A thirty ear old woman is cleaning her house, her children are watching TV & her husband is not at home. Today is Sunday we should go on a weekend but I'm hear cleaning and my hubby is gone on business trip. What's the point we are all busy now. From the hall the voice came--please Mumma give me water. Mother replied "yes". After that she started to clean the house. She started to think how good it was ,when she was in high school. But now I have to go to office look after my kids . At the last when she was cleaning store room, her eyes got stuck on a pink diary with circle prints and black borders. She started to remember how she was back then when she was in 10th.The diary in her hands is the first and last diary which she got in class 10th. Suddenly her head becomes giddy and her eyes become cloudy.
28 March 2024(A DAY)
Today's day was an ordinary day as usual I reached school and climbed stairs to reach 7th floor because the lift was full. But today's day is different from past days because today he also reach at the same time as I was reached. I was climing stairs so fast just today, as he was going to chase me but when I look behind his posture was very straight, calm look, emotionless attitude, keeping his both hands in pocket. Moving forward but not to fast and not to slow, I got so much frightened that i ran so fast on stairs.
As you want to know who this person is you have to wait..... Mmmm... Not.. to long. The person we are talking about is someone special who has made my life upside down👆🔄👇. Now if I tell people this, they will say who?? Your bf ?? If not bf, your crush?? So for this que yeah he is a so called crush.. Oh you know what the crush is and how you get crush on some one... So let me tell you crush is someone who has mesmerised you, particularly high school crushes are most crazy. So in my small 🤏term life which is now also going on their are only two who were able to get my attention first my childhood crush people call it innocent love Or childhood sweetheart. And second is "him"who has not make my heart race but made me run over stairs. You know what I said first while talking about this person " Made my life 👆🔄👇"why??? -this the que everyone asks me second que why you always talk about him only?? Did he made you angry by something?? Or you make him angry?? No nothing is correct.. Because I have never talked to him.!!!! Bingo!!! Wow girl you are so awesome 👍👏👏you even did not talk to him and you are upside down.....
Continue in next chapter of my life😜
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