. But the warrior's pride demands that I kill you with respect." With these words, Akira finishes, striking Nal and pushing him away.

Lan tries to attack Akira, but Akira anticipates him and kicks him into the wall. As Lan rebounds from the wall, Akira grabs him by the hair, slamming him into the wall briefly before throwing him aside to leap towards him and kick him high into the sky. Landing swiftly, Akira starts a rapid barrage of attacks before sending Lan crashing back to the ground. Nal intervenes to take Lan away, and Akira grabs him by the hair, saying, 

"Is this it? Is it over already?" Then, Akira throws both of them behind him. Leaping towards Nal...

Akira grabs Nal by the neck and slams him against the wall with earth magic, pinning his arms and legs to the wall before leaving him. Lan attempts to attack Akira, but Akira blocks his strikes. 

"You're missing half your face. Do you know you're about to die?" Akira says, gripping his fist. Lan responds almost unintelligibly, 

"LOWE IS INNORTAL." Akira narrows his eyes slightly, saying, 

"You could have lived," then releases powerful flames from the hand holding Lan's fist, which kill Lan. Nal begins to scream and cry. Breaking free from the restraints on his hands, he attacks Akira, who dodges and counters. At least that's what Nal thought, but he stands up and continues to attack Akira, who blocks all the strikes. After a moment, Akira's hands begin to glow. Akira looks up and spots Gamble sitting and watching the fight. Akira pushes Nal away and begins to charge wind spheres in his hands. "Let the wind demon guard my strength before and after!" After these words, Akira strikes Nal, who was charging at him, and the wind sphere explodes, shooting Nal far, far into the unknown. "You didn't mess around," Gamble remarks to Akira as he descends.

Akira looking at the burning corpse of Lan says

"You know... Living how you want but the revenge always comes back"

Gamble sighs and replies, "Those lines of yours again." Akira apologizes and takes the body. After returning home, Akira stretches, yawns, and says, "I'm heading back to bed."

Gamble laughs and says, 

"Just don't fall asleep on the stairs," and they part ways. Gamble goes into the kitchen where Kazoto, Kaen, Elaina, and Kaido are. 

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Gamble asks, opening a cupboard and grabbing some chips. 

"I can't sleep after a beating like that," Kazoto says, and Kaen agrees. 

"What are you talking about?" Gamble asks while eating the chips. 

Kaen replies, 

"We want to have a strategy for next time. Losing hurts." Gamble thinks for a moment, goes to the living room where there are boxes, and pulls out an old notebook. Returning to the kitchen, he opens it to a page and hands it to Kaen. 

"What's this?" Kaen asks. Gamble replies, 

"Akira and I developed many spells and techniques. You're holding the Dragon Fist secrets. Fighting techniques for those who fight as a team." He takes the chips and leaves the kitchen. 

"Don't stay up too long," he says from the doorway. Kaen and Kaido scratch their heads and after a moment say, 

"I can't read." Kazoto, surprised, says, 

"Then you need to learn," and takes the notebook to read the notes.

The next morning, Gamble and Akira are trying on outfits for a birthday party. Akira puts on a suit while Gamble wears a shirt. 

"Okay, now the rest need to choose something," Gamble says, adjusting his belt. Once everyone who's going to the party gathers, Akira puts a box on the floor and says, 

"Here you have dresses, shirts, suits, and more. I collected these second-hand, so try them on."

Another day passes and everyone is dressed up. Kaen wears an outfit reminiscent of Akira's, but without a tie. It's an elegant suit with a well-fitted jacket and trousers. The jacket is classic, single-breasted, in deep black. Underneath the jacket, Kaen wears a smooth white shirt, complemented by black leather shoes.

Kaido is wearing a fitted and elegant one-piece dress in deep burgundy, accentuating her silhouette. Made from light, silk material, it delicately shimmers in the light.

Elarina also wears a one-piece dress, but in a looser style compared to Kaido's. Her dress is in a pastel shade of gray, made from soft, breathable fabric.

Kazoto is dressed in a stylish and modern navy blue suit. His suit consists of a fitted jacket and classic trousers. The single-breasted jacket is buttoned with two buttons, worn over a white shirt with a delicate, light blue pattern.

Aki wears a black dress adorned with a red flower. The dress is long, reaching the ground, made from elegant material that subtly shines. A floral pattern in red adorns the front of the dress, adding to its distinctiveness. The dress has delicate straps and a slightly flared hem.

Hana wears a traditional Asian dress. The dress is made from richly decorated silk, in deep red with golden embroidery. It has long sleeves and a high collar, giving it elegance and class. The traditional pattern of decorations depicts flowers and dragons.

"So, that's done... any objections?" Gamble asks, but no one raises any concerns. Akira watches Kaen and Elarina for a moment, then after murmuring to himself, he says, 

"Do we have colored threads and a needle?" Giene brings a sewing kit, and after 30 minutes, Akira sews a patch on Kaen and Elarina's outfits with the symbol 

"husband and wife." Proud of his work, Akira puts the clothes away in the wardrobe.

While Giene prepares dinner, Akira and Kaen eat first and then head to the garden to practice mana control. 

"Can I ask you something?" Kaen asks. 

"You're asking now. Go ahead," Akira replies. 

"What do you think of Aki?" Kaen surprises Akira with the question, and after a moment of thought, Akira answers, 

"She's a good girl. Pretty and fights well." Kaen, not surprised by the answer, stands up and says, 

"What if she confessed her love to you?" Akira, again surprised by the question, thinks and says, 

"If that question ever came up, I'd probably start dating her." Now surprised by Akira's response, Kaen says, 

"Hmm, a little spar?" Akira quickly gets up and says, 

"Question. Bring it on." And so another day passes. The following ones aren't any different. Mornings of training, fun, and responsibilities continue until Princess Soni's birthday.