Chereads / Dc: start in Young Justice / Chapter 33 - Crime and Conquer 3

Chapter 33 - Crime and Conquer 3

The planet as always continues to spin and humans keeps doing what humans do best, adapt.

People were skeptical at first, nothing was different for them new boss old boss all the same.

These thought continued for quite a bit even after seeing the changes, a lot of changes.

The streets, alleys, slums, buildings hell even the sky was shining for the people at this point. Where they grew accustomed to the darkness and dirt, seeing those ones familiar colors again felt almost... calming, peaceful. Hopeful.

But people didn't want to hope, they didn't want to be optimistic.

It all started with the cleaning, it was like watching a circus or a magical show. Villains known or unknown were moving, cleaning and fixing.

It was quite the... colorful show, stuff either disappeared, levitated, was physically lifted, burned, zapped, frozed or whatever one can imagine. Then they froze everything again, heated the ice and flushed the water over the place... quit efficient thought some who were able to watch from their house windows, the others that were not so calm watching were shaking, thinking their house will be next.

Fortunately nothing happened, in fact they were totally ignored. No one bat them an eye, that was also new.

Normally people had to keep their head low, be careful where they were walking and when and to where. But now none cared about them.

Actually they cared but not like one would imagine, a lot of stories are flowing around nowadays how muggers, thiefs and simply lawless people were being arrested not so gently by those villains who are cleaning.

Quite ironic.

People kept being skeptical anyway, no way they are just cleaning. They are preparing something they have to be.

Then it happened, they started destroying again. It started with any government post that was still standing then military, air force, navy... then they shifted their focus to more political places like the pentagon all the way to what remained of the white house.

These stuff where happening all over the world, all doing the same. Whatever was left from any government or army was just taken down for good this time.

In their place big Towers began to be built, even the old tower of the Syndicates or where they think the boss is, is being reconstructed.

Talking about the 'new boss', he made an appearance again like last time, explained what was happening and set some rules to be followed. He encouraged people to go out, enjoy life before the big change that's going to happen. Said they were up to some big leaps in the coming years and they should be prepared. And he wanted recruits. Beginning from scientists to professors to any talented individuals. Gave every student a 'vacation' and told them the educational system will be reworked, explained some financial changes...

People were baffled for a whole weak afrer that statement.

The rules, punishment, where to submit their resume and other stuff, were broadcasted on all billboard,TVs and radios all over the world along with a homepage to visit.

A looot of stuff happened and more changed and slowly bit by bit people just went with it, like what worse could happen? At least the boss is being civil about it.

That was his second appearance and no one know what he is planning or what is he doing.

And what was Zane doing at the moment?


[The Tower]

The Tower was shaking, from top to bottom.

Everyone was panicking, and trying to get out or hide somewhere but the shields and protections Zane has ordered earlier where in place and everything was on lock down. They thought this is it the boss didn't find them useful anymore and he is going to commit a genocide starting with them.

They didn't calm down until they heard the Ai's voice telling them not to worry, it's all precautions to the boss 'punishing' Superwoman for her 'attitude'.

Everyone started cursing her for the fright they experienced. They were finally getting comfortable with him even after all the work and shit they had to deal with on his orders.

What with the cleaning, training and sparring *ahem*beating*ahem* they had to do.

They were finally doing fine and started understanding him a bit all for the bitch to go and what? Anger him to the point of losing it and destroying everything!!

It's not like he didn't tell them before that they are expendables, and if not for his curiosity and interest in their powers and its potential he would have got rid of them all!!!

But soon after they started pittying her after hearing her yelling so loudly. It seems the boss is really not in the mood to humor her at the moment.

Everyone knows that she became obsessed with him lately and his disregard was making her crazy, hell they started betting on what will happen next.

But the yelling kept getting weirder and weirder by the moment, the majority of the men were clueless and the women? They were all shivering with red faces before slowly and awkwardly walking to their place of residence.

Just what the hell is he doing to her?

[With Zane]

"You are just a fucking slut aren't you?"

"N-no-o, ahh~, yes, y-esss~ I am your slut, ahhn~, harder, hardeer~, aghhh~"

'Just how did this happen?' I wonder while I pound her from behind.

"Ahhh~ yess~, break meeee~, show me my place~ aghhn~"

"..." she asked for it.





"Just open it Sara"

The moment the door opened Superwoman stomped her way to me. She looked really angry and frustrated, she is gnashing her teeth and clutching her fists hard they're almost bleeding.

Seeing my impassive face hit a nerve apparently because she speed to me and clutch my clothes trying to push me or rip them apart but she's not trying hard or anything, she can still think straight despite her anger.

Praiseworthy in my opinion, she's smart, patient and really cunning one will think she's all fight and charm but that's far from the truth.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She spat with fury in her voice.

"If you feel like I am pushing you too hard in training you can say so you know?" I act clueless, I really want to know what kind of argument she has before I decide what to do to her.

"GRR... it's not about fucking training, it's about me. Why are you ignoring me? Why are you not claiming me as you should?"

"Should?" What with that?

"You defeated me, spared my life and bested me again and again, by right of conquest you should claim me. No matter what I do you keep ignoring me." Ah this warrior mentality, I have half the urge to roll my eyes. If this convenient way worked on everything life will be easier. Or messier.

"And what made you think I would"

"Am I not good enough for you? Is there anyone here who can match me? I am better than those bitches trying to act shy infront of you" she kept pushing and punching my chest even if she was not putting her all into it.

"*scoff* it seems I was nice to you, all of you. You started forgetting your place apparently, the only reason you are still alive is because you are useful. No one is at your level, yet. And I have better things to do than make one,

maybe a reminder will do"

I caught her hands and took them away, despite her struggling and then caught her by the neck and lifted her to my height.

She kept struggling trying to claw my hands out, hitting and kicking me and then I threw her across the room and walked slowly to her.

"Just because I showed you all mercy, treated you better than you ever treated anyone else, like human beings with dignity. Just because that, you think you can worm your way and use me, you think you can spit on my mercy and I will humor you all and take it?

You think because you are a woman with a good look I won't kill you?"

Ofcourse that didn't discourage her a bit and with an angry shout she attacked me.

After that it was quite forward, I just kept trashing her around no matter how angry or hard she tried she could do nothing. She fought well, the training shining through her but all for nought.

And so here she lay bloodied and disheveled at my foot, limbs and bones broken but despite that she keeps moving even if crawling and clawing her way she still tried to reach me.

I kneel a bit to her level and watch how she try to approach me, I know she must be hurting and I can see her biting her lips to stay awake. I try to understand what can drive someone to do all that to try no matter what even if they knew the results.

"You don't give up do you?"

She didn't answer, instead she gret her teeth and lifted her hand trying to catch me and I allowed her, she can't do anything but she's still trying and I want to understand why?

With everything she had she pushed her face up to mine and approached.

Her arms sneaked their way to my neck, her eyes and mine met and she didn't take a second thought before she kissed me with her bleeding lips.

She took her sweet time I should say.

After a while she separated herself to take a breath and lay down in pain and despite that she had satisfyied smile on her.

"Why do all that knowing what might happen to you?" I ask in wonder.

"I a-am not a cow..ard, I know *cough* what I want and I *hah* chase after it even if it cost me my life. *aghh**cough*" she says between blood coughs and groans.

I can't say I don't respect that but I can't understand the sentiment. Her confidence comes from the fact that she was always stronger than everyone else, she doesn't know or understand the pain and effort a normal person put just to live another day.

"Haah" I sigh audibly in exasperation, replacing her will really be a shore and pain in the ass but if I let her be just like that she won't stop and will think I forgave her or worse, that I am interested in her.

Should I make Olympia take her place? The girl is as good as Superwoman. Haah... but she's too submissive, and with all the shit I am having with these Amazons warriors I really don't want to deal with another one.

I start healing her before she goes in a coma or something, she won't die probably but will take time to be back on her feet.

She open her eyes slowly and inspect her body, once her eyes lay on me she approaches me again and try to kiss me but this time I don't allow it.

I clutch her neck again and lift her with me but this time she doesn't fight against it, she simply widen her smile.

"It seems I need to show your place in another way"

I communicate with Sara telepathically and she make a bed for me and I throw her at it. Whatever cloth left to cover her modesty were already destroyed and now she laid naked there.

My clothes shift and now I am standing naked too, she looked at me and my body excitedly and I can feel a shiver ran her body even without seeing this deranged smile on her.

"If I have to fuck you to compliance then so be it"

[Flashback end]

I let all my inhibitor loose, hosnestly this was the most satisfying sex I had in both live. Not because she was that good or anything like that but because I was doing anything and everything I want without care. I really didn't care if I broke her at the moment, if I didn't get the healing powers I got here and the healing magic I know I may have restricted myself a bit but now? Now I just want to see her break from my touch alone.

It was different, freeing and amazing. Addicting and... dangerous.

With Serly I had to be extra careful not to hurt her, always control myself. Hell I needed to boost my sensitivity to feel content to stop. Even if I was a normal man I wouldn't want to hurt Serly, she was delicate like that and the act of love making with her alone was kinda satisfying.

Holly on the other hand I could push more, what with her being a masochist and a veteran warrior she could take pain. With her it tilt more to wrestling than love making unless we had to be careful not to break everything in our way then the love making part prevail more.

We could let loose in the Guardians base a bit when no one was disturbing us but when we get to her house we had to lower it down a bit unless we destroyed it. The most satisfying sex with her was before I came here on my island.

Superwoman here? We were beasts, fucking like animals in heat. If I didn't remake the tower more sturdier, we could have brought it down and will still not stop.

Every kiss, touch and push of ours was sending us across the room. We were practically trying to kill each others naked.



"~I..m cloaasee... I'm cummmminnnggg"

The bed was long discarded even if it was a good one. With every thrust of my hips there were booms and quacks and screams of moans and grunts.

Is it wrong that I am enjoying this.. too much?

<*Pah* *Pat* Pah* *Pat*>

"~Ohhnng by.. the..mmhahh.. gods.~ it's sooooah....~gooahd"

Guess I brought this to myself huh?

It was really not my intentions, it just so happen that she's the only one strong enough not to get down after one hit and she's stubborn too and won't stay down no matter what unless she lost her consciousness. Everyone else is pathetic in comparison to her, especially those trio excuse of Shazam. They don't dare to look at me straight in the eye anymore.

So I made her my personal training partner for a while, while waiting for some stuff to get ready. How was I supposed to know her psyche will warp so drastically to the point she start enjoying this?

I mean the signs of her being a masochist were there true but... I mean it was just for training, beside that and giving her orders I didn't really interact with her. Or anyone else here for the matter.

It's not like it's just her, I trained with a lot of people either instructed them or made them go against me and stuff. And while many women seemed interested none dared to do anything... except Superwoman ofcourse. But I just ignored her everytime but her shamelessness is too much it started infecting others.

"Please ~hahh.. Haah~ I-I caaaan't ~ahhhh"

*Sigh* I'm not sure why I'm sighing right now, if from the headache or the effort I put in fucking her in her place.

"You finally broke huh... I expected more from you to be honest. Guess that will teach you your place, my cocksucker and cumdumb. That will be you from now on." I feel weird talking like that, was never one for dirty talking.

But seeing her body reaction, her hazy eyes regaining a bit of focus and how she's trying with all her might to defy her fatigue... "get up you're not done yet, there is one last thing you need to do." I sit infront of her on a comfy chair I just made and gesture to my dick and with all her might like she is accustomed to it, she moves her body and start crawling between my legs till her face is under my cock she instinctively take a sniff and as if energized, regain some clarity and stuck her tongue as much as she can and lick it from the base to the tip like she's peeling it. She humms and moans satisfied till she put it all in her mouth and start sucking without stop.

Fascinating about her is that she has no gag reflex, she take it all in without a problem. But she's too slow for my liking so I grab her hair with my hand and smack her down forcefully up and down I can feel it hitting her throat, I stay like that for a minute till I feel she can't breath, her eyes start rolling back till all is white then I free her and she fall on her back trying to take big gulb of breath.

"What a good little slut you are" she shake all over and try to move but can't so I give her a hand and lift her slowly with telekinesis my hand grab her hair again till she's face to face with me and even though she's dazed, tired and hurt her eyes focus on me directly even if she can't express anything her eyes alone tell me what I want. " what are you Superwoman?"



"-lut, s-lut I a-am yo..ur sl..ut"

"and who I am to you?"

"Mas..strr, my master... all of me. My ownerr.."

How to fuck a bitch in her place 101.

"Good girl" I caress her hair a bit and see how she actually lean in and close her eyes slowly and try to smile.

Yeah no I am not done I grab her hair again and shove her to my dick " now finish what you started" before she utter a word I push her down hard and this time she choked on it.

After some good facefuck and cumming this time she fall back slowly, totally spent some cum leaking from her lips totally out of it.

I stay still on my chair and look at her and the room around for a bit, everything is destroyed her included. Blood and semen everywhere even the smell is starting to get hard to ignore.

"Sara how is the progress with the suit?"


".." "Hahahah, you are improving Sara"

"Anyway use the same material to repair the place and clean everything, oh and her too then teleport her to her room."

"And Sara?"

"Move everything that happened here to the black archives"

Good, I better go and cool myself a bit before I get some ideas seeing her naked and passed out body on the floor like that.

I better meditate too, that was dangerous I'm almost afraid of what I'm capable of without control on myself.


Life went on and everything continued according to Zane plans.

The Towers in different countries were ready and the right people were distributed there, every tower has it own specifications.

A magic specialized tower, for holding and researching magical knowledge and teaching of potentials recruit.

A tech Tower containing most of the planet brilliant minds for inventions and production of security and ways to advance the planet in general.

A space Tower on the moon, for space research, satellites and ships for building.

The health Tower has the best doctors and scientists also working on advacing biology and the potential of humans and powers.

In short it deals with diseases and a way to grant humans powers and advancements.

Every Tower has something specific to do and focus on.

Even schools, universities and academies were rebuilt to the quality that Zane want, with the educational system reworked entirely according to his liking.

Everything was ofcourse monitored, no one can do anything without Zane's, Sara or whatever Ai and personel he had in place knowing about it.

Zane is sure there will be atleast one case where someone thought they're being too smart and want everything for their selves, for the sake of greed or power or some mental, superiority complex or something.


The main Tower is more empty nowadays since everyone has their positions and know wha to do. Only couple of people who don't belong to any category are left here as Zane personal group, unfortunately Superwoman is one of them for now.

But it's not that bad, she can atleast remain professional most of the time and focus on her work. She's competent at it, and at other things too when she's more personal than professional.

Really good stress relief.

Now at the bottom of the tower in a hidden room only few know about is Zane doing some of his urgent experiments that he wants finished.


I stand infront several cells holding a lot of prisoners that will help me with my work.

There are men, women both normal and with powers.

Some are crying, shouting, begging and others just lay there already gave up.

"You know, since I... came to be, I was alway wondering, questioning myself.

Am I really that cold blooded and heartless?

Am I a monster? Unfeeling? Selfish?

I can hear them you know, the people. I can hear the pain, the cry of help, the helplessness and despair. I can even feel them some time.

It's hard to keep conscious control all the time when your power can reach the other side of the planet at minimum. It's annoying sometimes.

So why don't I save them? I can help, it's easy really. I don't need anything in return either, it can be just me selfishly doing it to make the sounds quite down a little.

But then there are people like you, people much much weaker than me but more selfish.

Every human, or living being actually but let's keep it simple. Every human being should have some... humanity you know? A basic set of morality.

Empathy, as a human being most are bound to have empathy to their fellow human... didn't you feel anything while doing... that to other humans? Like, I will feel something imagining someone doing such stuff to people close to me you know.

Murder...rape...druggin...kidnapping and selling...and more.

Never crossed your mind? That it can be done to you, your mother, family and children?

Even animals have rules. Law of the jungle sure but they have their border, thing they don't cross.

You all enjoyed it, but now you are cowering in tears and snot. Never imagined that one day your due will come?

It's because of people like you that I don't feel that bad, that I don't feel guilt or the crushing desire to help, save or fix.

And it's because of my selfishness that I don't go to the extreme to realize my ambitions. I want an easy and happy life after all.

Some can blame nature and some blame nurture. So I want to see, how will it differ with the right environment? With the basic teaching?

Sadly for you it's too late. You are not going to see what I want to see.

Your purpose here is only as guinea pigs, rat labs to my purpose. I am sure some of you know what I am talking about.

Let's begin shall we?"



Yeah, I didn't like the scene with Superwoman that much... it was different in my mind really but that what came while writing.

I don't want to do much smut and stuff to be honest, even the women and harem stuff I don't want to write them much.

It will be ridiculous if he gets a woman with everyplace he goes to. I may introduce someone and let you know she's in or just for fun but I won't write a scene with every specific one.

And just because I am not writing it occasionally it doesn't mean I am ignoring the rest. Like Serly and Holly, even Eve. There's still a long way with this fic so I'm taking my time.

Next chapter Zane will be back to his planet [give me a name!] and work on some stuff and what's he's planning for earth and space.

After that we will travel again.

Any tips and advices are welcomed.

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