Previously in NWC-
The hero of our story, King. E. Victory, who goes by his online name of 'Reno' was transported to a new world by unknown means. Before he had time to process anything, a floating ball of light claiming to be a goddess enlisted his help. In return for helping gather her the 10 shards of her power, she offered to compensate him with granting him magical powers. Reno, under the assumption that he was dreaming, agrees, assuming he'd wake up back in his normal world soon. The two, after a run in with a giant, set off for a local village named Bambadale...
"Woah! You said it was a village, but it's got walls around it! I mean, they're only like 5-foot walls and I could just jump over them, but walls are walls! This must be a pretty big village!"
"Unfortunately it is not. The villagers had to build the wall to keep themselves alive. The same bandits who are in possession of my power shard often raid this village."
"Isn't this village part of a larger kingdom? Shouldn't the king or whoever do something?"
"They've sent requests for help many times but receive nothing in return. The only time the king's men are sent here is to collect taxes."
"What?! That's absurd! Paying taxes is an agreement! The people agree to pay taxes for goods and services in return! They shouldn't be paying taxes if they aren't getting access to the services their taxes are paying for!"
"I don't know if I should be dumbfounded that you're making sense or irritated that you're correct…"
"You should be infuriated! This king sucks!"
The two make their way out of the tree line and on to the main road. As they do, the villager standing guard takes notice. "Hold up, young man!" The villager calls out to Reno, holding a hand up. "What are you doing out in this part of the country?"
"I'm, uhm…" drawing a blank, Luna steps in.
She floats behind Reno before being spotted and slides up to his ear. "Repeat after me…"
"I've been wronged by the king and couldn't stand him anymore. I came out here in hopes of finding somewhere safer, somewhere where his influence has less of a hold on the people."
"Hmm… sounds fishy." Reno taps his chin.
"I've helped you all I can… you'll have to come up with something!"
"Dammit… Sir." Finally giving up, Reno speaks with sincerity.
"I'mma be level with you… next time they come for taxes, you should load it all in to one bag and throw a bunch of horse crap in it. Let him dig through it to get the money."
"That's funny, young man! It'd probably be the first day he's worked in his life! Come on in kiddo, you're welcome here!"
"…I… can't believe that worked." Luna speaks to herself with absolute disbelief.
"It was basically second nature to me. Complaining about the government is an obligation where I'm from." Reno begins walking in the village, thanking the man on his way in. Luna hides underneath Reno's shirt, moving towards the front of him.
"I see… your home must be much more forgiving than here. Bad mouthing any official will get you executed here. That's if you're lucky."
"A bunch of power-hungry losers don't scare me. I'll bad mouth them all the way to the gallows. Also, why are you in my shirt? You're tickling me…"
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to. I'll explain when we find somewhere more secluded."
"Alright, I guess…" Reno looks around. The village is just as quiet as he expected. The street is dead silent as all the men are out working and the women are cleaning. A large board grabs Reno's attention. "This must be the quest board…" He approaches the board which has a single piece of paper on it. 'Welcome to Bambadale!' "Jeez this really IS a small village… Luna, how am I supposed to find work here when there's nothing to do?"
"I'm certain they need help somewhere… perhaps the farmers need help?"
"I am NOT farming! I'm not spending the entirety of this dream doing hard labor."
"Well that might be your only choice…"
"Well… I guess our journey together ends here. It really was nice knowin-"
"Okay we'll think of something else!" Luna speaks with a frantic tone.
"…You shouldn't treat a goddess like that, you know…"
Reno's eyes narrow as he speaks. "What?"
"Hmm… alright. Any new ideas?"
"Coming up with ideas isn't as simple as you might think…"
Reno and Luna brainstorm until they're approached by a middle-aged woman. Her brown hair is tied in a messy bun. Her equally brown eyes give off the sense of a strong woman. "Hey! You must be a visitor."
Luna quickly dashes up Reno's shirt as he turns to face the woman. "That's right… kind of. I came here hoping to find work because I can't stand the king and I heard this place has to deal with him much less."
"You heard right… that lazy bastard probably doesn't even know how to put his own damn pants on!"
"(Oh damn… these people are REALLY heated about this topic.)" Reno clears his throat before speaking. "Yeah, but it seems like you guys don't really need help, so I guess I'm out of luck…"
"Well don't get ahead of yourself! Our little village could always use some young blood such as yourself!"
"Really? (PLEASE don't say farming…)"
"Our carpenter left us a couple of years ago so things like fences and whatnot are starting to fall apart."
"(Carpentry?) I'd really like to help with that, but unfortunately I don't have any carpentry experience."
"Nonsense! It's mostly easy stuff. Anyone could do it. Plus, any of the other fellas would be more than happy to help as long as you aren't making them do everything!"
"(Carpentry huh? I guess it beats farming…) I suppose if you're that in need of a carpenter… ah screw it, I'll give it a try!"
"That's the spirit!"
"A little side question: Why'd the carpenter leave?"
"Tax evasion."
"Tax evasion?"
"Now before you go thinking it's some petty crime; Tax evasion is one of the most noble things someone can do around here."
"Oh I don't think it's a petty crime… in fact I think tax evasion is an obligation. It's my duty as a citizen to make my government's life as hard as possible."
"Exactly! I don't know where you came from… but I know you'll fit right in!"
"Ah! One more question… I know it's a bit selfish, but I WILL be paid for what I do, right?"
"Of course! We're honest folk; you get paid for the work you do here. We just keep a small amount to pay that lazy, useless, no-good, sham of a king every month."
"Awesome! Who do I talk to?"
"The mayor is the man you're lookin' for."
"Where do I find him?"
The woman points at a large building just down the road on the right. "That there is the mayor's house as well as the city hall. He's getting up there in year's so the rest of the village wouldn't let him work in the field anymore; you'll have to pardon his attitude."
"I see, thank you! What was your name, again?"
"My name's May. Tell the mayor I sent ya'!"
"Thank you again, May!" Reno begins fast walking to the city hall.
Luna's muffled voice can be heard from underneath Reno's shirt. "You're surprisingly good at human relations…"
"If by 'human relations' you mean 'basic human interaction' then yes. I'm not a huge fan of it but I know there's no way around it. Besides, this is a dream, so I get to act like someone I'm not."
"Someone you're not?"
"In reality I have no friends and I spend all of my time after school playing games in my room."
"So you're a shut-in…"
"Not really. I still go to school and occasionally walk to the store to buy games with limited edition physical release goodies."
"What were your plans after your education."
"… I don't have to answer that."
"I knew it, you ARE a shut-in."
"This shut-in is sticking his neck out to help you."
"And this goddess is very grateful."
"Mmhm.." Reno finally reaches the city hall. He slowly grabs the door handle and turns it. Pushing the door open, he peeks around.
A grey-haired man with a bushy moustache sits quietly behind a desk. His body bears more than a couple of scars on his arms and his body appears clearly worn. Despite this, he carries himself with pride as he calls out, "Welcome… you look new!"
Reno jumps a little having not noticed the man. "I am!"
"Well then allow me to personally welcome you to Bambadale! What brings you to our small village?"
"Hatred for the government."
"You're already like family!"
"(Why do humans make systems if they're just going to hate them?)" Luna ponders.
"So then I suppose you're looking for some sort of work?"
"Yes, actually. May sent me here."
"Oh May, she's always been a helper…"
"She was saying something about this village needing a carpenter?"
"Oh! Yes, yes, we definitely need one of those!"
"I told May, and she said it would be fine… I don't have any actual carpentry experience."
"That'll be fine, young man! I know a little and would be more than happy to help get you started!" The old man excitedly stands to his feet, needing to push off the desk with both arms. "We've even got the old carpenter's tools you can use!" The man limps over to a door that's just to his left. He opens the door and dust visibly exits from the room. "It's not much, but he had the basic tools you should need." He pulls out a hammer and some nails. He begins hobbling towards Reno before Reno rushes over.
"With all due respect sir, you look like you should be taking it easy." Reno grabs the hammer and box of nails from the old man and helps him back to his chair.
"Ahh don't give me none of that crap! I've been working for longer than you've been alive! I was born and raised in this village, and I'll die making it the best I can!"
"Yes, yes that's very honorable but maybe dying over a hammer and nails isn't the best way to go out."
"If I was a couple years younger I'd whip some respect into you…"
"Sorry, that sounded a little condescending… I think it's awesome you're willing to sacrifice so much for your home, I just think that doing it over a hammer and nail would be pretty lame."
"Ahh, well… thank you, young man. Now, about that carpenters job… I don't mean to rush you but when do you think you'd be able to start?"
"Well… this is probably going to sound really dumb, but I don't have any money or a place to stay. So, I was thinking I'd find a place in the woods to sleep or something, then I would come back and start working right away."
"If you're willing to work right away then I'd be willing to talk to the farmers about letting you stay in one of the barns. It's not walled off like the village, so it'd still be a bit dangerous, but it'd be much safer than the woods."
"Sounds like an offer I can't refuse… I guess I'll be taking that hammer right now then!" Reno picks the hammer up and gives it a practice swing. Satisfied, he grabs the box of nails. "So, what needs my attention first?"
"The fences around town have been falling apart lately… do you think you'd be able to handle that?"
"Sounds easy enough… it's just putting a nail in a board, after all."
"Oh, and do try not to break any boards, please. We stopped ordering wood since there wasn't anyone to work with it. Once tax time comes around we'll order you some fresh planks."
"Sounds good… I'll be getting to work then." Reno makes his way outside, looking around. Inside the walls was only upwards of 70 buildings, all close together. "Man, old timey villages really were small… Add on the farm and there's not much here… Speaking of which, how the heck do they earn money here?"
Luna pipes in. "They export their farming goods along with other things like clothes and jewelry. The men work the farms while the women make clothing and simple accessories. A merchant comes and picks up the goods, taking them to a bigger city where they sell everything. Then, the seller takes their portion of the profits and returns, dropping off the money and repeating the process."
"I see… how do you know so much about this place?"
"This is the last village that still believes in me."
"I believe in you; you got this. Go Luna, go!" Reno puts on a small display of support, pumping his fist in the air playfully.
"…" Luna floats silently, presumably staring at him with disapproval.