[Japan – The Tokyo Airport]
"Get the supplies to the plane! We need to get out of here before the storm gets too intense!"
Jeanne shouted out her order to the Superhumans helping her as she watched and made sure that they were packing everything she needed. Jeanne had finished treating all of the Superhumans that needed help here, so she was on her way to another continent to help them out as well.
Jeanne had planned on taking a few of the healers from Japan with her to go to the other continent along with Arit and Pat, but Pat had opted to stay behind because he didn't want to leave in the middle of the fight that was shaping up.
Both Luna and Mark were being helped by Pat through the comms, and when Jeanne went to see him, she could tell just how much work Pat was doing taking care of both big fights at the same time.
Moving Pat around when he was so focused would be bad for his concentration.