Victoria was horrified that they had been interrupted. "Asmund." She whimpered softly as he kicked the bedroom door closed and set her on the bed.
"This is better for your first time." He smiled as he locked the door. "Nobody is going to bug us all day." He assured her as he got on the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. She marveled at his perfect body once again. "Later we can go to my office and I can maybe try to get some work done. I doubt I will though." He smirked as he started to pull her shirt off.
Victoria covered her breasts shyly once it was tossed aside. Asmund stood and pulled off his pants and boxers before returning to remove her white panties with a tiny pink bow on them. "I've already seen you naked Victoria. There's no use in hiding anything from me." His voice was husky as he licked her neck sensually. She couldn't stop the whimper of pleasure that came out.
'If you don't let him fuck us I'm taking over and you won't have a say anymore!' Cameron growled. 'Please give me this Victoria.'
'I want it too but I'm scared.' Victoria admitted weakly.
'Tell him.'
"I- I'm scared." She hated the way her voice broke.
"Don't be. I'll go slow." Asmund murmured softly in her ear before nipping at the lobe. Slowly he pulled her hands away from her body and placed them on his shoulder. "By the time I'm ready to take you, you'll be begging for it. Now close your eyes and just feel."
He had said he would be slow and he was. He methodically caressed and teased her body for what felt like an eternity, his hands and mouth moving freely about her body. His tongue played wicked games and by the time he was done she was pulling him closer and whining for him to take her virginity. His massive cock was pulsing and she wondered if she would be able to feel it when it was inside her.
"Asmund please!" She begged desperately as he removed his hand from her pussy yet again. He had told her the first time that she didn't need to pee as she thought. But that her body was trying to release the pressure of pleasure. He then proceeded to use her body like a favorite toy, stopping her just short of release.
"Do you want to cum?" She could hear the wicked amusement in his voice. He was once again sucking, licking and nipping at her marking spot.
"Please Asmund, oh....ahhhh...let me.....Ahhh.....let.....fuck.....cum." she was trying to beg him for release but his two middle fingers were inside her again, moving in such a wa that talking became impossible. "Fuck!" She screamed in frustration as he pulled his fingers from her body yet again.
"Yes. I think you're ready for me to now." He growled and she did not miss the lust in his voice. He had been toying with her, she hadn't thought that his own restraint would be put to the test as well. He repositioned himself so that he was between her legs. Then he wrapped an arm around each of her thighs and pulled her so her ass was resting on his strong lap. He placed both of her legs on either side of his hips. She could feel his cock against her pussy and clit.
He grasped the base of his cock with his left hand as the right caught both her wrists and pinned them above her head. She watched in awe as he began to rub the tip from her clit to her entrance and back. "Oooohhhhh." She moaned as the sensation began to build yet again. As with every time before it was faster this time. She was about to cum when he thrust his swollen member into her her pussy.
This time when she screamed it was from pain as he with drew his member and thrust again. She felt something tear and screamed again as she closed her. She struggled to free herself but his hold on her was too tight. "It's okay baby. Just breathe. It will start to feel good soon." He growled as he continued to thrust into her.
'Our mate is inside us." Cameron sighed happily.
'Yes and it hurts.' Victoria whimpered.
'He is desperate Victoria. He is our mate and he needs to mark us.' Cameron sounded annoyed now. 'to do that he has to make us his.'
'It's my first time. He doesn't have to be so forceful.'
'His wolf has to be close to the surface so he can take control at the moment of marking. Stop fighting and submit. He can't mark us until you do!' Victoria took a deep breath and pushed Cameron to the back of her mind before opening her eyes and looking into Asmund's. They were almost completely black as he thrust again and again. The noises he was making were animalistic grunts and growls.
Victoria had thought that such noises during sex would scare her. But this was Asmund. His body tight with tension. Trying to get her to stop squirming and submit to him as he drove them both relentlessly towards an inevitable orgasm. She wasn't sure when the screams, whimpers and moans coming out of her had changed but they had. She wasn't sure when pleasure had intertwined with the pain but she could no longer tell which one was which. Now she was struggling to make the feeling of his body slamming into hers with animalistic need last longer, the thought of freeing herself from long since abandoned.
The pressure was building in her again and just as she thought she would explode her whole body went limp as she instinctively submitted to the man that was inside her fertile garden. She felt his fangs pierce her marking spot and screamed her release as he went stiff and still inside her. He grunted a few more times and released her from his grasp. "Are you okay Victoria?" He asked as he pulled his cock out of her with a strange squelching noise.
Victoria wanted to respond but darkness was closing in on the edges of her vision as she slipped into unconsciousness. All she could do was sigh contentedly. Her body felt like led and she was exhausted. She just wanted to sleep wrapped up in his arms for a time.