Raphael rolled his eyes. He reached for a small chocolate cake and taking a bite, he delighted in the burst of the sourness that filled his mouth as he sunk his teeth into the liqueur-filled cherry inside the cake. It was a perfect mixture with the sweet bitterness of the dark chocolate.
If he were asked which of their children was the most like Ly, he would say it was his own son, Arlen. The two of them were just too stubborn for their own good. However, it was a competition; Ly would absolutely win. She was just using this time that Arlen wanted her approval to force an apology.
Raphael loved her cunning side the most.
He reached for another sweet cake, a fluffy sponge cake wrapped in a glaze of chocolate and almonds.
Arlen was not the kind to be stubborn about apologies. However, when it came to his mother…Well, the two of them needed therapy.