After approaching, presumably the girl's father, I saw an expression of anger on his face. I handed the girl over, and the knightly guard with water mages arrived. According to the school/academy rules, we knew we had to escape.
Before escaping, Gamble said, "Take care of yourselves and have a nice day." Gamble lightly tapped Akira on the shoulder twice as a signal that they needed to leave. Unnoticed by the guards, Gamble and Akira slipped away.
"So, still up for some food?" Gamble asked. "Question is, did I work up too much appetite today; I want two servings," replied Akira. They went to buy the necessary ingredients and returned to Gamble's home.
Upon arriving home, they took off their shoes, entered the kitchen, and Gamble said, "Sit wherever you want, the restroom is on the second floor." Akira looked around the house and asked, "Such a big house, do you live alone or with your lady friend?" with a smile, leaning against the counter dividing the living room and kitchen.
Gamble replied "Very funny, but you know I'm afraid to talk to anyone," . Akira said, surprised. "Seriously? When you talk to those two from the second year, it looks like you've known each other for years,".
Gamble looked at Akira and said somewhat disgustedly, "One is a clueless guy, and the other is a noble's daughter." Gamble turned away and continued preparing the ingredients. "Fresh fish, cucumber, avocado, carrot, Nori, pre-prepared rice, soy sauce, wasabi, and a special ingredient, Dragon Flame Sauce," Gamble muttered. Akira, with a question mark above his head, asked, "Dragon Flame Sauce?"
"A difficult sauce to obtain, very spicy, and very tasty," replied Gamble. Akira only watched as Gamble chopped vegetables and prepared rice.
Around 20 minutes later, the dish was ready. "Tada! Here's the main course, Dragon Flame Sushi!" said Gamble. Gamble handed Akira chopsticks and encouraged him to try the sushi he made. Before trying it, Akira asked Gamble if he would ever talk about his past.
While Akira was marveling at the taste, Gamble replied, "Nothing interesting happened in the past, so there's no point." Suddenly, a little girl's scream echoed. Akira and Gamble dropped everything and quickly ran outside.
Upon reaching the outside, they saw a little girl with bear ears being attacked by a dark wolf. Gamble identified her as the girl from the earlier incident. Akira, jumping over the fence, shouted, "What are you waiting for? Move!"
Gamble, strengthening his legs and arms with light magic, ran and struck the wolf before taking the girl under his arm and jumping a bit further away. As the wolf stood up, Akira stood behind it, extending his hand toward the wolf, saying, "As the source of your flames, I command you to burn my target, FIREBALL!" A medium-sized fireball shot from Akira's hand. Akira ran past Gamble, yelling, "Let's get away from the house for now, quickly," and they safely fled from the creature.
When Akira and Gamble stopped near a tree in a clearing close to the house, they realized they had run into a small pack of dark wolves. Akira said to Gamble, "As they say, straight into the lion's mouth, right?" Gamble, surprised, replied, "Now you're making jokes too dry."
Gamble placed the girl under a tree and calmly said to Akira, "She fainted. Let's try to deal with them quickly." After a moment, both uttered two spells. Gamble: "As the source of your light, I command you to strengthen my target, Light Booster." Akira: "As the source of your flames, I command you to turn everything in my path to dust, GREAT Fireball!"
With Gamble's enhancement, Akira had no problem burning the entire pack, except for a darker-furred wolf with scars on its eye and snout. Gamble, with his enhancement, spoke more words, "As the source of this light, I command you to blind and deafen my enemies, Sun Blind." A sun-like sphere appeared above Gamble, exploding in light after activation.
"It didn't work on him," Gamble said. "That means he must be stronger than you... okay, let's dance," Akira replied, running toward the pack leader. Gamble shouted, "Don't run at him; my enhancement will run out soon!"
Akira yelled back, "Don't worry; I can handle it without—" and the enhancement ended. Akira stumbled over his own leg and fell onto the grass. The pack leader ran toward him with anger. Gamble, running with all his strength, extended his hand toward Akira, saying the words, "As the source of your protection, I command you to shield my target, SHIELD BARRICADE." Suddenly, a barrier resembling a shield appeared between Akira and the wolf.
Gamble shouted, "AKIRA, CLOSE YOUR EYES!" When Akira covered his eyes, Gamble yelled, "LIGHT!" and the shield exploded in light. Gamble took Akira under his arm and escaped, leaving only dust behind.
Gamble reached his home and placed Akira and the bear girl on the ground. When his legs stopped glowing, he fell from exhaustion. Gamble woke up on his couch and asked slightly dazed, "Nice view, Akira..." looking at him with two nice cabbages pressed against his chest, not noticing the spilled coffee on the table in front of him.
Akira, slowly approaching and dropping the cabbages along the way, rolled up his sleeve and said, "Hope you have a hard head because this will hurt." Before the hit, Gamble stopped him. Kaido, with fear in her eyes, asked, "Where... am I?"
Akira, looking at the girl with raised eyebrows, said jokingly, "At the Gambler's and Money Raper's house." Gamble looked at Akira and replied still dazed, "Do you like money that much?" After Akira hit Gamble on the head, he explained the situation to Kaido and found out that the girl's name was Kaido.
After Gamble got the girl to her bedroom and returned to the living room, just one look was enough for Akira to understand what will happen next. Akira stood up, prepared his clothes and sword with barely contained calmness.