Chapter 87 - Chapter 88

"We're looking for the 'Magical Levia-tan' show!" Rias said excitedly and Naruto nearly choked, which earned a surprise look on Akeno's face and a scold from Grayfia, "Uh, what's wrong Naruto-kun?"

"Nothing Rias-chan, nothing!" Naruto shook his head and saw that Ravel is giving him 'the look'. The connection once again helped him understood that she wanted an explanation later. Serafall definitely contacted her about his new job before, "Ikaros, I don't know that you like that TV-show too?"

"It's a good show, master." Ikaros said with her ever present monotone.

"Oh, okay!" he nodded his head.

After Rias had found the channel, she came to the couch and sat at the other side of Naruto and hugged his arm tightly to her chest. Ravel, as usual came to sit in his lap, she seemed really satisfied because Koneko isn't here to steal a half of her favorite spot. Ikaros is on the floor while leaning against Naruto's legs.

Grayfia, she stood behind him and looking as calm as possible when she watch 'Magical Levia-tan'

"Hm?" Rias asked confused as she read the huge article in front of her 'Magical Levia-tan: Rise of the Black Flash?' what's that mean?"

"Ara ara, ufufufu…This episode look very promising don't you think?" Akeno giggled "Naruto-sama always disappeared and reappeared in a flash of yellow, maybe it will have a little connection with him." He began to sweat uncontrollably.

Half of the movie was pretty much normal. Serafall, as Magical girl Levia-tan was battling a new rising evil force to protect the world. But this time, the evil force was a lot stronger than her and the leader is an Evil Magician which is using the opposite power of Levia-tan. She began to lose momentum in the battle. Rias and even the other began to be drawn into the film, this is the first time they saw Levia-tan had a hard time with the evil force, it is pretty new to them considering that she always battle an entry army with a smile on her face and even admitting the power of her enemy.

"Oh no!" Rias shouted out when Levia-tan was knocked down to the ground by the evil Magician, her body is covered in bruises and burns.

"After all the year of fighting for justice, Levia-tan had finally fallen before my hands!" the Evil Magician said loudly to his minions. Levia-tan tried to reach for her wand, but the magician stepped onto her hand hard making her screamed out in pain, "Yes, scream Levia-tan. Scream and let the Underworld hear the scream of its protector. Scream and I will take my time punishing you for killing all of my generals," he pointed his staff to her and shot a dark magic into her stomach, making her scream out.

"I won't lose to you Magician-san," Levia-tan wiped the blood on her lip, "for the Underworld, for justice. I will defeat you!"

"Fool!" the magician pointed his staff and created a dark orb filled with his dark magic "I'm tired of your useless talk, now die!" he shot the dark magical orb to Levia-tan, she closed her eyes and waited for her death.

But it never came.

Levia-tan felt her body suddenly touch the ground gently and slowly opened her eyes. She gasped when she saw the person standing in front of her.

It was a man, standing at 5'11''. He was wearing a black battle suit with a scarf around his neck, his body is well-built but not overly muscular. He is holding a long black katana in his hand, while the other is holding a shining kunai. His face is covered by the black mask with silver forehead protector, revealing only his blue eyes.

"Who are you!" the magician screamed out and pointed his hand to the warrior. But he suddenly disappeared in a flash of black flash and reappeared behind the magician with his blade covered in blood. The evil magician fell to the ground, dead before he saw the blade.

The Magician's minions looked at each other uncertainly, but decided to get revenge for their master.

The warrior performed a strange hand-sign in front of him. Water from the lake nearby suddenly shot up and wiped out nearly a half of the army with a long whip make of water. The warrior ran forward with blinding speed, attacked the evil magicians with his katana and kunais, leaving all the magician to fall to the ground dead in their track.

The warrior threw his kunai to the throat of the last magician and stood there with his back to Levia-tan. He calmly pulled the kunai out of the magician's throat and turned his head behind to look at the Magical girl.

"Are you alright?" he asked with his cold but gentle voice.

"I-I'm fine… thank you!" she nodded her head with a smile and stood up from the ground with the wand in her hand.

"That's good to hear, so see you later then!" he said and tried to leave, but Levia-tan screamed out, making him stopped dead in his track.

"Wait, who are you, can I know your name?"

"I don't have a name!" the warrior said without turning his head to her "But you could call me Black Flash!" and disappeared in a black flash before Levia-tan could reach him.

"Oh my!" Akeno said surprised when the movie ended. Rias was having her mouth on the ground.


That day, the reputation of the TV-show 'Magical Levia-tan' had sky rocketed.




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