Zane returned to the bunker complex shortly after killing the mysterious visitors who had appeared. He had no recollection of what had happened after he killed the men. But when he returned, his lips were stained with blood, and he had gained several levels. Four, to be exact.
Though Zane logically knew what it was that he had done when he blacked out, he himself did not want to admit it. And thus he entered the bunker with a haunted gaze, which when combined with his black cloak, one that had a hood pulled over his head, and his bloodstained lips made him appear as if he were one of the Undead in which he normally slayed.
The moment Zane appeared within the bunker with such a monstrous appearance, Madison mistook him for an undead who had somehow made it past their defenses, instead attacking Zane with her flaming sword while screaming at him.
"Die Monster!"