Chereads / New World Champion / Chapter 43 - Chapter 43

Chapter 43 - Chapter 43

Previously in NWC- 

Reno makes even more progress on his magic, finally able to makes a constant stream and even add a tiny bit of pressure behind it. CeCe returns and they go over a list of stuff they'll potentially need for the trip. Luna and Reno discuss the things they will need and make their own expanded list...

The party spends their day buying supplies and double checking their list. Reno purchases a bag as well as food for their trip and CeCe purchases things she thinks Reno is going to forget. Time flies by and they meet back up at the FTG. Reno hands Medusa the new backpack causing her to begin running around with it on her back happily. "Alright, I got food and we have clothes. I think we're good, Luna. Did I miss anything.

CeCe cuts in, giggling. "So much."

Reno looks genuinely confused as he turns to CeCe. "What? I literally have the essentials- plus clothes!"

CeCe gives Reno a skeptical look before cracking up again. "I sincerely hope you're joking and find clothes essential! But, other than those, you need shelter and warmth! I got you a tent and some sleeping bags. I got a couple of other things, but they're mostly for emergencies."

"You got us multiple sleeping bags?" Reno stares in confusion.

"Of course! One for you, one for Medusa, and-"

Reno give CeCe of like she's the crazy one. "We all sleep together."

CeCe stops dead in her tracks. She observes Reno's face looking for any sign of a joke before glancing at Luna. "Although he is not the smartest, he is quite warm."

"First off, rude. Second, Medusa ends up wrapping around me anyway." It takes all of Reno's self-restraint not to start an argument, but he prevails. 

"Ah… I see. Well, we'll have them just in case!" CeCe scratches her temple in confusion before moving on. "It's so exciting! I haven't been on a fun outing like this in a while! I hope you guys are as excited as me!" CeCe pumps her fist in the air to try and raise everyone's spirits.

"I too am looking forward to this! It has been quite some time since I've had the pleasure of a leisure stroll. Even if it is for business, I am anticipating the next week very much!"

"Reno nods his head and turns to Medusa, his fist on his chin. "Any thoughts, Medusa?"

Medusa copies him, putting a vine to her chin and nodding. "Muh."

"God, you are so wise." He pets her head which causes her to return to her normal self.

CeCe walks over to Reno, holding out a small bag that resembled her own. "Here's this, it has the initial payment of 500 like we discussed." She tosses over the suspiciously small bag. 

"Is this one of those bags you were talking about?"

"It is! I picked one up while I was in the city since it seemed like you didn't have one."

Reno opens the bag to find the 500 dulls. "How much do these bags even cost?"

"Don't worry about the price. Think of it as an investment on my part! If we get what I'm looking for then it'll pay for itself!" CeCe smile brightly.

The party exchanges small talk until it's time to sleep. CeCe pulls out two tents, tossing one to Reno. "Here! We should sleep in these tonight to make sure they're 100 percent good for our trip!" After tossing Reno the tent she quickly begins setting up her own. She effortlessly takes things one step at a time, making quick progress before Reno has even pulled out the instructions. 

"What the hell… there's more than 3 steps?" He turns to Luna and gives her a worried look. "This might be out of my skill range, not gonna' lie."

"Are you… are you being serious? "Medusa looks at the instructions and quickly loses her temper. "Each step requires minimal effort! Look at CeCe, she's almost done!"

Reno looks over to see CeCe over hallway done within two minutes. "Luna don't compare people like that, it's very rude and how you create insecurities in people. How would you feel if I compared you to Feyr and Ciryu? Doesn't sound very good does it? Be better."

"Reno. You are the most aggravating individual I've ever met."

Reno dons a cocky smile as he pushes his hair back. "So you're saying I'm number 1? You're truly too kind."

CeCe finishes her tent and walks over to the group. "Everything okay?"

Luna flies in front of Reno before he can speak and shouts. "No! Everything is not okay! Reno can't even put a simple tent together and I'm supposed to be okay with this?! He acts like it's perfectly fine to not be able to do basic things, like come on!" Luna's pent-up frustration from the past month finally causes her to snap. 

CeCe gently guides Luna over to her tent to speak to her in private. After a couple minutes of Reno and Medusa standing awkwardly in silence, CeCe returns. "Hey, Reno, I get it. Nobody id good at everything."

"What the- what did I do?"

CeCe sighs and shakes her head. "She wasn't joking… Reno, do you think you've done anything wrong. Let's say in the past month. Can you think of a time where you might have done something that could be seen as mildly irritating. 

"No! She just gets mad at me for no reason every now and again. She'll be back to normal by tomorrow."

"Oh my goodness… he really does have so self-awareness." CeCe pats Reno on the back and looks at him with slightly sad eyes. "Luna's going to sleep with me for the next couple nights, okay?"

"Sure? I guess if she wants to." Reno shrugs his shoulders.

CeCe shakes her head. "It's more of a she NEEDS to. Have a good night, Reno." CeCe retreats to her tent. Luna and CeCe talk while Reno stares dumbly. 

"That was… weird." Reno looks down at Medusa. "Looks like it's just us." Reno sighs as he pats Medusa and begins going over the instructions, He struggles to put the tent together, taking 30 whole minutes before it's finally completed. "It looks… sort of right?" He steps back to observe the crooked shelter. "I did what the instructions said. I've never put a tent up before, so I don't know why it looks different from CeCe's, but whatever!" He quickly climbs in the tent, rolling out a sleeping bag. He squirms his way in the bag before calling out to Medusa. "Medusa! Bed time!"

"Reno, Medusa!" Medusa slides over to the tent at full speed, diving on to Reno. After Medusa forces herself into the sleeping bag, they quickly fall asleep.

In the other tent, Luna vents her frustrations to CeCe. "He doesn't comprehend the consequences of his actions! He's always thinking about what will get him back to his brother quicker, and it's put both me and Medusa at risk!"

CeCe nods her head understandingly. "It must be so hard, having to deal with that."

Luna's frustration grows the more she thinks about it. "He can't even put up a tent! It'd be one thing if he made a mistake, but the moment it looked even remotely difficult, he gave up! I don't get it! He'll swing his sword around all day with no complaint but the moment he has to do something even remotely boring he doesn't care!"

"You poor girl, you must be so stressed out!"

Luna sighs as her frustration begins to dissipate. "Well, I suppose I can't really be upset."

CeCe's eyes raise with curiosity. "Why do you feel that way, if you don't mind sharing?"

"Well," Luna pauses to collect her thoughts. "I can't really do anything in my current state, so he has to do everything. He's also from a place that's very different and I know minimal about. I get that being separated from family and being in a foreign environment can be stressful and maybe he just wants to do what's fun to relieve stress. I would have just put the tent together myself if I could have, but I can't."

CeCe observes Luna while she speaks. She's taking in everything she's saying and analyzes it. "Luna. If you don't mind, could I possibly tell you my opinion on the matter?"

"I do not mind."

CeCe nods her head and smiles. "I don't think you're necessarily frustrated with Reno. He definitely sounds like a typical boy, and they can be quite the handful, but maybe it's not him that's making you feel this way. I think you're just frustrated watching him struggle and not being able to do anything." Luna is quiet as she processes what CeCe is saying. "It might be a mixture of things, but I definitely think that's a major stress contributor. Do you care about Reno?"

Luna is caught off guard by the question. "Huh? I mean, of course I do! Our partnership might be based off of mutual benefit, but I enjoy watching learn new things. The spark in his eye when he thinks he's having a revelation is truly entertaining." Luna goes quiet as she thinks to herself. "I truly enjoy the time I've spent with him and Medusa. I've never been presented with the opportunity to experience this sort of relationship, and I cherish it dearly." Luna's voice picks up a hint of panic. "Oh, dear Universe… I should go apologize." Luna begins to float off but CeCe gently redirects her back to the middle of the tent. 

"I think you should wait a bit. I'll talk to him in a couple of days and see what I can do. But for now, you need to take a little break. If he talks to you, then just act normally, but I think you should give yourself a couple days to unwind. Besides! Being stuck with a boy like him has to be driving you crazy! Let's enjoy the next couple days, just us girls!"

Luna silently hovers. She finally manages to gather her thoughts enough to respond. "That sounds nice. I think I'll do that. Thank you, CeCe. I'm truly sorry the first, and even second impression of us went so terribly."

CeCe giggles and waves a hand in front of her face. "Nonsense! You guys are super fun!" The two finally quiet down as a sense of relief washes over Luna. They end up sleeping soon after with Luna lying next to CeCe.