The library was nearly empty, except for a few Ravenclaws, Hermione Granger...and Aries. The Black heir sat in splendid isolation, as far away from everyone else as he possibly could, and had a thick leather-bound tome propped up in front of him. Daphne shivered at the sight of the book.
It was decoratively ornamented with what appeared to be eyeballs. If Aries had been any other student, she would have wondered why he was publicly reading a book that clearly belonged in the Restricted Section, but Aries had already told her that Professor Malfoy gave him permission slips without even asking any questions. It paid to have good connexions, he said.
She took a deep breath and strolled over to his table, smothering her anxiety beneath a well-practised facade of indifference.
'Good evening, Aries,' she said coldly.
Aries looked up. His eyes brightened a bit when he saw her, and he rose to his feet.
'Oh, hello, Daphne,' he replied with a smile. 'What are you doing here? I should have thought you'd be off celebrating the end of exams.'
'I came looking for you,' Daphne replied, a bit taken aback. She hadn't expected Aries to be pleased to see her. He was supposed to be avoiding her.
'I'm glad you did,' he said, pulling out a chair. 'Won't you join me?'
Daphne hesitated. 'I don't want to bother you,' she said.
'You're not,' Aries replied. 'I probably need to pack up soon anyway.' He stifled a yawn. 'I'm starting to see double.'
He motioned again to the chair, and Daphne sat down primly. Boys in general were terribly difficult for her to understand, and Aries was particularly so. If he wanted to spend time with her, then why hadn't he sought her out at all?
Aries plopped back down in his chair and took a few last notes before shutting the horrible book.
'What are you reading?' Daphne asked.
'An Elementary Introduction to Necromancy,' Aries replied casually.
Daphne couldn't believe her ears. 'Excuse me?'
'An Elementary Introduction to Necromancy,' Aries repeated.
'But that's illegal magic,' Daphne protested.
Aries rolled his eyes. 'I'm not planning on doing it,' he said. 'I'm hoping to figure out a way to counteract it.' He showed her his notes. 'I have to hand over a copy of these to Professor Lupin every week. It's the only way he'll let me check the book out.'
Daphne raised her eyebrows. 'Professor Lupin let you check out this book?'
Aries nodded. 'I've been doing some extra work with him,' he explained. 'Besides, he's my Head of House and my dad's best friend. He's been keeping a close eye on me.'
'You've been awfully busy lately,' Daphne said quietly. 'I haven't seen you much.'
Aries winced. 'I know. I'm really sorry about that. We've had a lot going on. My uncle died, you know, and my dad wants us to do this project with Professor Lupin. I haven't even had any time for pranks.'
'It's all right,' Daphne said, relieved that Aries wasn't just trying to avoid her. 'I understand. Maybe I could help you with your project?'
Aries shifted uncomfortably. 'I'm not sure about that,' he said. 'I mean, I don't think that's a good idea.'
The girl's face fell. She cursed herself for not realising that he was just trying to let her down gently.
'I see,' she said evenly. 'If you don't want to spend time with me anymore, Mr Black, you can just say so.'
Daphne stood up and stormed off with as much dignity as she could muster, ignoring the confused expression on the boy's haughty face. She held her emotions tightly inside until she had reached her dormitory, changed into her nightgown, crawled into bed and drawn the curtains shut. Only then did she dissolve into silent sobs.
Once the Hogwarts Express arrived at King's Cross Station, Draco sluggishly rose to his feet and followed Aries out of the compartment. The blond young wizard had been walking around in a haze for weeks now, unsure of virtually everything and everyone. He didn't sleep well anymore, and he looked a mess.
But every time he shut his eyes he returned to that horrible night at Riddle House. The red glint in his father's glare was burnt indelibly into his memory, and night after night he saw the man he had once admired more than any other point his wand at Draco's chest and begin the Killing Curse.
Sirius had saved him, of course, and Sirius continued to save him every night in his dreams. This, oddly enough, more than anything else, was the cause of Draco's ongoing insomnia.
Every time he saw Sirius kill his father, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief, followed immediately by a terrible wave of guilt. How could any good son feel love and gratitude towards his father's killer? Oughtn't Draco to be angry at Sirius, to demand vengeance?
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