The sanctuary was alive with energy as preparations for the upcoming strike began. Kael was busy organizing logistics, gathering supplies, and ensuring that everyone understood their roles. Canna, too, had his own task. He needed to convince Dravos to join their cause.
Summoning the red portal, Canna prepared to return to Clan Varran. He stepped through, emerging back into the dining hall where a group of startled guards stood, unsure of what to do with his sudden appearance.
"Where's Dravos?" Canna asked, his voice calm but commanding.
The guards exchanged nervous glances. They were unaccustomed to anyone, let alone an outsider, addressing their revered saint so casually. Canna sighed, realizing they were too stunned to offer any useful information. Without another word, he transformed into a bolt of lightning and shot through the clan grounds toward the arena.