Chereads / Dramo- The Adventure of the one who doesn't care / Chapter 32 - The second job (Part 2)

Chapter 32 - The second job (Part 2)


" Whats the job ? " Mabel ask

" Hey ! I never said I will do it ! " I say

" Then your a pussy " Mabel respond

" Kill yourself I'm gonna do it ! " I say

Trist call to someone, second later a dude in a red outfit came out from the upper floor and give Trist some paper. He then welcome us before going back to where he was before.

Trist then place the paper on the table and show us them one by one.

" This is the plan to a building in the center of town. Right before you enter the hot halley, where all the ladies work, and man if you like " he answer

" Fucking no ! " I say

" Alright, no men then " he says

" Why are you showing us that ? " Mabel ask

Trist take another paper, its some kind of painting of the builing with text: For sale for 5000 cold emperium.

" Thats how much ? " I ask

" A lot, one of the most expensive place in the city with the Blue Sky Mansion and the Paramun Castle. " Trist answer

" Wow, then this place most be something special ! " Mabel says

Trist than take another paper this time an old one. A painting of the building with a lot of decoration and ladies.

" Oh it was a... " I try to say

" A strip. A sex bar. A place to store rich pervet. Yeah that place and the most popular. It has everything ! Multiple stage. A two story storage. 25 private room ! A special VIP room the size of two room like this one ! Perfect access to multiple restaurant and shop ! Aaaaand ! " he say

He takes one of the last paper and show it to us. Its some kind of interier pool with stage in there but also bar and...

" What is that ?? " I ask

" That my friend ! Is a dispenser of aphrodisiac ! No one really realize it but this place was full of it ! Perfect don't you think ? " Trist says

" What does it do ? " Mabel ask

" It transform liquid aphrodisiac which is its pure form and most effective and make it into a gaz. Usally they are expensive and don't really work well, but those one are top tier and only take about...3.2 percent of the aphrodisiac ! Which is the greatess number you can have. " Trist say

" Okay okay but what do you want us to do ?? " I ask

He takes on of the bags of pink stuff and take a glass out. He place it on the table.

" You see this ?? Thats another aphrodisiac. But this one, is illigal, very, and seens it is. I need you two to hid it inside that building. You also have paint and wooden weapon to trash the place a bit. Then you'll have to... " he says

He takes a bag from one of his guys.

" Inside this bag, theres...well...things I want you to place in and out of the building " he says

He give us the final paper with the plans of the building and red mark.

" The red mark is where you'll have to put those " Trist says

" And what are those ?? " I ask

" Just some more illigal stuff " he says

" But why do this ? " Mabel ask

" Why do you thinks ? To make the prices go lower " Trist respond

" How ? " I ask

" If the guards found those illigal stuff inside the building, it will go on the newspaper, and the owner will get found guilty of owning those things. Than no one will want to be associated with him and buy the building. " he says

" But than you also will be associated with him " Mabel says

" Yeah but no, since I have connection and I'll help the dude not go to the donjon? But first I would buy the now very low price perfect building and then help the owner so that I can be on his good side but also so everyone get the news that it was nothings. I will get pass as a good guys for helping him and I will get the building ! Its a win win for me ! " Trist respond

" How much ? " Mabel ask

" 250 silver empirium. " he answer

Oh shit... thats...240 the diner I had inside the Inn. But thats still kinda small...

" Each "

" Wait each on of us ? " I ask

" Yes, 250 silver empirium for you Frade and you also " he repeat

" Well thats seems like a fair pay " I say

" Yeah and had that with the first part of the job " Trist say

" Oh yeah ! Now I like that ! " I say

" Sure you do... " he says

Trist than put back the bottle into the bag. Give it to us with the plan of the building and the bag of...things.

As were about to get outside, Trist stop us to warn us about guards that patrol around the building. But no one should inside. He then told us to wear our mask inside the building.

We go outside and make our way to the center of town. The bag aren't that heavy but of course I'm the one who fucking has to carry it ! Because fat ass cannot hold a simple bag of bottle when he easily catched the fucking crate of them !!

" Carry the fucking the fucking bottle you fat bitch " I say

" No thanks " he respond

" You know I'll get pay more than you for doing everything myself ? " I say

Mabel immidiately took the bottle bag.

" But I'm helping ! " he says

" Fuck you ! " I respond

We walk more and I look around, maybe the nerd and Col will be at the center too. Shit maybe they will be...bah ! Why would they give a fuck ?? Anyway we are stuck with them so...they still do nothing.

We arrive at the center. Its very, very busy. I can't even say its busy because It can't see the ground !! I only see people ! And the biggest statue fountain things ever !

" Hey Frade, look over there ! The building is over... " Mabel says

" Where...oh there it is " I say

The building is just right after the fountsain, in between two street. Theres of course a lot of guards but I didn't realize this place is that...well I expect it to be so but still. I do thinks 5000 cold emperium sound like such a little amount of money.

We go around the fountain, at least we try. With that many people its fucking hard to move around, but at least we don't look suspicious.

We finally face the building, the guards lookings around not moving a single muscle away from there post or some shit like that.

" Lets go around " I whisper to Mabel

We then went with the flow of people, we look carefully at the building, trying to find any entrance that would help us get inside. Then we see a little halleyway that has a dead end.

We walk in the halleyway and no one saw us. I look around for a while not waiting to find myself block by a guard and having Mabel as a shield.

Funny enough theres a little window probably leading too the underground of the place. Its lock but I find a metal pipe ? A metal things that I use to force open the window.

" Okay, Mabel when I get inside you pass me the bags and then you join me "

I jump inside the building, catch the bags and help Mabel getting out of the window.

" your too fat ! "

" I'm not ! Just fucking get me out of this "

He finally snap out of the window and nearly fall right into a wall. I grab the bag and toss the other one to Mabel.

I look around the room and see that the place is empty. Very empty, there is lot of shells yes but they all are empty. I walk around and found a door that lead to a stage and I realize just how great the parties that happen in this club most have been.

" Imagine the orgies they had here ! " Mabel says

" Is it the only things you thinks about !?? " I respond

" What you don't wonder ? " he says

I ignore Mabel and just go my way to the VIP room on the second floor. Its great that nothings Is actually lock but theres is no stuff to steal. I arrive to the VIP room and place two bottle of the liquid on the bar hidden but too much.

I then place more around the room and on the upper floor.

" Alright now for the crates...i'll place it inside the old onwer room. " I say

I do so and sit on the stage. I want to sit on a sit but Mabel stoped me from doing this because: "Your ass might change the color of the sit or its form and when the guards arrive they would thinks someone was here before and that will ruin the plan. 

" If you really look around its not that much dosty " I say

" okay but lets just see whats inside the last bag... "

Mabel open the bag and I join him. Inside the bag is...

" The fuck is that ? Web ? Bottle of...dust ? " I asks

" He wants us to really make a mess " Mabel says

" Well than ! You don't tell me twice ! " I say

I then put dost every where inside the VIP room, the stage, the floor below and just make a really mess. When were done with it. We just go back to room and through the window.

We walk to the front of the building to watch if any city guards will actually show up, about two minute after we left around 10 city guards arrive, one wearing some kind of soldier outfit. Probably a sucker for control that became someone important.

" Hello good sir, we have been reported that some illigal sexual product have been detect inside this building " the important bitch says

" With all due respect sir there is nothing to search here. The owner of this building is someone very respectable and he would never have use anythings illigal " one of the guard say

" We still have to search here. I do hope theres nothing here. I really liked the place and the owner is someone I know but...I can't just not do my job " he says

" Alright sir, but you'll find nothing " the guard says

" I hope so " the sir says

 They then all enter, 10 minute later the sir was getting away looking disapointed and close the building himself. He then took the guards away to probably arrest them and city guards just start to post themself on post.

" Did you close the window ? " Mabel says

" No ? " I say

" Shit ! They will realize someone broked inside the building " Mabel says

" Dont worry I got it ! " I say

I go to the halleyway to close the window but then some guard post himself in he halleyway and pratically see me. I climb as best as I can on the building, having my hand on the other building and my feet on the building we just trash.

The guards walk to the window looking at them, probably wondering what are those. I land on the ground and run as fast as possible without being seen, I think. I stop running when I'm inside the crouwd and walk to Mabel.

" Thats done. That was easier than I thought " I say

" Hey very easy " Mabel says

" Hey when I did everything " I respond

" No you didn't ! I was present " he says

" I was the one who broke...we shouldn't say that out loud " I say

" Yeah no lets get back to Trist restaurant and tell him about this " he says

We walk out of the center but then I the middle of the road, just as they decide not to come before but at this, Col and the nerd just walk looking like dumbass. is that a guard ?? Oh fuck its a fucking guard.

" Oh ! Hey mister Frade ! " Col says

Well...guess I need to play nice now...