Chereads / A Spy's Rise to Stardom / Chapter 4 - 4 A Cafe Date

Chapter 4 - 4 A Cafe Date

Jungsu placed the leftover rice cake he'd made yesterday in his mouth and grimaced at the bitter taste. He'd followed the instructions online perfectly, yet he still couldn't create it the same way the grandma had. He wasn't even sure if it was possible for the rice cakes to taste bitter, yet they somehow were. Frowning, he ate more as he couldn't afford to waste the food, nor was it in him to throw out the food. For once, he wished he was assigned to disguise himself as a chef in his missions as it would have been something that would be useful for him. As he finished the last bite, he got up from his seat and started washing the dishes. He was careful not to get the bandages around his arms wet as he would then have to wrap them up again. 

It had already been a day since he had saved the boy and his sister. After making sure that they were unharmed, he had wanted to return home, however, the firefighters had insisted upon bringing him to the hospital. After the doctor had wrapped up his cuts and burns, Jungsu was discharged. Though they had tried engaging him in conversation to try to get to know him more, he had politely brushed them off. He couldn't understand the motive behind their friendliness. 

Pulling on a clean hoodie, he headed out the door. He didn't have work today as it was Saturday, however, he needed to step outside of the house, otherwise he would feel trapped inside his apartment. He would also become a sitting target if he stayed, so he decided to explore the neighbourhood.

Jungsu had received his paycheck yesterday and was ready to spend it on something. After having tried the grandma's food, he wanted to see what else South Korea had to offer. He'd decided to head to the downtown area of the city as he wanted to experience the 'city life' as they called it. 

He'd already bought a bus pass and had made sure to let Officer Hyun-su know where he was heading. The last thing he wanted was to be chased down halfway across Seoul. Though, surprisingly, the officer had not objected to him traveling. Rather, he had said to meet up with him on the way. 

And so, Jungsu got on the crowded bus and grabbed onto the bus handle as he stood shoulder to shoulder next to strangers. Not only was it uncomfortable, but he also felt so alone among the crowd. Despite what Jungsu felt, many people stole glances at him, wondering if he was an upcoming celebrity or idol. As his brows creased in thought, the people on the bus couldn't help but gape in admiration of his beauty. 

Jungsu thought about what it was the Officer would ask of him, quickly getting off the bus when he reached his stop. The passengers on the bus watched painfully as Jungsu walked farther and farther away from them. 

Jungsu sent the Officer a quick message letting him know that he was at the cafe they had decided to meet. As he waited for a response, he entered the cafe and was greeted by a friendly voice. The waitress's eyes connected with his, and he saw her smile falter for a second before returning back with two times the power. 

"A table for one, sir?" She asked, brushing her dark blonde hair behind her ear as she looked up at him with big eyes. 

"Actually, I'm waiting for someone." He said, tilting his head slightly after she visibly deflated. 

"Oh. I see. Of course you are." She mumbled.

"Right this way." She pulled herself together and led him to an empty table. Handing him the menu she reluctantly left, telling him to take his time in ordering. 

As Jungsu flipped through the menu, he saw a desert that looked like a mountain with strawberries placed around it in decoration. He swallowed as he felt his lips twitch at the sight. It hadn't taken him long before he decided what he wanted. Though it would be the polite thing to wait for Officer Hyun-su, Jungsu didn't think he could wait. 

Raising his hand and saying, "Excuse me." he made eye contact with the waitress. 

Rushing towards him, she asked, "Is there any problem? If there is, I will solve it. Did you not like your seat?" 

Opening his mouth to answer, he replied simply, "No, there is no problem. I would like to order." 

Telling her the item he wanted while pointing at the menu, he observed her strange behaviour as she walked away. 

The waitress turned away from Jungsu and squealed quietly, trying not to grin too widely as she walked across the customers. He had appeared to be intimidating, so she had expected his tastes to be quite clean and simple. What she hadn't expected was for him to order a strawberry bingsu all for himself, without even waiting for his date to arrive. 

"Why does he have to be cute too?" She said leaning against the counter, pouting as she watched him sit perfectly still with a straight back. 

"You need to stop daydreaming Minseo." Yuri said, rinsing out a cup before placing it back on the rack. 

Minseo turned towards Yuri with wide eyes and shook her head. 

"Yuri, this time, I'm serious when I say this. That man is the most beautiful man I've ever seen." 

Yuri sighed as she heard Minseo rattle on about the man's proportions and whatnot, turning away from her as she brewed some coffee. 

Minseo rushed after her, following her around as if she was a duckling following its mother. 

"And do you know what he ordered? A strawberry bingsu! Isn't that too much for my heart? He must be trying to seduce all the women around him at once." 

Glancing outside, Minseo frowned as she saw the girls in the cafe blatantly ogling him. 

"Look, he's already doing it." 

Yuri rolled her eyes as she assembled the bingsu, placing the chopped strawberries along the sides of the shaved ice. 


"Minseo, not every guy is handsome. You need to increase your standards. And even if he is handsome, he must be very ugly from the inside. A jerk, that's what he must be." Yuri said simply. 

Minseo gasped at her words. 

"Yuri, how could you say that about him! He is such a gentleman though. He was kind to me, and he seems to be a nice guy. Though he did order without his date…" Minseo trailed off in thought. 

"See, what did I tell you?" Yuri shook her head, deciding to take off some of the strawberries on the bingsu out of spite. 

Minseo sighed. 

"Maybe you are right, Yuri. But you don't understand how handsome he is. I don't think I would mind even if he held a gun to my head." 

Yuri looked back at Minseo in bafflement. 

"Come with me Yuri. You are beautiful, maybe you'll have a chance with him." 

"Alright fine. But if I don't find him as handsome as you say he is, you will clean the tables." 

"Deal. And if I win, you'll ask for his number." Minseo grinned at her, dragging her along as Yuri quickly balanced the bingsu on the tray. 

"Oh. He's sitting with a man. Do you think he's gay?" Minseo cried. 

"No, he can't be. I would've felt it." Minseo reasoned, then went back to smiling. 

Shouldering Yuri, she said, "I win, don't I?" 

Yuri glanced at the men sitting at the table, her eyes immediately finding the man Yuri was talking about. 

Yuri felt her mouth open and her heart stop for a beat as she felt the air around her slow down. Her steps felt heavy as they approached the table, her eyes slowly trailing up the man's tall form. Yuri nearly stopped walking when his dark eyes met hers. She immediately felt a shiver run down her spine. There was something about him that screamed at her to stay away. Yet she couldn't stop her feet from wanting to move forward to close the distance. 

His eyes widened slightly as they moved down her face and landed right between her chest. Yuri blinked rapidly, startled by where he was looking, until she realized his eyes were on the bingsu. Quickly placing the bingsu down on the table, she stepped back. 

"Thank you." He said curtly. 

Yuri could feel her ears heating up at the sound of his voice. He had a very attractive voice. 

"Would you like anything, sir?" Minseo asked the older man sitting across from him. 

"A small iced latte please." The man said, smiling at the girls. 

"Sure, coming right up."

Minseo had to drag Yuri away before she could snap out of the trance she was in. 

Grinning at Yuri, Minseo decided to remain quiet before they reached the kitchen again and squealed into her ears. 

Yuri pushed her away, brushing the hair out of her face as she started making an iced latte. 

"You liked him didn't you Yuri? Don't even deny it! I could see how flustered you were. Agh! But even flustered you look so pretty! I wish he would look at me the way he looked at you. But of course he was looking at you, you're even going to be a celebrity soon." 

"He was looking at the bingsu." Yuri denied. 

"What kind of a man would look at a bingsu when you are standing behind it?" Minseo huffed.

In curiosity, both of them leaned out of the kitchen, glancing in the direction of Jungsu's table. 

They watched in amazement at his wide-eyed face as he ate the bingsu, completely disregarding the man sitting in front of him. 

Looking back at each other, they pressed their lips together, holding back their amusement. 

Jungsu gobbled down the bingsu, wondering why he hadn't had this masterpiece of a dish earlier. He'd never gotten to eat many strawberries in his life, but now he could see that they were the superior species of fruit. 

He heard chucking from in front of him as he glanced up to see Hyun-su's amused face. 

"What?" He asked, looking down to see if he had spilt anything on his clothes. 

"Oh nothing." Hyun-su said as he looked on in amusement. 

Jungsu slowed down his eating after that, cautiously glancing up at Hyun-su's smirking face. 

"What was it that you needed from me?" Jungsu asked, cutting to the chase. 

Hyun-su looked up at him with a calculating look on his face that made Jungsu feel as if something was about to go wrong. 

"I need a picture of you with the police." He finally said. 

Pulling out his phone, Hyun-su clicked on a video and handed the phone over to Jungsu. Jungsu watched silently as he saw a recording of him climbing down from a building on fire with two children around him. He bit the inside of his cheek as he saw the amount of people that had surrounded the place. And to top it off, he stood there with his bare back on display. Though, thankfully, the video was a bit blurry and had not been able to clearly capture his face. 

"That video is currently trending. The police want to take a photo with you and hand you an award. It's a good way to promote proactive civilians." 

Jungsu's eyebrows fell down as he looked at the officer in question. 

"And why would you want me to have my picture taken, officer?" Jungsu didn't think the officer would want a North Korean spy being handed an award by the South Korean police. 

Hyun-su paused as he looked up to thank the girl who handed him his coffee. Jungsu didn't stop looking at him, however, not wanting to miss any movement in his facial muscles. 

"Out of the list of names you gave me, one of them is the vice president of an entertainment company. Yet you provided no details surrounding him."

"Yes, that's because it is nearly impossible to find any more information surrounding him. He has too many people protecting him." Jungsu explained.

"Which is why," Hyun-su said, "you are going to approach him in a natural way." 

"How could I possibly do that? I would seem too suspicious." 

"That's why you have to have your photo taken with the police and uploaded on the internet. After that, the opportunity will simply present itself." 

"How would an opportunity present itself through that?" Jungsu asked, narrowing his eyes.

Hyun-su wondered for a moment if he should show him the comments that were under the video, but decided that he didn't want to ruin Jungsu's innocence. 

"Don't worry about it. We will figure something out." Hyun-su said simply, shaking his head. 

Jungsu nodded and went back to eating his bingsu when he realized the bowl was empty. Sulking for a moment, he stared at the empty bowl in silence. 

As Hyun-su called over the waitresses, he said quietly to Jungsu, "Try looking at the girl more, will you."


"Just do it!" 

As the girl who had placed the bingsu on their table arrived, Jungsu stared at the girl as Hyun-su had ordered him to, causing her to fidget on the spot. Jungsu immediately recognized her as the girl he had spotted dancing in the middle of her room in early morning. Jungsu couldn't help but appreciate her beauty as her hair dark hair complemented her delicate but sharp features. Her right eye had a small beauty mark right under it, something Jungsu found inexplicably attractive. Her eyes rounded as they connected with his, and she immediately looked down. Jungsu didn't know why, but he also looked away. 

"H-here is your bill." 

Jungsu pulled out his wallet but was stopped by Hyun-su as he said, "It's on me. You can pay next time." 

Next time? Jungsu thought as he nodded his head. 

As they stood up to leave, Jungsu was stopped by a hand on his hoodie. Turning around, Jungsu looked down at the girl in question. 

"C-could I have your phone number?" She said quietly. 

Jungsu heard a quiet cheer coming from the kitchen. 

He opened his mouth to ask why but was cut off by an elbow to his stomach. Looking over at Hyun-su in question, he saw him glaring back at him. 

"Of course you can. Here, you can enter your number on his phone and he'll give you a missed call." Hyun-su snatched Jungsu's phone from his hand and gave it to her. 

As she blushingly dialed her number, they heard a ring before she ended the call. 

"Okay, bye then." She said, slowly looking up at him. 

He bowed and nodded his head, not knowing what else to say as they turned away from each other. 

Hyun-su sighed as they exited the cafe, not knowing how Jungsu would be able to carry out the mission if he couldn't even flirt with a girl. 

"If you don't text her after this, you can try looking for another country to live in." 

Jungsu, felt his thoughts racing as he tried to understand why he would text her, or even why she wanted his number.

"What do you mean by that? What am I supposed to say?"

"What are you supposed to say?!" Hyun-su exploded, causing Jungsu to shrink away from him. 

"A beautiful girl asks you for your number, and you say, what should I say." Hyun-su sighed. 

"But what does she want from me? To simply talk? I'm not good at talking." Jungsu shook his head in thought. 

"You- Forget it. Just tell her she looks pretty." 

"That's an odd way to start a conversation." 

"Just do as I say." Hyun-su bit out. 

Jungsu nodded his head, knowing there must be a greater purpose behind it. 

"Come on. I'll feed you some tasty food." Hyun-su beckoned. 

Jungsu's eyes lit up as he walked quickly after him.