Previously in NWC-
Reno manages to convince Luna to take Medusa to the capitol with them, making the trip to the capitol official. Reno ends up making Luna mad, causing her to assault him with a fury of weak blows. CeCe gives them space to sort things out, leaving for the day with the intention of returning the next...
Luna continues to pout, refusing to look at Reno. "(Stupid, Reno. He doesn't have to say I'm beautiful, but why'd he have to say that? I should have just kept my mouth shut. I've created yet another awkward situation between us. I should just apologize.)" Luna begins to turn towards Reno, still pouting slightly.
Reno sees Luna turning and he smiles slightly. As soon as he notices her expression he chuckles. "You're kind of adorable when you pout like that!" He fake coughs to try and stop his laughing but fails.
Luna's eyes widened with confusion, unprepared for this sort of response. She begins stuttering as she blushes, trying to find any sort of response. "You can't just say something like that! Especially not when someone is mad at you!"
Reno waves his hands in front of him, laughing. "I know, I know! I wasn't really thinking about it, I just kind of said it!" He finally stops laughing, smiling at her. "I'm sorry I made you mad, Luna. But you gotta admit, you're like a little kid who isn't getting what they want! It reminds me of Arthur when he was younger, so cute!"
Luna continues to blush, her voice weakening to a low grumble. "Stupid… I was supposed to apologize."
Reno leans forward. Getting closer to Luna. "Hmm? What was that? I can't hear you unless you speak up!" Reno chuckles as he playfully shoves Luna with his elbow.
Luna jumps slightly, her face becoming bright red. "Enough, Reno! I'd appreciate it if you took me more seriously when I'm angry!" She stares at Reno, attempting to give her best stern glare.
Reno clears his throat, nodding his head. "You're right. I'm sorry I laughed; I didn't mean it in a bad way."
Luna sighs, crossing her arms. "I know, Reno. But it's a bit insulting when you call me names while I'm trying to be serious."
Reno puts his hands up, lowering his head slightly. He's entirely recollected himself by now. "I understand. I'm sorry."
Luna is hesitant, studying his face for any hint of a sly smile. Not finding any reason to doubt him, she nods her head. "Thank you, Reno. I too am sorry, for being so quick to anger."
Reno shakes his head, smiling. "No reason for you to apologize. Why'd you get mad anyway if you don't mind me asking?"
Luna thinks to herself. "(I can't just flat out tell him it's because I want him to call me beautiful… How should I put this?)" Luna continues to ponder, worrying Reno slightly. Finally, after thinking her response through, she speaks. "I was attempting to make a joke earlier and you seemed to turn it into an insult instead."
Reno slowly throws his hands up, shaking his head. "Oh! You mean that whole leaving you as a ball of light thing? I didn't actually mean it, you know?"
"I know, and that's why I'm sorry too. I overreacted and behaved childishly."
Reno shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I mean you ARE a child right now. So if anything you're just being yourself!"
Luna sighs, crossing her arms again. "I'm putting an end to this conversation before I become angry once more."
"Huh? What'd I do?" Reno continues to press Luna for answers but receives none. They spend the rest of the day relaxing after their long day of training. The rest of the day passes and they head to sleep, climbing up the ladder. Finally at the top, Reno looks around. "Man, we're going to have to make a separate bed, huh?"
Luna's heart drops as she looks at him with panic. "What? Why?!"
"Girl's like their personal space, right? Now that you have a real body that can regulate its own heat there's no reason for you to use me anymore. I bet you're super excited!"
"No!" Luna shouts without thinking, covering her mouth afterwards.
Reno tilts his head in confusion. "Did I get it wrong?"
Luna shakes her head and waves her hands. "No, no! Having personal space is great and all, but… my body is still small, so I'll still need your help. Is that okay?" Luna looks at Reno with shimmering eyes, slightly pouty as she prepares to beg if she needs to.
"I mean sure? I don't mind, just as long as you don't mind being crushed half to death by Medusa!" Reno points at Medusa who smiles and waves her arms around. Shaking her head, Luna crawls in bed with Reno, doing her best not to cling to him. "Goodnight, Medusa!" Reno pets Medusa who begins closing her eyes, leaving the room in darkness save for the light from the night sky. "Goodnight, Luna."
"Goodnight, Reno." It takes Luna a bit to calm down. Luna quickly comes to realize that sleeping with Reno as a ball of light and sleeping with him in an actual body was much more nerve wracking. Her mind races as she tries to force herself to sleep. "(The warmth is so much different with an actual body. Now that I think about it, I haven't slept with anyone before. It was different when I was doing it to survive; I didn't really think about it. But, now that I don't necessarily need it to live…)" Luna's mind continues to wander as she keeps her eyes clenched. Finally, her thought process is interrupted as she's squished against Reno. Medusa had wrapped around them, smiling in her sleep. Miraculously, Luna manages to fall asleep not too long after.
The night passes, ushering in yet another new day. The party wakes up, getting ready for the day. Reno is forced down the ladder while Luna changes. Afterwards, they make way for the FTG. To their surprise, CeCe was already waiting, along with another face familiar to Reno. "Lyn?!" Reno stops in his tracks, dashing to stand in front of Luna and Medusa.
"Hello, my favorite business partner." Lyn gazes at Reno over the rim of her glasses, grinning deviously. "There's no need to try hiding your little friends. I already know about the one. However, I don't know who the little girl is." Lyn leans, trying to peek behind Reno.
"It's fine Reno, there's no need to panic yet. Allow me to handle this." Luna whispers to Reno before walking past him, approaching Lyn. She clears her throat, staring up at Lyn. "Hi! I'm Reno's little sister, Luna!" Luna feigns a cheery tone, smiling and waving. Luna mimics Medusa's behavior, jumping up and down with fake excitement. Someone else, however, rushes over and begins jumping with real excitement. Medusa jumps next to Luna, smiling brightly.
"Little sister?" Lyn's eyes widen as she looks between Reno and Luna. "I… see." Her eyes narrow as she begins comparing and contrasting every small detail of Reno and Luna.
Luna, catching on to this, makes her preemptive attack. "We have different daddies, but he's still my big brother!" Luna stops jumping, smiling and pointing at Reno.
Lyn continues to glare at the two, thinking. "Well, isn't that just cute? I bet you would love to give your big brother a hug, wouldn't you?" Lyn, having caught on to the lie, begins playing with them.
Luna blushes slightly, stopping in her tracks." Huh?!" She shakes her head in an attempt to reform her thoughts. "Yes! I would like to hug my big brother now!" Luna slowly creeps over to Reno, blushing profusely. She looks up at Reno with a slightly irritated look. "I apologize, I didn't think this through." She hugs Reno, hiding her face in his body until Lyn speaks again.
"That's so cute! Little Luna must love her brother, right?"
CeCe watches, her face turning to one of second-hand embarrassment. "Lyn, you're always a bit too much, you know that?"
Lyn chuckles as her devilish grin widens. "I'm just watching two loving siblings express their feelings! Nothing too far about it, no?" Lyn sighs, getting slightly bored already. Suddenly, her eyes flicker with a dubious glow. "Why don't you tell your big brother just how much you love him? Surely a little sister would be willing to do that!" Lyn watches, her glasses reflecting the sun as she lowers her head slightly to peer over her glasses. Her deep blue eyes stare holes through the two of them.
"Wait a minute!" At this point even Reno was getting nervous. "You're just being a weirdo at this point, Lyn!"
Lyn pouts, pushing her bottom lip out slightly. "Aww, is it so wrong to want to watch siblings love each other?"
Before Reno could protest any longer, Luna looked away slightly.. "Big brother… I… I…" Luna struggles, her face brighter than it's ever been. "I… I lo…" Lyn watches, grinning with pleasure the entire time. "I can't do it!" Luna tosses her hands up, breathing heavy from the mental exertion she was just forced to use.
"Aww, I guess your little sister doesn't really love you, huh, Reno?"
Suddenly, Reno comes to a realization. "That's it!" He points his finger at Lyn, smiling proudly as he puffs his chest out. "Lyn!"
Lyn's face rises with curiosity. "Yes?"
Reno chuckles before delivering his next phrase. "Fuck you!"