Three days after Thirteen and his entourage left Bellaran City…
The first three days of their journey hadn't been smooth sailing, but the issues were nothing their group couldn't handle.
At most, they encountered monsters who must've seen them as snacks walking into their territories.
Unfortunately, by the time they realized that the so-called snacks weren't weaklings, it was already too late for regrets.
Those who thought themselves the predators became the snacks and even training partners of the group of teenagers headed to the Temple of Zaphiel.
Soon, this group of teenagers arrived at an intersection. Thirteen chose to go to the right path, instead of the left one, which confused Derek and Diana, who were both serving as the coaches of their wagons.
"Master, I think you made the wrong turn," Derek shared his concern, having urged his horses to go faster so that he could travel side by side with the teenage boy.