Grinning, I pull her chin up to look at me, instead of her looking to the floor in her submissive position. She wasn't being as fierce as she was before, it's as though she's accepted her fate, which makes it a lot easier on my part.
'Instead of looking at me like that, just kill me already', she spoke in a tone full of sorrow.
'I am. I'm just enjoying looking at your hopeless face. Your light dimmed, so I can finally get a good look at you, witch'.
She scrunched her face up, as i pulled her face from side to side observing her. During my false moment of admiration, I spawned a blade into this wretched woman's hand. Before she could take it, a fading glow grew larger and larger, obscuring my vision, and I could've sworn I heard her mutter something under her breath. The little wench took this opportunity, and decided to stab me in the shoulder with it.
With her face still in my hand, out of desperation and twisting pain I forced her to the floor, where she was visibly very much in pain too.
'What the hell have you done, you little witch?!' I screamed.
'Witches can't perform this sort of magic', her face twisted. 'I'm a Figure as you may have guessed, and I know exactly who you are', she huffed out in agony, but grinned nonetheless, 'You're Balzac's lap dog'.
I could've sworn this witch had a death wish.
'Tell me what this is now, before I dig you further into the ground you're now against'.
She grinned, while I dug her further to the ground, and in doing so her head started to bleed. My head shortly followed.
'The reflection curse? Are you serious?'.
Smart, she was definitely a smart one, and fortunately for her, I couldn't undo Figure magic. If Balzac had told me how much of a pain this would be, I wouldn't have accepted it. Mythos normally deal with human issues, not Figures, so I do wonder what Balzac has against this witch.
Not my problem.
'You take this off of us now before I throw you into lava,' I boomed.
She grinned,' you can't do that because if I die, you die too'.
She was right, I knew it. But it couldn't hurt to try. I hadn't even realised at this point that we were in the Abyss - a plane between the place of Mythos and her world, Earth.
I huffed in annoyance, and I released her.
'Feel lucky that we're not in my territory',
I had never been here before, and I'm assuming by her amber eyes darting around the place that she had no idea of where we were either.
'Yeah I'm beeming with happiness at this situtation, could you not tell?'
She was so snarky as well, which just made me want to hurt her more.
'Okay then, witch. Since you have made this situation a lot more complicated, it's your fault I'm gonna have to take this to Balzac'.
She grinned again, ' so you are his lapdog after all?'
I grabbed her face with my hand and pushed her backward. She stumbled to the ground.
'Touchy subject, I suppose.'
'If you want to stay keep being able to speak, I'd keep that mouth of yours shut.' I threatened, it just made her grin more.
'Where are we going then, Bud?',
'It's Midas, don't call me 'bud', you're a parasite and I'd rather you not try and become friends with me', I threaten again.
She sighs,' well this is going to be a long journey'.