The world around her may be dark
Very dark and sad
But hope was always her aim
She always tried to put a smile
On everyone's face
And she always wiped tears
From many faces
She was and still a hope flame
Shinning and smiling one
In the middle a terrible darkness
Life with its cruelty
May get rid of smiles
But she's not that chip
She's stronger than to be despair
Still smiling
And that smiling spreads hope
She's just a small flame
Shines the place she's in
But whole life too
She's a flame
Shines like a sun
In the morning and night and every time
For that flame
A pretty smile
Force you to smile too
And for her laughing sound
A powerful spill
Make you laugh with her
And for her affectionate sound
That always comforts you
Magic makes your heart full of hope
When I see her
My words are not able to describe her
And describe the magic that she spills
It is only me
That happen that to her
Or everyone too?
Their actions toward her
Says no
Her magic spreads to everyone
My friend Mariam
We had the same name
But you lighten the whole meaning
In this special day of yours
Your birthday
I say to you:
Thank you for your beautiful magic
For that smiles and laughs
I hope for you a wonderful life
Happy birthday to you
The one that had
The prettiest smile and laugh