Obviously, unusual was the only word he could say to describe this devourer. Because what other word would he use? Beautiful?
Yes, she was.
She was a great beauty!
It was a female devourer. He hadn't seen one since he came into this world, and for a moment, he thought they didn't exist, but the devourer in front of him was a woman or at least had the appearance of one.
But she was not just any woman. Her shark teeth were hidden under her beautiful blue lips, which glowed with a soft, red hue, giving him a strange feeling. Her skin was blue, just like all devourers, but it was almost flawless, unblemished skin.
Her eyes were red, and her porcelain blue skin was strangely beautiful. She bore no resemblance to any person or woman he had ever seen, which made her an unreal beauty.
She had some ornaments in her hair and hanging from her ears, which matched her beauty, but they looked a little strange, the same with her bracelet.