Mia Doski is an upcoming music writer and digital designer. She currently lives in Lagos in Nigeria with her family. She was 10 years old when she started writing music. She loved it so much and wanted to become a real musician. She also fell in love with the art of digital design. Even though these were her talents and what she loved doing, her parents wanted her to become a lawyer. Mia tried telling them that she wanted to become a writer. They instead mistook it for journalism and kept the topic aside. When Mia was finishing secondary school, they started to discuss what Mia would study. When Mia said she would become a writer, they said no, that who told her that, that she was going to become a lawyer and that's it. Mia was so shocked because she thought they had already agreed on her becoming a writer. She tried to remind them of the day they agreed on her becoming a writer, but they disagreed and said they never agreed to that she would become a writer. Mia was so sad she cried and cried, but nothing she said made them change their minds. Mia just kept quiet and agreed to study law, but she would also make sure she followed her passion for music writing. Mia was turning 14 when all of this happened and not only, did she have to deal with everything that her family put her through, but she was also having a hard time in school. Mia was practically depressed. She felt like she had no family and, to make matters worse, all the people who she thought were her friends were all fakers, and she felt so alone and lost in her life, not knowing this was the beginning of the good things God had planned for her. She was always in her head, always writing depressing songs and writing in codes, and she would draw these weird images that only she would know what they were. The little amount of friends she had would always try to find out what the drawings and secret codes of writing meant, but she would only tell one of them, the one she trusted the most Tale. Tale is one of the guys in Mia's school. He and Mia are very close friends. They had recently just started talking, but Mia knew that she could trust him, and Tale understands what Mia is going through, and he feels sad when she is sad, he cares for her so much. Some of Mia's friends do not like Tale. Rather, they are jealous, and they envy him, but Mia doesn't pay attention nor bother about what they say, because she knew the kind of person Tale was and didn't want to lose such a friend. After all, this was the first person she actually trusted. Tale and Mia were in different class. Mia was in ss3, and Tale was in ss2, but Tale was going to write his external exam in ss2, and it's the same as if Mia would be writing her own too. Tale wanted to become a professional footballer and, luckily for him, his parents approved of it and are helping him achieve it. Mia and Tale always talk about their plans after school. Tale plans on taking his football career to the U.K., while Mia plans on studying cooperate or trial law while still following her passion, which is music writing. They both promise each other to stay in touch after they finish school.
On this particular day, 31 December 2023. Mia was still in Nigeria. She was on a holiday. Mia was sad, she was overthinking, she was crying, she was going through a lot of pain on that day. So, she decided to write a song that day. This is the song:
♬ 'Now is the time that I am alone.' ♬
♬ 'Nowhere to go, and no place to call home.' ♬
♬ 'My only friend is the voice in my head.' ♬
♬ 'And even sometimes it will go away too.' ♬
♬ 'Then one night as I was going home.' ♬
♬ 'I saw a boy walking by.' ♬
♬ 'He came to me with the sweetest smile.' ♬
♬ 'Told me he wanted to ask of a friend.' ♬
Tale finally came online on FB [an app on which they use to communicate] as Mia was writing her song and Mia had been waiting for him. So she left the song to talk with Tale and tell him how awful her day had been. Tale and Mia got into a little argument, unfortunately, about Mia making a post stating that she is depressed. Tale was very upset because he felt like why would she want everyone to know she is depressed? After a little argument, Mia took down the post and apologized and explained why she made such a post. Tale understood how she felt and forgave her. After their argument, Mia told Tale exactly what she was going through on that day like she planned to. Tale got so scared, he had to call Mia to calm her down. Mia felt so relieved after Tale talked to her, even with the distance between them because of the holiday, they were still there for each other. It was the end of the year 2023 and the beginning of 2024. They both texted each other and said their best wishes as they entered into the new year.
It was the first day of the new year. Mia woke up early, she did all her chores, then she picked up her phone after she was done. She wanted to message Tale. Luckily for her, he was online.
Thier Chats.
Mia: Morning Tale
Tale: My queen is up already. Why
Mia: what queen, and plus I do wake up early, I am not lazy like you.
Tale: Come on, you know you are my queen, I don't blame you anyway. We will soon find out who is truly lazy soon?
Mia: whatever. Yh, that it is you. Anyway, why are you up so early?
Tale: you know my mum na, she wants to cook, do this, do that
Mia: Oh, because I know you never wake up this early.
Tale: of course not, it's too stressful. o. like why would I be awake when i could be sleeping?
Mia: your first time, see how you are already complaining.
Tale: Yes na, my mum is calling. I have to go, Mia. We'll talk later.
Mia: OK later 😔.
They didn't end up having the chance to talk or text each other again because Mia followed her mum to visit her best friend. After they got back, Mia's mum seized her phone. Mia was sad, because she had no way to talk to tale or even tell him that her phone had been seized. For the next few days, Mia felt more lonely and miserable, and would just pray for school to resume as fast as possible. Fortunately, her prayers were finally answered.