Five months had passed since the domain merge with Arborath, and to Canna, it felt as though only a single day had gone by. The sheer scale of tasks he had to manage in the sanctuary had made time fly by faster than he expected. There were two main reasons for his delay in continuing his travels, and both were significant.
First, Arborath, the massive catastrophe-ranked turtle, had expended a vast amount of energy during the merge. Though his small turtle form remained awake, he had warned Canna that his real body would need to slumber for five months to regain its lost power. Luckily, Arborath had a unique skill that allowed his main body to recharge its energy faster than usual as long as he remained in a deep sleep. Despite the turtle's reassurance that he could manage things on his own, Canna decided to stay nearby. He wanted to ensure that Arborath, who had just entrusted so much to him, was safe and had the energy he needed before he departs.