Chapter 4
September 1, 1991. Hogsmeade Station 6:30 P.M.
"Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here! All right there" Harry heard Hagrid shouting
"Come on, Let us go" Ron said to Harry, Hermione and Neville.
They followed Hagrid through a narrow way in the Station. They were led through a Forest with enormous trees, They watched as various animals, insects, birds passed through them. The wildlife appeared to be scrutinizing them, judging them. After much walking, they arrived at a clearing where huge leaves, the size of Hagrid's face, were floating in the air. "Climb' on them." Hagrid roared.
The sky was darkening. All the First years did as they were told. After everyone had climbed their leaves, "Don't worry they are warded so you do not fall" Hagrid reassured some students. Hagrid punched something in the air and they started zooming everywhere. all the students zoomed past each other to different areas of the forest.
Harry zoomed through the forest, he saw Hermione go south and Ron go West. His leaf slowed down, entering a dark forest canopy all the sounds suddenly just stopped. Only the whistle of wind could be heard, Harry was frightened. Then small blue orbs descended from the trees and nearing the ground they slowed down in an arc so they would surround Harry. The orbs filled him with warmth and drove away his fear. With a pulse his leaf dropped him on the ground and zoomed away. The orbs pulsed and started moving. He followed the orbs through the twists and turns. Though the atmosphere made him shiver and cower, the orbs leaked their warmth. He encountered a snake in his path, he picked it up. The snake started shaking itself to free itself. "&" Free me, you filthy human, I was just hunting for worms"&"
"&"Hello, My name is Harry, can you tell me how can I get to Hogwarts"&"
"&"You are a Speaker!. Follow the orbs and they will lead you to Hogwarts. Please speaker put me down, I cannot accompany you to Hogwarts"&"
Harry put him down and restarted his trek, at this point he was not paying much attention and just blindly followed the orbs. In his fatigue he climbed a ledge and without paying attention fell. During his fall the orbs stayed with him and his leaf came back to support him. The leaf zoomed him through the sky and over the clouds where he was accompanied with strange birds like horses which flew with him. He marveled at the crescent moon. The leaf eased under the clouds and began decent to the ground. From the height he saw orbs of light coloring the Forest under him, in different hues like red, purple, brown, white. He was bewildered and satisfied at the same time when all the orbs started heading towards the lake, He too was led there. Nearing the lake he saw Terry Boot who he saw at the train. Terry waved at him, he did the same. Their attention was diverted as all other students with their unique orbs came near him, The lake was decorated like a Christmas tree, with all the lights. In the far distance he saw the outline of Hogwarts' main tree. All of them started darting toward it. Many fishes, dolphins and even humanoids came to the surface to follow the students. Some jumping, some swimming and some floating, a Song broke out from the forest surrounding the Lake. It filled him with peace, hope and determination, as they neared the shore, Their orbs left them and in unison started surrounding the base of Hogwarts. As the seemed to settle each and every orbs jumped at odd angles and integrated themselves in a different canopy of the tree, lighting a different part.
Hogwarts lit up and the song reached it's chorus. The students came together and were levitated to the front of the great hall, Which opened. As the smell of food and flowers reached them, they lined up and entered the hall.
"Look, they have come!, Minerva." Dumbledore exclaimed to Minerva
"Calm down, Grandpa Dumbles, They are here to stay. Let me get them sorted, then we will talk about your urge to teach History of Magic." Minerva received a momentary pout from Albus.
"Ahh, a new year and new innocence. I hope at least now she will let me teach the kids, I have been asking her for years. What do you think I should do, Filius?" Albus gave Flitwick a questioning look.
"Follow your heart and make way. But do see that your duty as Mugwump doesn't interfere. Now let us see the Sorting" at this point all of the Great Hall was silent.
"Abbot, Hanna" Minerva called out
As the students got sorted, they arrived on the one Albus looked least forward to. "Potter, Harry" The whole great hall stared at the black haired boy. Harry shyly sat on the chair, the hat engulfed his head, hiding the stares from all the others. A long time passed, but the decision wasn't clear. Then clearly Hat shouted,"GRYFFINDOR" the Gryffindor table erupted with mirth and joy. Albus himself couldn't help but smile at the happiness of his wards or grandkids as he regarded them as.
As the sorting continued, Albus hatched a plan to get what he wanted. As the last student Blaise Zabini was sorted into Slytherin, He stood up and started his speech.
"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years, please note that the deeper part of the forest is strictly forbidden to all students, if they don't wish for immediate and painful death. Also, see the caretaker, Mr. Filch's list of forbidden items. Last but not the least, it is with sorrow that I have to announce the retirement of Professor Binns, the former History of Magic professor. I will be replacing him for our biweekly lectures on History of Magic" all the students cheered at the last announcement.
Minerva openly glared at him while Filius chuckled. "Albus, as Deputy-Headmistress you had to consult me on this decision. Your duties as Headmaster and Supreme Mugwump might be compromised. I'm thoroughly disappointed in you" Minerva scolded him and sent a pinching jinx towards him.
"Ouch, Minnie Professor Binns was hampering the grades of History. I received several complaints from former students about his dull lectures and outdated curriculum. I had to take action"
"Whatever your reasons" Minerva Huffed.
After his sorting Harry made his way to the Gryffindor table, He took a seat beside Neville. "Hello Neville, I'm glad you are with me," Harry said clueless. "I knew you would be in Gryffindor, anyway do you know where we will sleep, I want to take some things out of my trunk". "No idea, I haven't found much about it in the books we read.". "Hush you two, the Headmaster is announcing something." Hermione admonished them.
After Dumbledore's announcement, First years were concerned and confused and one Seamus Finnagan asked a 5th year student about Professor Binns, "Oh Binns was a ghost who taught us History of Magic, His classes were very boring. We used his classes to get some sleep and do homework. But now we won't be able to. But Dumbledore is teaching, I bet it will be fun. Oh it's time for you to go lads" the girl said. "Gryffindor First Years, Follow me" An older boy resembling Ron shouted. All the 1st years followed him down the Main Tree, into the forest.
They had walked for around ~15 minutes when Justin Danworth squealed,"Oh, how much more, I'm tired. Where are we going?"
"Calm down firstie, We are going to Camp Gryffindor where you will stay for the rest of year. Better get used to this walking, you would have to do this at least 2 times a day, 3 if you forget something. During my 1st year, I had to go back and forth all the time because I forgot something all the time. Don't worry no animal is going to attack you Ron, the whole forest is warded to repel hostile creatures"
"Are we going to learn 'warding' this year?" Hermione asked. "No, you will learn it next Year. Now we are nearing the camp. Make sure if you have any doubts or problems come to me or any of the upper years, they will help you no matter what. We lions protect our pack" Percy continued as they reached a small grove in the forest. Several Large camps and Huts were erected, and a small bonfire was also going.
"Now follow me I will show you your camps, every year you will switch camps. Don't worry about flies, it is warded, Hermione." He followed him into the large camp. The camp was even larger on the inside, it smelled of wood, and flowers, it was furnished with Tables, chairs and it had 6 beds, each with golden letters on the side.
"This is the boys Quarter, Boys take place where your name is written and go to sleep. All of you are very Exhausted from the journey. Girls follow me to your Quarters. No, Parvati they will not be able to enter your Quarters, it is Warded" The girls followed Percy.
The boys took their places on their bed. Harry's bed was on the last bed, with Nevile and Ron to his Left. he changed his clothes in the Lavatory and sat on his bed. Other boys did the same.
"Good night Neville."
"Good Night Harry" said Neville, already Half asleep.
Monday, September 2, 1991. First year Gryffindor Camp. 6:00 A.M.
Harry awoke feeling like all his muscles had been made anew. He felt energetic, as he moved out of bed, he saw a piece of parchment at his bedside table. It was his timetable, he had charms, herbology, double potions, defense against the dark arts, and History of Magic today. He rose from his bed seeing all his yearmates asleep, he quietly showered and packed the necessary books in a rucksack. Taking Oony Foot's book, he exited the tent and roamed around the camp to find yesterday's bonfire. But to his surprise the place of the bonfire was housing a small hut. As he went into the Hut too, the camp was bigger on the inside. It included sofas, chairs and tables. He sat in one of the comfy chairs and started reading his book.
He was able to perform the spells but was never able to recall much of it's theory. He knew theory was important due to Aunt Petunia's insistent scoldings on Dudley. But he just would just forget some of it. 'I'll remember it when professors teach' he reassured himself and started practicing the warmth and trip charm. 'At least I'm good at practicals.'.
After a while he just sat on his bed, waiting for everyone to wake up. "Morning Harry" Nevile whispered as he went to the lavatory. Soon all his year-mates were awake, they all one by one changed. "Are you all ready?, We are late for the Breakfast."
"We are ready!" They replied and followed him through the forest. As they reached the great hall, they dug into their food. "Hello I'm Eliza the head girl, I'll show you to your classes today, if you have completed your eating let's go to your charms class" Eliza said and repeated to the Ravenclaws.
Charms class was situated in the cavity of the main tree. "Hello, students. Welcome to your first class at Hogwarts!" Professor Flitwick squeaked. The charms class was a very modern room, with a balcony overlooking the forest, posters, paintings and sculptors adorned the room. He sat at a table with Terry Boot,
"So the first charm you will be learning is the lighting spell, 'Lumos'" the letters appeared above his head. "Though it is a relatively new spell, created only in 1784 by Elizabeth Jenkins. The original purpose was to actually create a light which could drive away hostile beasts, But it instead only created light. In a study done in 1799, it was proved to be the easiest spell thus is used as the first spell a student learns. Now are there any questions, yes Ms. Granger".
"Sir, in the book it doesn't mention the color of light, so can any color be made through the spell?."
"Good question, yes the spell can create light of any color, but at first we will learn to create the white color light. Then after the class has mastered it we will learn other colors. Any more questions, none. So we will begin, the incantation is 'Lumos' say it with me 'Lumos'."
After trial and error, he, Hermione, Padma, Ron, Parvati, Terry and Anthony Goldstein were able to cast the spell. "Okay 8 points to Gryffindor and 6 points to Ravenclaw, for successfully casting the spell. Class halt, we will continue this lecture tomorrow."
He arrived at the next lecture which was Herbology, it went relatively smoothly. Professor Sprout just gave them theory and said practical work wouldn't start until next week when they would successfully adapt to the Hogwarts' environment. Unlike Nevile and Anthony, he did not like the class, but the classroom was lovely. The Herbology class was located on the top of a nearby tree with one of the branches joining them with the main tree. The floor was made of stone, while the edges of the terrace were covered in plants and flowerbeds, the sky lit the class, harry could see various other similar terraces where older students sat doing herbology work.
Potions class was the worst, in Harry's opinion, Professor snape kept admonishing him on trivial things, and made him look like a fool in front of the Slytherins. Harry jotted down notes as fast as he could, seeing all other Gryffindors did the same. The Potion's room was the most boring classroom, with jet black floors and walls, white stone tables and a chalkboard. On top of all of it, everyone had to stand as in Snape's words "When you sit, you become careless. And carelessness while brewing will lead to horrifying death'.
After the class
"I hate Snape, can I drop his subject? He will torment me for 7 years." Harry said, Neville gave him a knowing look. "Come on, He isn't that strict. You should just have read up on the potions book, His arguments and comments, though a bit harsh, were reasonable." Hermione said, receiving a gasp from Ron.
They ate their Lunch in silence until Eliza took them to Defence against the dark arts.
The DADA class room was located inside the bark of the tree, round in shape and with no decorations or windows, it had small air vents and some lights. Professor Quirrel was nowhere to be found.
When they were all seated, Professor Quirrel appeared in the room.
"Hello Students" he said, surprising everyone
"This is the Defence Against the Dark Arts lecture, where you will learn the intricacies of the dark arts, how to recognize, use and defend against them. Now before we begin what comes to your mind as you hear Dark Arts?. Yes Mr. Weasley."
"The dark arts are those curses, which are used to damage life."
"Partially right, yes Mr Boot."
"They are magics which are used and made to threaten life and damage the users soul"
"Correct Mr. Boot, though I can't teach you curses in the first classes. I will teach you how to end a fight if you are trapped. Today as it is the introduction I will teach you how to think strategically and defeat a powerful opponent, using the Lumos spell".
Quirrel slicked his wand and 2 Lions charged at him, a dome of blue hue was erected in the centre of the room ,where quirrel and the lions were.
"Here kitty cat, ohh you can run" as the lions closed on him. 'Lumos' blinding light came over the room and the sounds of beating were heard. 'Nox' the light and the dome disappeared.
"See what I did there. Though I did not know how to kill the beasts. I used the Lumos spell to stun them and knocked them out with physical punches. In a duel, magical power is only useful to a certain extent. Strategic power matters. Now 5 inches on how you can use the levitation charm to end a fight. I know you don't actually know the spell, but imagine a scenario where you used the levitation charm to end a fight. Homework to be submitted next week on Monday. Thank You, take the rest 10 minutes to talk about the levitation charm."
After the class.
"Quirrel is wicked, I loved his class. I wish we could have his class everyday." Neville Said, with nods from almost all the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw first years.
He loved the History of Magic classroom. Walls covered with historic documents, maps, paintings of Knights and Kings, Antiques filling the shelves and the smell of coffee filling the air. The furniture looked antiques made of polished mahogany, But Headmaster's desk was made of Quartz.
"Hello, as this is your last lecture of the day, take a moment to loosen down."
"Okay history of magic is a broad subject, consisting of wars, treaties, downfall and rise of nations, and much more. This subject is far more useful than most give it credit. This subject is not just remembering lines and mugging facts. History makes you wise. As a great man once said, "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." Headmaster flicked his wand and the words were etched onto all the tables in silver letters.
"I will not list facts and make you remember them. I will animate as the muggles say, each and every story you will need to learn. But firstly, ask any questions you want about the magical world. Yes Mr Corner."
"Sir tell us about the formation of Hogwarts"
"Yes Yes, I suppose it was quite a historical event." Dumbledore flicked his want, all the lights dimmed and several orbs of light rushed out of his wand.
"So it began in 1417, the magicals children were home schooled. Some of them received a very good education, while the others had to learn for themselves. Seeing the state of education, 4 of the most brilliant magicians came together to start a school. Those 4 were Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff. These united with their goal to establish good education for all magicals, started a small school in Helga's home, which happened to be the tree we are occupying, at first 15-20 students were taught. Seeing the results of Hogwarts' education, other families too sent their children. Due to the increase in the number of students each and every founder chose a site for their student camps. As they aged the Founders created a Hat which would determine the House of the students when they didn't exist. Thus after years Hogwarts grew and grew." The lights changed forms and colors into the things he talked abouts, jumping from desk to desk. All gave their rapt attention to the monologue. As it ended the lights lit up slowly.
"You might ask why the camps are so distant from the main tree. Well, you see the magical powers directly correlate with physical health. Seeing this the founders chose the distant sites. Now if there aren't any Questions, let us go to the Great hall. I don't know about you but the history of Hogwarts has made me quite Hungry. Who wants food?"
A/N: Thank you to Luna for betaing this fic. The story is gonna be a long one with a bit sporadic updates, almost half of the outline is done. This will be major AU fic with weird ass magic. Follow the wild ride