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The story of brick the war general

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brick1 years ago

Chapter 1 - brick

Age: 0 years

I was born a male in Breno Hugo, Algeria. I was the result of a

random Bumble hookup.

My birthday is January 23. I am an Aquarius.

My name is Brick Soltani.

My mother is Adila Azzouz, a financial analyst (age 39).

My father is Zafir Soltani, a marine biologist (age 48).

I have an older half brother named Kasim Azzouz (age 5).

Age: 1 year

My half brother, Kasim, started primary school.

My father married Wahiba Haddad, a 49-year old real estate agent

with a child.

My mother married Mahir Belkacem, a 55-year old flight attendant

with two children.

Age: 2 years

My stepsister, Wahiba, graduated from secondary school.

I remained calm when my mother took me to the doctor's office to

get vaccinated.

Age: 3 years

My stepsister, Wahiba, started a new position as Apprentice Trucker

for Velocity Transportation. She moved out.

My mother got me and my half brother a bird named Lefty.

Age: 4 years

My stepbrother, Harun, came out of the closet as gay.

My mother has been promoted to Sr. Financial Analyst.

My stepmother suggested that I'm a bad child.

I delivered an uppercut to my stepmother's skull!

Age: 5 years

My stepsister, Wahiba, has been promoted to Trucker.

l admitted to my mother that I broke her phone.

Age: 6 years

My stepbrother, Jibril, married Kalilah Haddad, a 29-year old


My half brother, Kasim, has been diagnosed with scarlet fever.

|Ihave been enrolled in primary school at Cari Abdi Primary School,

a private school.

Ireland has blamed a slew of recent car bombs in the city center of

Dublin on Greece.

Age: 7 years

My stepsister, Wahiba, married Anouar Toumi, a 18-year old

unemployed person.

Age: 8 years

My half brother, Kasim, is no longer suffering from scarlet fever.

I had a great time running and jumping into a big pile of leaves at

the park.

Age: 9 years

My stepbrother, Jibril, and his wife, Kalilah, had a baby boy named

Khaldun Belkacem.

My mother has been diagnosed with bowel polyps.

My eyesight has been worsening.

My mother took me to the optometrist for an eye exam.

l passed my eye exam!

Age: 10 years

My half brother, Kasim, started secondary school.

My parakeet, Lefty, bit me while feeding him. Irewarded him with

some banana.

Age: 12 years

My father retired.

| was appreciative to my mother for taking me and my half brother

on a road trip to visit relatives in Oran, Algeria.

Age: 13 years

My stepbrother, Jibril, and his wife, Kalilah, had a baby boy named

Mubarak Belkacem.

My half brother, Kasim, graduated from secondary school.

My parakeet, Lefty, died after choking on a piece of banana.

Age: 14 years

My half brother, Kasim, started a new position as Real Estate Agent

for Boukhalfa & Belhadj Realtors. He moved out.

My mother is no longer suffering from bowel polyps.

My mother wanted me to start taking modeling lessons.

Age: 15 years

My nephew, Khaldun, started primary school.

My stepbrother, Harun, has been diagnosed with itchy bottom.

started secondary school at Breno Hugo Secondary School, a

private school.

A huge tsunami has hit the coastline of Kenya. It's reported that the

seismic sea wave made its way inland up to three miles in some

locations. The death toll is anticipated to be catastrophic.

My nephew, Khaldun, died after being hit by a car while walking.

I paid my respects at his funeral.

I decided to see what extracurricular activities were available at my

new secondary school.

ljoined the Board Games Club at my secondary school.

Age: 16 years

My stepbrother, Harun, is no longer suffering from itchy bottom.

My father has been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction.

Greece has invaded Ireland in an attempt to establish control of the


Age: 17 years

My stepsister, Wahiba, has been diagnosed with constipation.

My fellow members of the Board Games Club at my secondary

school have nominated me to become vice-president of the club.

have become vice-president of the Board Games Club at my

secondary school.

Age: 18 years

My nephew, Mubarak, has been diagnosed with the measles.

My stepsister, Wahiba, and her husband, Anouar, had a baby girl

named Hadya Toumi. My stepsister, Wahiba, is no longer suffering

rom constipation.

graduated from secondary school.

Peace talks have commenced as Greece and Ireland are finally

ooking to end their conflict.

Dfficial numbers have not been reported, but the death toll is

expected to be unprecedented.

passed my driving test and got a driving license.

My mother bought me a cream Ford Bronco.

Age: 19 years

My nephew, Mubarak, started primary school.

My stepsister, Wahiba, and her husband, Anouar, had a baby girl

hamed Adiva Toumi.

The Army promoted me to Private Second Class with a salary of


A herd of more than 100 goats crashed a wedding in Romania. The

best man, who was giving his speech at the time of the event,

reassured the groom that he was the real GOAT.

Age: 20 years

slapped my M4 magazine back into action after it malfunctioned

under heavy fire.

Age: 21 years

My nephew, Mubarak, is no longer suffering from the measles.

My mother retired.

The Army promoted me to Private First Class with a salary of $6,203.

Age: 22 years

My stepmother scared me with a fake snake.

spit at my stepmother's tooth!

used my spiked brass knuckles to execute a flawless victory in my

fight against my stepmother.

Age: 23 years

was disabled by a splitting headache.

made a doctor's appointment.

Dr. Abid diagnosed me with sleep apnea.

Dr. Abid treated my sleep apnea.

was cured of sleep apnea.

Age: 24 years

My niece, Hadya, started primary school.

looked into how I could get my hands on Santa's sack.

Age: 25 years

My niece, Hadya, has been diagnosed with pneumonia.

My niece, Adiva, started primary school.

had a throbbing earache that woke me up.

made a doctor's appointment.

Dr. Abid diagnosed me with hay fever.

Dr. Abid treated my hay fever.

continue to suffer from hay fever.

Age: 26 years

My niece, Hadya, is no longer suffering from pneumonia.

experienced extreme fatigue while marching in the desert but

pushed through it to keep up with my platoon.

Age: 27 years

My mother has been diagnosed with heart disease.

Age: 28 years

My nephew, Mubarak, started secondary school.

My stepfather died of natural causes.

paid my respects at his funeral.

Age: 29 years

My father is no longer suffering from erectile dysfunction.

My father died after suffering a stroke.

planned his funeral and arranged for him to be buried.

inherited $1,245,932.

Age: 30 years

refused to join Twitter.

Age: 31 years

My nephew, Mubarak, graduated from secondary school.

My mother is no longer suffering from heart disease.

kept waking up at night gasping for air.

made a doctor's appointment.

Dr. Abid diagnosed me with sleep apnea.

Dr. Abid treated my sleep apnea.

was cured of sleep apnea.

| began working harder for the Army.

Age: 32 years

My nephew, Mubarak, began studying biology at university.

My stepmother died of complications from old age.

paid my respects at her funeral.

Age: 33 years

My niece, Hadya, started secondary school.

My stepbrother, Jibril, retired.

Tensions are rising between Belize and Syria.

eagerly accepted a deployment to an unstable guerilla-controlled

region of Mexico.

served my country by successfully completing a deployment to an

unstable guerilla-controlled region of Mexico.

earned a medal for my fortitude and wore it with pride.

Age: 34 years

My nephew, Mubarak, moved out.

My niece, Adiva, started secondary school.

My stepbrother, Jibril, has been diagnosed with constipation.

The Army promoted me to Specialist with a salary of $7, 1 51.

Age: 35 years

My stepbrother, Jibril, is no longer suffering from constipation.

The Army promoted me to Sergeant with a salary of $8,522.

My niece, Hadya, died after being hit by a car while riding a


paid my respects at her funeral.

Age: 36 years

My nephew, Mubarak, graduated from university with an

undergraduate degree in biology. He started a new position as

Dental Hygienist for Family Dentistry Breno Hugo.

The Army promoted me to Staff Sergeant with a salary of $9,801.

Age: 37 years

My niece, Adiva, graduated from secondary school.

My stepbrother, Harun, retired.

The Army promoted me to Sergeant First Class with a salary of


My Ford Bronco has a broken ignition coil.

repaired the broken ignition coil on my cream Ford Bronco.

Age: 38 years

My niece, Adiva, started a new position as Probationary Firefighter

for Breno Hugo Fire Department.

The Army promoted me to Master Sergeant with a salary of


lam fixated on trying to get promoted to Sergeant Major.

Age: 39 years

I screamed at a fellow soldier to STOP just before she was about to

pick up an IED.

Age: 40 years

My nephew, Mubarak, married Adiva Sahraoui, a 30-year old art

gallery worker.

My niece, Adiva, moved out. She has been promoted to Firefighter.

My stepbrother, Harun, has been diagnosed with hemorrhoids.

l am now dating Dira Sangu.

Age: 41 years

My Ford Bronco has a broken engine fan.

I repaired the broken engine fan on my cream Ford Bronco.

I can now handle a hundred more pull-ups a day.

Age: 42 years

My niece, Adiva, has been promoted to Fire Equipment Operator.

My stepbrother, Harun, is no longer suffering from hemorrhoids.

My mother told me that she is jealous of the time l am spending with


|listened to her concerns.

Age: 43 years

My niece, Adiva, married Wahib Slimani, a 21-year old insurance


My stepbrother, Jibril, has been diagnosed with constipation.

refused to join Twitter.

Age: 44 years

My niece, Adiva, has been promoted to Lieutenant.

My stepbrother, Jibril, is no longer suffering from constipation.

My stepsister, Wahiba, retired.

gave a neighbor the last of my sugar when she came over looking

to borrow some.

Age: 45 years

Dira and T have been together for 5 years.

My stepsister, Wahiba, has been diagnosed with itchy bottom.

The Army promoted me to Sergeant Major with a salary of $19,944.

Age: 46 years

My niece, Adiva, has been promoted to Captain.

My stepsister, Wahiba, is no longer suffering from itchy bottom.

My mother has been diagnosed with hemorrhoids.

Age: 47 years

Newly discovered precious natural resources have been found in

Mongolia, resulting in an export rivalry with Thailand.

My mother died of natural causes.

planned her funeral and arranged for her to be buried per her


My siblings and I each inherited $554,978.

had to scrap my Ford Bronco.

Age: 47 years

Newly discovered precious natural resources have been found in

Mongolia, resulting in an export rivalry with Thailand.

My mother died of natural causes.

I planned her funeral and arranged for her to be buried per her


My siblings and I each inherited $554,978.

Thad to scrap my Ford Bronco.

Age: 48 years

My niece, Adiva, has been promoted to Battalion Chief.

My stepbrother, Harun, died after suffering a stroke.

paid my respects at his funeral.

Age: 49 years

Dira Sangu proposed to me at a national park!

l accepted her proposal!

|Ihave been diagnosed with depression.

I made Dira sign a prenup.

Imarried Dira at a drive thru wedding chapel.

Dira and I went to Chilean Patagonia for our honeymoon.

Dira has cash assets of $10,556 and a spacious farm at 518 Abdelli

River Lane.

Age: 50 years

Dira has been diagnosed with diarrhea.

Age: 51 years

Dira is no longer suffering from diarrhea.

My stepbrother, Jibril, died while sleeping peacefully.

paid my respects at his funeral.

Age: 52 years

Dira started nagging me to buy a car.

l bought a 7-year old blue Porsche GT2-RS for $157,321.

Age: 53 years

|l informed a friend that I am not into sparkling water and asked her

if she has any real drinks after she offered me a can of La Croix.

Age: 54 years

Ihave a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Aissaoui.

Age: 55 years

My half brother, Kasim, retired.

I have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Belkacem.

A devastating air campaign by Mongolia on Thailand's stronghold

of Bangkok has resulted in a 24-hour curfew.

I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Age: 56 years

I have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Brahimi.

Peace talks have commenced as Thailand and Mongolia are finally

looking to end their conflict.

The death toll from the war reached 1,184 with an additional 3,690


I took Dira to the theater to see The Last Battle'.

Age: 57 years

I have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Amrani.

|I said no to morphine.

Age: 58 years

My half brother, Kasim, has been diagnosed with itchy bottom.

have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Gasmi.

frightened some religious people who rang my doorbel.

Age: 59 years

Dira and I have been married for 10 years.

My half brother, Kasim, is no longer suffering from itchy bottom.

have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Aissaoui.

took Dira to post BitLife screenshots on Instagram.

Age: 60 years

My stepsister, Wahiba, has been diagnosed with vaginal dryness.

have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Mebarki.

was cured of depression.

Age: 61 years

Dira retired.

have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Aissaoui.

My Porsche GT2-RS has a lost key.

repaired the lost key on my blue Porsche GT2-RS.

Age: 62 years

Dira has been diagnosed with diarrhea.

have a new commanding officer named Lieutenant Toumi.

retired from the Algerian Army after reaching the mandatory

fetirement age. I began earning retirement pay of $19,944 per year.

Brick Soltani


Gender: Male

Age: 62

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Retired Veteran

Diseases: Hay Fever and High Blood


Location: Breno Hugo, Algeria