Chereads / Harry Potter The New Lord Black / Chapter 107 - The Black Family's Next Move

Chapter 107 - The Black Family's Next Move

Lupin and Abraxas laughed and went outside to help Cassiopeia set up the outer perimeter. When they were done, Abraxas thought that the universe could explode, and the house at number twelve, Grimmauld Place would nonetheless emerge unscathed.

After a quick supper, Sirius convened a family war council in the dining room. Abraxas noticed that both Draco and Aries took seats near the foot of the table.

'You two run along,' Clytemnestra told them, not unkindly. 'The adults will take care of this.'

'It's my mum, Aunt Clytemnestra,' Draco replied.

'We're staying,' Aries insisted.

Clytemnestra looked at Sirius questioningly. The young wizard nodded.

'They have a right to know what's going on,' he said.

The boys eagerly took their seats along with everyone else. Sirius had just begun to speak when the doorbell rang. Everyone tensed.

'Check and see who it is, Moony,' Sirius said.

Lupin got up and looked through the eyehole in the door.

'It's the Tonkses,' he announced.

'Let them in,' Sirius said. 'They're already on the approved list.'

Druella opened her mouth to protest, but Sirius glared at her threateningly, and the old harridan shut up. Abraxas chuckled in delight. Sirius had inherited Walburga's glare.

The Tonkses walked into the dining room. Their faces were long.

'When we heard what happened to Cissy, we decided we had to help,' Andromeda said hesitantly.

Sirius nodded. 'You're all welcome,' he said. 'Take a seat.'

The meeting began in fine Black tradition with everyone making an Unbreakable Vow to keep secret from outsiders everything that they discussed at the meeting.

'Very well,' Sirius began. 'What facts have we established for certain? Dobby told us that Lucius took Narcissa from Malfoy Manor through the fireplace. I saw that Narcissa left her wand behind, and there was evidence of a struggle, so we may presume that she did not go willingly.'

'We know that Lucius is in the service of the Dark Lord,' Cassiopeia added.

'Can we be sure of that?' Druella asked. 'This could be simply a family squabble.'

'Lucius himself admitted that he gave Draco the cursed diary at the behest of Voldemort,' Sirius said.

'But how do you know that he returned to Him-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named afterwards?' Andromeda asked. 'It might have made more sense for him to flee.'

'We have our sources,' Sirius said. 'We are confident of their accuracy.'

'In that case, it is reasonable to suppose that Voldemort approved Lucius's actions,' Lupin pointed out.

Abraxas nodded. 'The Death Eaters would never dream of taking serious action without at least the tacit approval of their master.'

'Couldn't it have been a crime of passion?' Ted Tonks suggested.

Abraxas glared at the Muggle-born as though he were a bit of dung on his boot.

'Don't be stupid,' he snapped. 'Lucius doesn't have a passionate bone in his body. He planned this very carefully. He had to have done in order to break through the wards.'

'But what would Riddle want with my mum?' Draco asked.

Sirius frowned. 'And where are they now? Those are the real questions, aren't they?'

'Well, you said he left by Floo, right?' Dora piped up. Sirius nodded. 'The Ministry keep a record of all Floo activity for forty-eight hours,' she continued. 'The Aurors have access to it.'

Sirius grinned, and winked at Cassiopeia, who harrumphed. 'I knew having an Auror in the family might come in handy,' he said. 'I disconnected Malfoy Manor from the Floo Network before I left, so the last outgoing connexion ought to be Lucius's. Do you think you can manage to look it up for us, Dora?'

The Metamorphmagus nodded eagerly. 'It shouldn't be a problem at all.'

'I doubt very much that Lucius would have been so stupid as to Floo directly back to wherever they're hiding,' Lupin pointed out.

'True,' Sirius admitted. 'But the Floo destination will at least give us an idea of where to begin.'

The meeting continued for another half-hour, but there was little more they could do before Dora found out Lucius's destination, which would not be possible until she went to work the next day, as trainee Aurors did not have after-hours privileges. They agreed to meet the next evening, and the Tonkses left. Most of the family retired to bed, and Lupin and Abraxas returned to Hogwarts.


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