Chereads / Harry Potter The New Lord Black / Chapter 34 - The Reluctant Observer

Chapter 34 - The Reluctant Observer

That night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Dumbledore retired to his private quarters after the Sorting Feast with a steaming cup of hot cocoa and his favourite Fifi LaFolle novel, Persephone's Passion. He changed into his flowery nightshirt and fuzzy purple slippers before curling up in his favourite armchair beside the fireplace and opening the well-worn novel to where he had left off.

He slipped back into the story effortlessly, as he always did. He had just reached the part where the grief-stricken young heroine was preparing to hurl herself off a weather-beaten cliff when a loud tapping on the window interrupted his reverie. He looked up, startled. An owl stood on the ledge outside in the dark.

Dumbledore opened the window with a flick of his wand, and the owl flew in and landed on the back of his armchair. A letter hung suspended from its left leg. Dumbledore took the letter and opened it.

Dear Headmaster Dumbledore, it began.

As you may recall, you requested to be notified when the second wand made from your phoenix's feathers was sold. You undoubtedly remember that the first such wand was sold to one Tom Riddle, many years ago. The second wand was sold just under a month ago to Aries Black, the son of the recently released convict, Sirius Black.

Young Mstr Black is only ten years old, and I hesitated to make the sale because of the legal restrictions, but Cassiopeia Black was with him, and she insisted that I sell the wand immediately. Having dealt with Miss Black in the past, I am sure you will sympathise with my acquiescence.

I hope you find this information of use, though I should greatly appreciate it if you would be so kind as not to reveal that I passed this information on to you. Such a revelation would be bad for business, as well as likely arousing the ire of the formidable Miss Black.

I remain, etc.

Artemius Ollivander

Dumbledore sighed and set the letter down on the side table. This bore immediate investigation. It appeared that he would have to wait until another time before returning to dear Persephone's adventures. He sent a Patronus to Severus, summoning the Potions master to his office, and pulled on decent robes before heading down the steps.

Severus Snape walked into the Headmaster's office moments later.

'What is it, Headmaster?' he asked brusquely. 'I was preparing to retire.'

'Thank you for coming so promptly, Severus,' Dumbledore said. 'I assure you that I should not have asked you to come were it not a matter of great importance. Would you care for a sherbet lemon?'

'No, thank you,' Severus replied.

'As you wish.' Dumbledore paused. 'Severus, what do you know of Aries Black?'

'The convict's brat?' Severus spat. 'Next to nothing. I have never met him.'

'I should have thought that perhaps you had heard something through your other contacts.'

'I'm a half-blood, Dumbledore. I hardly move in the same social circles as the Blacks and Malfoys,' Severus replied coolly.

'But what of your other contacts with Lucius?'

Severus harrumphed. 'Most men do not discuss their sister's children with their business associates.' He sighed and dipped his head. 'Lucius Malfoy, however, is not most men. He has been known to speak of the boy on occasion.'

Dumbledore leaned forward. 'And?'

'Apparently the boy is very like his father, in looks as well as behaviour. He is spoilt and arrogant, and loves to engage in outrageous pranks. His chief partner in crime seems to be Lucius's son Draco.'

'And his family encourage this sort of activity?' Dumbledore asked, raising an eyebrow.

'His family seem to be under the mistaken impression that Aries is a wizard of considerable talent, and so give him a great deal of leeway. Lucius says the boy is nothing out of the ordinary, though he admits that perhaps the boy has a particular gift for the Dark Arts.' Severus laughed humourlessly. 'Old Malfoy, however, is quite smitten with the boy. Apparently he has invited Black to call him "Dad."'

'Sirius is Abraxas's son-in-law,' Dumbledore observed. 'Is that so unusual?'

Severus smirked. 'Abraxas insists that Lucius address him as "Father."'

Dumbledore looked surprised. 'I see.'

'My impression is that Lucius resents the boy's influence in the family quite strongly, but is powerless to oppose his father.'

'I seem to recall Abraxas being a wizard one would be foolish to cross,' Dumbledore said with a smile.

Severus nodded. 'I have met old Malfoy only on a couple of occasions, but he struck me as possessing power and cunning, along with a ruthless ability to get things done.'

'It seems to me unlikely that Abraxas would be won over so easily by the boy without any cause,' Dumbledore mused. 'Has Lucius provided any indication of the reasons behind his father's opinion?'

Severus shook his head. 'No, only an old man's sentimentality. However, he has made it clear that the brat has captured the hearts of the old Blacks as well.'

'Arcturus and Pollux?'

Severus nodded.

Dumbledore frowned. 'There must be something he's not telling you. Neither Arcturus nor Pollux has ever been accused of simple sentimentality.' He leaned forward. 'I want you to keep your ears and eyes open. Inform me of anything you may learn about the boy.'

'Why this sudden interest in Aries Black?' Severus asked.

'I learned today that Aries purchased a wand from Ollivander's a month ago.'

'Your point? It is not all that uncommon for the old pureblood families to ignore the restrictions in that area, and the Ministry has never cared.'

Dumbledore took a deep breath. 'The wand Aries purchased is the brother of Lord Voldemort's.'

'You think this significant?'

'I do not know,' Dumbledore admitted. 'But you said the boy has an aptitude for the Dark Arts, and the family think that he has great potential. Knowing the Black and Malfoy families as we do, it is not difficult to guess what that means.'

Severus shook his head. 'What you ask is not as straightforward as it may seem. What I have just told you I have gleaned from casual conversations over three years. Even Lucius Malfoy has better things to do than complain about his nephew.'

'You will likely be the boy's future Head of House. Mightn't you arrange a meeting with the boy before he comes to school?'

'You're daft,' Severus retorted. 'Do you have any idea what Sirius Black will do to me the moment he hears I'm interested in the boy?'

'Good point,' Dumbledore admitted.

'Perhaps the werewolf would have more luck?' Severus suggested.

Dumbledore sighed. 'Sadly, Mr Lupin has been less helpful since the tragic death of Harry Potter.'

'I sometimes wonder why I still help you after that little fiasco,' Severus mused.

'Because you continue to keep the big picture in mind,' Dumbledore said. 'You realise how important our work is.'

'I do,' Severus admitted, and let out a breath. 'I shall keep an eye out for any news of Aries Black. I do not expect to learn much.'

'Any information you provide might prove vital, Severus,' Dumbledore said. 'In any event, we shall monitor the boy very carefully once he arrives at Hogwarts. It may be, with a little encouragement, that we can turn him away from his family's path.'

'We shall see, Headmaster.'

Severus left Dumbledore's office, and the aged wizard once again ascended the stairway to his private quarters, regretfully postponing Persephone's Passion for another night.


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