The mood in the room had grown tense. Felichs. Solis. Malu. One who desired to save their ailing mother. One whose guilt ran so deep, now wanting to write the wrongs of his past. And one who wanted to avenge her parents' deaths. Three different roads, that before this week. would've never crossed each other. But now, as these competitors stand face to face with each other, they could feel that only one of them would be standing at the end. Especially after a letter was dropped in their room.
It read:
"Pahaha! What is Tournouá Tou Ménos? Is Ménos even real? Who is this Tournament and why do they have such a beautiful aura? Questions…yes, yes so many questions, but still no answers. Well, fret not, because they'll all be shared with each one of you real soon. Although I'm pretty sure most of you have already come to some well-thought-out conclusions. For the few who haven't yet put the pieces together, or maybe just one who hasn't, in a few weeks you'll have all your answers. By the way, I hope you're all enjoying your stay in Fortuna, and do remember no violence. It's not tolerated here and you will be facing punishment via your state. Speaking of states, that does bring me to my other point for this letter. You will NOT be traveling the five states. Tried as I could, but sadly some plans just don't fall through. But worry not because we'll still be heading out of Perdita and making our way to the state of emptiness, Inanis. If you're unfamiliar with the state don't worry it's honestly not much of a state anymore since these wretched wars. Actually, my poor, poor friend here, lost his home and family due to these wars. Anywho, Tournoá Tou Ménos begins in three weeks' time, but we'll be leaving in two weeks to make sure you all get twenty-four before the start time to prepare. Haven't a nice day and remember you're all here because of how special you are or could be…besides you, you wretched dog."
Malum dry-fired three more shots at the letter before walking past Felichs."
Something about her…I don't like it. Her aura feels as bad as she smells…"
"Ughh this gonna be a pain…Eirini take the wheel."
"Another person from that list…a target? Or maybe she has that same weird power that me and Solis have. Either way, she's definitely not a friend. Not a friend of mine nor Tournament's either…I wonder what happened when they met."
"Aye, puta, you stare long enough pervert!?"
"I wasn't-Ughhh, never mind no point in tryna say something. Not like she'll listen anyways."
"WAHAHA! Yuh two 'mind me of me and my ol lady."
"I didn't know you're married?"
"Yeah, thanks to this damn war though, she passed away a few years ago. And 'fore y'all get all sappy on me, she passed away happily in my arms."
"I'm sorry…I hope you're ok mi amor…"
"Me too...Maybe I made a mistake coming here..."
"Now I thought I said no getting all teary-eyed on me? Whatta 'bout y'all two? Anyone special in y'all lives?"
"Mi vieja. She wanted to come with me, but it's too many people to look out for."
"Oh ho, gotcha yuhself a lil lady too eh? Well, I feel yuh pain. Always 'member keep yuh wife happy, so yuh'll live a lil longer and yuh belly'll get a lil bigger."
"Thank you-"
"Chinga tu madre! What the fuck was that?!"
Felichs already started running out of the room. Solis and Malum followed after. What came next was a sight nobody could have expected.
"Yo that is sick…" said Participant A as he threw up a little."
What the hell is she doing??" Chimed Participant B as she stumbled backward.
"Should..should somebody step in to stop her?" Participant C said as his legs shook uncontrollably.
It was a sickening sight that sat before the participants. A lady, if you could even call her that, hunched over a man's lifeless body while strangling him. Multiple stab wounds decorated the man's body, topped off with a pool of blood. Blood that the creature was licking up while she continued to grip his neck harder and harder, her nails digging into his neck. Many of the bystanders struggled to watch on, while others were holding each other screaming at the top of their lungs. Only a few seemed unfazed by this gruesome sight. Felichs. Solis. Malum. And five others scattered amongst the crowd.
"You! I know you! I could never forget that brightly-colored outfit. And that look on your face…I've known it all too well. It screams "Take my life before I take it myself!" Felichs thought to themself as they stared down the pink-haired individual.
"Where is she…I'll start with her and then the rest!" The pink-haired individual muttered.
Felichs began to walk towards him when suddenly Tournament's voice appeared.
"Servus my dear…what in the Goddess's name are you doing?!" Tournament scolded as they grabbed her by the neck.The lady wiped the blood from her mouth, stood up, and took a bow before answering.
"I-I-I-I'm sorry m-m-my lord…this f-f-filthy creature attacked me. I was sh-sh-showing him to his room when he gr-gr-GRABBED me by my neck and covered my mouth. H-h-he held a knife up and said that gets a th-th-thrill out of killing weak people. After that, my m-m-mind went blank. I di-di-didn't mean to soil the house's peace, b-b-but I had no other choice, my lord."
Tournament pulled the lady in and rubbed her head. "Don't be sorry my dear." They said to her before turning around. "I've mentioned this before, there'll be no violence in this sanctuary. This is a place of peace. With that said." Tournament turned back and struck the lady before continuing. "While I'm glad you're ok, these kinds of actions are unnecessary and definitely unacceptable. Violence solved with violence will never lead to anything."
"Pahaha, once again you can't control yourself, eh? If you had me finish instead of speaking, you wretched dog, you would've heard how to deal with this." Tournament responded as they pulled a flower off the wall.
Suddenly the house began to shake violently and a large cloud of smoke covered the room. Six individuals appeared before the participants. Each was covered from head to toe in the same white cloaks and different colored masks that Felichs had seen before. This time was different though as a menacing aura could be felt from all of them.
"Ooouu, is it time to play? I wanna play! I wanna have fun with every one of them!" Cheered a young boy holding a stuffed animal.
"And to think…I was just eating too…now I have no appetite…" a lady gagged.
"Poor fool…" Solid remarked kneeling over the lifeless body. "Should I?"
"Why would you? There's no need to save the idiot. Just let me fill him with a few explosives and watch the bastard explode into pieces!" Cackled a clearly twisted individual.
"Must you always be such an irritant?" Groaned Rose. "I'm surrounded by idiots and a glutton…"
The last individual said not a word as they glared at Felichs.
"They're strong. Real strong. But who are they? The council that sits below the chancellor? Or maybe one of them is him. I've never actually seen him before since he never leaves that palace of his. Maybe he's the one staring at me. Or maybe…""As you can all see before you stand the best way to handle any situation. We are not only the council of Perdita but also the council of Emovere!"
"C-council of Emovere? Since when did the ENTIRE country of Emovere have a council?!"
"Yeah, all of Emovere." Rose responded.
"And as the council, our word…is absolute." Tournament added.
"Hmm…while this sounds…like the better option…I agree with the grasshopper…a victim should be allowed…to defend themselves…no matter the rules…set in place…"
"Oh? So, what would be the point of rules if we're always going to move the goalpost? Do you not come from a state that tried this and is now on the brink of destruction? Could I not easily say this man was a victim himself? A victim of his own mind. A mind that the goddess created. Why would she make him this way? Why would any higher power make their creations with this kind of sick mindset? And then you say she's a victim yet she's barely human. I mean what human would drink their victim's blood? So, if we judge her as a monster would she have the same right of being able to attack someone who attacked her? Do we not label animals who attack humans as evil? When they were simply protecting themselves? If we're going to play this game of moving the goal post then I guess we'll also remove innocent until proven guilty. But then that means you should be back in that cell…does it not?"
"You make..a good point…but I'd like to challenge it…if I may. We've never had..innocent until proven guilty…it's always been…guilty even after…proof of innocence…we live in a world…where many harbor…evil thoughts of those…even if the person…hasn't given them…a reason to do so. So, why…why can't we…the guilty ones…move things from time to time…to help our cause....They say I killed them…but I know the truth…will you…listen to my story…"
"You make a fine point, but the rules will stand regardless of opinion. Anybody who breaks the rules from here on out will be removed from Tournouá Tou Menos AND sent back home as a wanted criminal. Do I make myself clear?" Tournament stated before directing Servus #11836 to pick up the body.
"It feels like ever since I got here everybody's aura has felt so cold…especially this white-haired dude. He feels the coldest. But that pink-haired dude can't be looked over. Something about him tells me he's just as dangerous."
"Why do you fear me? I felt as if we were so alike. I can tell you too have faced wrongful judgment. " The white haired man muttered to himself as his soulless red eyes stared on at Felichs.
A blizzard engulfed Felichs as the man walked closer and closer toward him. His hair was as white as his snow. Red eyes that, if opened, would show nothing but a hollow body. One that had long lost its soul. Skin as pale as a night-walker that yearns for the blood of its victims. All of this was covered in darkness as his attire consisted of only black clothing. One might notice him in passing, but if you did, his slow, almost methodical way of conversing with others would stick out. As he approached Felichs he softly gripped their shoulder and whispered in their ear:
"Don't let them…lead you astray…I can tell you also…have someone you care for…"
"It's odd, you know, you don't seem like the type to want to draw attention. So, why speak up?"
"It's not that I…don't want to be seen…more so…I choose when and where…to be seen…only IF...I find it necessary…"
"So, what? You tryna be a hero or somethin'?" Challenged Felichs.
"A hero? No, no…to be a hero…you have to be…pure-hearted…"
"I could challenge that, but I honestly don't care enough either. Nor do I feel it makes much of a difference. That's actually where you and I could see eye to eye. I also don't do it unless I feel it's necessary, or I guess, I should say positively benefits me."
"You're interesting…you remind me so much…of the one…you all call…Tournament…"
"We're alike? Tch, you could put us in the same outfit, mask and all, and we'd still be completely different. I'm nothing like that creep." Felichs whispered as they noticed Tournament and Servus carrying the body up the stairs. "Speaking of, just where do you think you're going?"
They decided to follow in pursuit, making sure to keep their distance. They continued up the stairs and down a long, dark hallway lined with pictures too dark to see.
"Such a curious child you are. I would like to help you, but not everything can be so easy, my dear."
Felichs immediately jumped behind a bookshelf."Holy…that was way too close. A second later and I would've been…"
"I figured you would follow me."
"Shit, shit, shit! How did they see me?!" Felichs panicked as they reached for their knife.
"Yuh said yuh'd brang me my brotha…now where's he at!?"
"Yes, yes, well you see, there's been a bit of a complication."
"And thatta be what exactly?"
"Well, I'm not fully in charge of the decision. I wanted to return him to you, but sadly I was out-voted by my colleagues from earlier."
"These the same putas who are keeping Viento from me?"
"Actually, no. It seems he's simply found an actual friend. You know, one more loyal than the wretched dog who constantly abandons and only looks out for herself."
"I'm sick and tired of your damn games, give me my brother back, then give me your head afterward!"
"Now I could've sworn I said no violence in this house did I not? No matter, I've also grown tired of your childish ways, and honestly your presence is making me sick."
"Now, now…I believe this is…what one refers to…as the pot which calls the kettle black…You continue to…peak my interest…such an odd one…you don't like violence…yet this girl…she makes you so…angry. Your eyes…they have that same look…that I had…those many years ago…"
"Pahaha, I guess you're right. I don't need to dirty my hands with a dog. Felichs my dear, you want your answers? Take care of that filth!"
"There are many other ways to get the answers I seek. Besides, even though she's an irritant, you have an issue with her, not me, so I'm not dirtying my hands for someone else's cause"
"Hmm, well, no matter, I said no violence anyways. I'm glad to see at least one person respects the rules set in place. With that said, I know someone who doesn't particularly care for rules."
"It seems that even the goddess…can be cruel…" grumbled the white-haired man
Smoke appeared but only one individual this time. He had bright, blonde hair with orange at its ends. A white mask with a yellow mark on it that, like his hair, resembled an explosion. He too adorned a white cloak capped off with fingerless gloves. His skin was just as pale as the white-haired individual. Maybe they were relatives. He seemed to be infatuated with explosives as even his orange nails had a similar marking that his mask had.
"BOOM! I told them you'd come around to it V! I'm so glad you've finally seen the light! Screw these damn rules! You have your chosen one, so let's just kill the rest of these idiots and get this show started already!"
"V…why does that sound so familiar?"
"Welllll, it's the twenty-second letter in the alphabet, duuuh yuh idiot!"
Felichs was about to respond before the white-haired man intervened.
"The Tristis incident…they were responsible…for the deaths…of one hundred…citizens of Sollicitus. I didn't think…for a second…the host of this tournament…would be so…famous…!"
"I'm flattered you know me so well, but don't underhand yourself, my dear. I hear you're pretty famous too…Mori of the Vermillion Eyes. That's a name that rang through Sollicitus."
"Mori?! No freaking way, Mori Chaimburs, son of that useless s.o.b. Judge Chaimburs." Cackled the yellow-haired man.
"Watson Bell…seems you've gone…from a head…to a follower."
"And I see you're as idiotic as ever. You could've walked this path with me, instead you stand on the side of a bunch of losers! DEAD LOSERS!"
Before Watson could continue Tournament grabbed his hand, causing him to drop the flower buds"You won't need that. Look at them, they're completely lost."The temperature in the hallway got much colder. Malum, Solis, and Mori were all lying down sleeping, as if they were in beds. Felichs looked on, scratching their head. Another figure appeared beside Tournament and Watson.
"I'm still not sold on this one…allow me to challenge them…V." The man questioned as he pointed his sword at Felichs.
"H-His aura is beaming off of him…th-there's no way I can take this guy. I'm pretty sure he did something to those three. And that sword is huge! Maybe I can use that power to get outta here again, but I don't even know how to use it…NO calm down Felichs, CALM DOWN! Just think back to that situation and what stood out…fear…I was scared that I would die…like I am right now "
"GRAHAHA! I'm just messin' with you, don't worry we ain't here to harm you. I'm actually here to shut this one up and talk to you."
"#11835 take these three back to their room and make sure to tell #118357 and #118358 to prepare the carriage for Fox and Felichs."
Felichs looked concerned but stayed back anyways as they watched everybody else walk away.
"So, Fox. Is that your actual name or was it given to you after joining the council?"
"Odd question, but it's been my name since birth. My mom was a fan of foxes and not the most creative woman, nor was she a good chef, so yeah."
"My bad if that was intrusive, I'm not the best at first meetings, especially when someone points a sword at me while hiding their face."
"Ah, my apologies as well," Fox said before removing his mask.
Behind the mask was a man whose face told many stories. A long scar ran down the right side of his face. His one good eye was as red as his beautifully braided hair. His braids appeared to be in an x pattern similar to the aban. At its ends were cowrie shells.
"So, where do you stand, Felichs?"
"What do you mean?"
"Your friends were outmatched, so had we come to blows you know what the result would've been. So, what would you have done?"
"They're not my friends…I don't have any. I'm here for one thing and that's it. I could care less about sides. So, if you're asking whose side I would've joined, then the answer is neither. You guys take 'em out and that's less competition for me to worry about. Had they taken y'all out, then I would've stolen Menos and gone home. It's that simple really. Why would I waste my time with a fight that doesn't do anything positive for me?"
"This kid's dangerous…they're not like the others. They have no ill will towards you or any of us like the rest here do. This kid's solely focused on one thing and one thing only…I wonder what would happen if they lost it?"
"Master Fox, Felichs, your carriage awaits you outside." Servus #11837 said as he bowed to the two."Where we going anyways, Master Fox."
"A trip around Perdita. I figure someone like you doesn't even know their own state."
The two made their way out of The Council's House and to the front where their carriage awaited them. It was a typical carriage, pulled by two horses and the cargo section could fit up to four people. The two got inside and the carriage pulled off.
"You guys really like flowers don't you?" Felichs commented acknowledging the flowers that lined the inside of the carriage. "So, if I pull one of these will somebody appear?"
"Plants provide oxygen which is critical for survival. And no, nobody will appear, this is my personal carriage. By the way, I hear you're a fan of chess, by the way, care to play a few games?"
"Yeah, I call dibs on the black pieces,"
"And what makes you think I'll let you have them? Seems I took your king already; guess I win."
"Or maybe I let you take it,""Oh, ho. And why would you do that?"
"Well, nobody can deny the king's importance, but who's to say the queen can't take over? Is she not also a figure of high stature? Can she not replicate every other piece? And when people reach the other side of the board do they not change their pawns to queens? And who's truly the most protected piece? Is it the king because without him you lose, or is it the queen because without her you lose your greatest offensive and defensive weapon? So, with all this evidence presented to you, do you still truly think you won?"
"May I ask you a question? It's a bit personal, so feel free to decline."
"V refers to you as they and them, but you're…I mean why is that?"
"Growing up where I did, you don't get to make many choices for yourself. I mean, my name is supposed to mean happiness or something, yet my life's been anything but that. The things I've seen…that I've done…none of them have ever been MY choice. And now…I'm gonna make a bunch of choices in Tournouá…won't be mine either…so why can't I make one choice for myself that I ACTUALLY want to make?" Felichs answered while setting up the board. "Men, women, when this shit's all said and done with and our world is burned to a crisp by our own evilness and stupidity, nobody's gonna be able to tell what you were; we're just humans."
Fox pondered a moment before responding, "It seems you've been alone all your life. Why not end that here today?"
"H-huh? Wh-what? You like me or something?"
"GRAHAHA! No, no, nothing like that. I mean why not have someone at your side to rely on?"
Fox chucked as he made the first move, moving his white piece one spot ahead.
"A friend in a powerful position does have its perks…but what does he gain from helping me? Nobody just helps someone without wanting something in return…" Felichs questioned as they moved a pawn two spaces forward.
"Interesting move, think I'll move mine two spaces ahead,"
"Fool." Felichs acknowledged as they moved their queen.
"You learn a lot of things in the hood, like not to trust people; especially those who gain nothing from a partnership. Offer declined."
Fox sighed before reaching into a box and handing Felichs an item.
"At least take this. It'll help in the future."
Felichs accepted the gift before walking off into the night.
"I probably shouldn't wander around Fortuna too much…I don't fit in." Although...just where are you going?"
They had noticed the pink-haired boy walking towards the house of House Mors, one of the two great families of Emovere. Felichs got as close as they could before hiding behind a tree.
"B-but I did find s-something." The pink-haired boy responded. "That guy's working with the council it seems! I saw him enter a carriage with one of their members!"
"You son of…"
"Oh, ho…not only are you a peeper, but you're also a bargaining chip. Good boy Ira, you've earned yourself some more time."
"Th-thank you, m-mother…"
"Guards! Takes this filth to Margred's room, tell her to do whatever with him, so long as she keeps him alive."
"""Yes, my lord!"""
Tried as they might, the numbers caught up to them quickly, and within an instant, Felichs was unconscious and being carried off. House Mors had a rumor, about a monster named Margred. She was only seen once but many said she was not human. As if she was created by Synkrousi herself. When Felichs came too, they could feel something slowly rubbing their face.
"I play with pretty boy, pretty boy mine now," Margred said as she continued rubbing them. "Soft skin, pretty hair."
"Pretty boy wanna play? I know I give pretty boy kisses!" Margred said as she slowly licked and kissed Felichs face.
"N-n-no…pl-pl-please stop…I-I-I said stop…STOP YOU DISGUSTING BITCH!" Felichs demanded as they bit down on Margred's hand, biting a finger off.
Margred screamed in pain before attacking Felichs viciously. The cracking of their bones could be heard with each hit, as she hammered down on them.
"MEANIE! MEANIE! MEANIE! YOU HURT ME!" Margred screamed as she started biting Felichs' leg.
Their attempts to kick her in the face only backfired as bumps covering her face turned to spikes. They screamed in agony as the spikes dug into their skin. The blood from their feet worked to their advantage though as it temporarily blinded Margred.
"I need to get out here! Fast!" They said aloud as they tried as hard as they could to pull their head towards the rope.
After a few moments they were able to free themselves, but a new problem arose. Their ribs were completely destroyed by, preventing them from standing.
"So you freed yourself? No matter, you won't be escaping any time soon." The woman laughed as she entered the room. "You see Margred is something of a rare case. I wanted kids for so long but alas my husband was unable to get it up anymore. So, what was I to do? I mean I had to keep the balance of power in Perdita between myself, House Vita, and the Chancellor, so I called upon my brother. We tried over and over and eventually, it worked. But sadly she didn't come out the most…healthy…she was, at least she's extremely useful! Her strength was incomparable enough to keep our position of importance, even if we have to threaten them both every now and then. With that said, you're going to tell me everything about the council, or I'll show you how loving Margred can truly be…"
"I don't know a DAMN thing about them…your son's an idiot, but you're an even bigger one. I don't have a single tie to them. I only want one thing and that's Menos.
"Oh, ho, so it seems we have a similar goal in mind. Well, how about I make the same deal with you that I made with Ira." The woman responded. "I, leader of House Mors, Lily Mors, will grant you stay in Fortuna or wherever you may choose to live, with all the food you can eat, wine you can drink, and people you can lust over, in exchange I want, what you desire; Menos!"
"No deal."
"What do you mean no…" scowled Lily as she grabbed Felichs' throat.
"You can do…whatever you want to me…but I'm getting Menos…I have to!"
"You disgusting animal! Do you think you're actually going to win? Do you?!" Lily yelled as she slapped them repeatedly. "Margred, my beautiful daughter, have fun with your new toy…remember don't kill him."
"Shit…I still can't move…I can't fight her like this!"
Every monster has their own tale and Margred was no different. She was known as "The Rattler" a nickname that was given to her after shook a man's head off his body. She continued to play with his body like a baby rattle, while hosting a great, big smile. She started to shake them up and down violently. With every shake Felichs' head would slam into the iron ceiling or their legs the iron floor. She began to viciously throw them around the room into the iron walls. When she finally grew tired, Margred picked them up and held Felichs tightly in her arms, like a child holding a blanket.
Lily Mors made her way back into the room, this time with guards. She sat down beside her daughter and watched as the two removed Felichs from Margred and began to beat them. She would take a swig of her wine, then spit in Felichs' face and laughed as their screams filled the house.
"Don't worry, you won't die…not yet anyways." Lily laughed on as she sat on top of Felichs. "You should consider yourself lucky that I'm loyal to the man I love, or else I'd have my way with you…"
"Do…whatever…you…like. I'm…not…"
"Guards, throw the disgusting creature back over there with my daughter immediately!"
For the rest of the night Felichs was clinging to life by the thinnest of strings. Every bone in their body had been completely destroyed. The only thing that kept them going was the promise they made to their mother.
At some point in the night, the pain was so deep it caused Felichs to pass out. Around that time Lily and her husband would make their way into the room and leave a scar on Felichs that would burn deep into their soul.
As the sun peered through the cracks in the boarded up window, Felichs lay on the ground in a pool of blood.
"Where is that bitch…I'm gonna…I'm gonna kill her…and this whole fucking family…" Felichs trembled as every bone in their body had been crushed.
"Mother…I'm sorry for what I'll do…I know I promised you I would behave…that I wouldn't cause any trouble…but I'm killing every last one of them…Ira…you're first, you son of a bitch…"
They looked around the room, it was a horrid sight. With the room being made of iron, it's clear Margred was a beast that even House Mors feared. Mountains of food piled on top of each. Next to it appeared to be a a waste section that hadn't been cleaned in months. With the windows boarded up it was a blessing to be quickly killed by Margred rather than slowly killer from the foul odor.
"It's no wonder that creature was the it is, nobody cared for it…maybe if it was shown some care and compassion it could've lived a better life…speaking of, where is it at?"
It was a struggle but they slowly dragged themselves over to the door. They mustered up rest of the strength to try opening the door. As they got closer, much to their surprise it opened on its own. However, the only thing on the other was completely silence. Felichs rubbed their hands against the floor and walls.
"You hold a prisoner, but leave them alone? This entire house is empty…What the hell's going on? I hope someone didn't get to them before I could…"
"You'll get your chance, just not yet..."
"What are you doing here?"
"Lower your fist, clearly you're in no shape to fight and honestly I'm in no mood to either…" Fox huffed."Something's off…he seems angry…Again, I'll ask. What are you doing here?"
"Well, you weren't at the manor and after walking out on me, I figured something happened. Sadly I couldn't come in last night…I'm sorry. Thankfully, there's a ceremony going on today to officially crown the acting-chancellor as the official one. Figured this would be the best time to get you out of here."
"What about the guards?"
"Already taken care of…" Fox responded as he swung his sword to clean the blood off. "They're no friends of ours anyways."
"Doesn't the council align with this family and the chancellor?"
"No…but I'll let them talk to you about that," Fox said as he picked up Felichs.The two made their way outside and into his carriage. There, Tournament and Solid sat in the carriage.
"Would you like me to-" Solid started to ask before being abruptly interrupted.
"Tend to their wounds back at the manor…after a detailed report is given to me…Felichs…I want to apologize…this is all my fault…"
"No, my lord…it's mine. I shouldn't have let them leave my sight…I promise it'll never happen again…" Fox wept as they laid Felichs against Tournament.
"I do not blame anybody, but that sick family…it's about time we do something about them…" Tournament responded as they removed their gloves. "And I'm the one that needs to right the wrongs of my ancestors…"